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  1. What are some builds that diverge from a character’s canon class line and specialities that you’ve had a fun time with? I recruited Ingrid in my Church run, so during my Blue Lions run I decided to make her an armor unit and because of her good speed and res, she’s basically unkillable. I’m gonna make her a Great Knight but I gave her the March Ring so she’s still managing to keep up with everyone else decently enough at the moment. During the Church route I basically made everyone a Flyer, and while pretty much everyone did decently, Wyvern Lord Ferdinand was the ultimate dodge tank with late game enemies having a 0% hit rate against him if he waits at full health. (Everyone knows flyers are busted in this game by now but it’s still very satisfying to see.)
  2. My husband and I are gonna play together, so we'll probably stick to Normal for the first route since he's somewhat of a beginner. We prefer Casual mode just to save ourselves some time, since both of us would want to reset to keep everyone alive anyway, but because of the Divine Pulse helping alleviate that, we may give Classic a try. On the second/third routes, we'll go for the harder difficulties.
  3. My husband should be buying the special edition for me as a birthday present... My birthday is two days before release, so if he forgot I'll just preload.
  4. I don’t own any fire emblem amiibos but if I did I’d probably want the Celica amiibo just to hear With Mila’s Divine Protection every time I’m grinding.
  5. I’m interested in Catherine or Shamir for M!Byleth and Seteth or Yeritz for F!Byleth. I probably won’t go after the students but if I did my choices would be: Black Eagles: Caspar and Petra Blue Lions: Felix and Mercedes Golden Deer: Claude and Leonie
  6. Byleth is just so tired of teaching they take a 5 year power nap.
  7. Tbh I’m liking him more than I thought. I imagined just a snobby posh person from his brief line of dialogue with Caspar in the footage we saw, but him being mostly lazy unless when it comes to something he’s passionate about is a big mood. I’d like to see more of their friendship.
  8. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm getting married in six days so I've been understandably busy. Also Chapter 4... Chapter 4 took a couple of hours due to several resets. They kind of blend together. I just saved the screenshots from the successful attempt, but even that had some bad luck.
  9. This is on the Japanese side of things, but I’m hoping for Tomokazu Sugita to do another role. He voices Chrom, which is such a big role they might not want to cast him as a major character again. However, I feel he’s at his best playing a comedic or villain role, and since he already voiced a comedic side character with Oliver, I think it would be great to hear him as a maniacal Fire Emblem villain.
  10. I think you could argue Mercedes isn’t a true commoner since she did come from nobility originally. We don’t know her full story yet, but maybe her family moved because of a political situation but otherwise are still rich and noble?
  11. I don’t get where people are coming from saying Lysithea is young looking tbh. Like she doesn’t look any more young than the rest of the cast, she’s just flat. I can easily argue that a ton of the roster “look young” but I don’t think any of them are gonna be like Child Prodigies where they’re significantly underage.
  12. Like I said before, there’s gonna be some fake stuff even in credible leaks so I’m definitely not gonna trust in everything she said, so once the game comes out we can see what was real and what was a red herring. And also Scarlet isn’t “locked behind DLC” she’s in Birthright and gets to live in that one. It sucks she dies in Revelations too but I just sort of think of her as a Birthright exclusive unit.
  13. Oh okay, I misunderstood the rules of what undrafted units are allowed/not allowed to do, so that's a relief. I can save my money for things that actually matter. EDIT: this post was gonna have my update in it but I accidentally posted it too soon lol EDIT 2: I'll try not to clog this up with too many screenshots since it's just the first couple of chapters which are not too exciting. I took over 100 screenshots which is way too many.
  14. Somehow I knew I’d get stuck with the worst character in the game but hey, maybe he’ll be worth the 9980 gold I’m gonna pay for him? Rennac please prove your worth.
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