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Maybe there will be a new FE anime!


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I bet it would be bad, but I'll willing to give it the benefit of the doubt if they actually announced it and reveal who was working on it. I wonder if they'd do something like the CG cutscenes in Awakening and Fates.

I really doubt it. The models for the CG cutscenes are insanely good and there is a reason why they only have like 6 or so characters at most. Imagine the budget for all the unique characters they have to make for 12 or so episodes. Even Frederick never appears in the CG scenes despite being a huge presence throughout the story.

The FE9 and FE10 was a similar situation where only the few main characters were made for the scenes. A lot of the same character models were used in those big army fight scenes.

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I really doubt it. The models for the CG cutscenes are insanely good and there is a reason why they only have like 6 or so characters at most. Imagine the budget for all the unique characters they have to make for 12 or so episodes. Even Frederick never appears in the CG scenes despite being a huge presence throughout the story.

The FE9 and FE10 was a similar situation where only the few main characters were made for the scenes. A lot of the same character models were used in those big army fight scenes.

Same company made both games Cutscenes, they are quite good actually, but an anime is a better Idea, FE 9 Anime would be Ideal, it has everything an anime structure needs, A developing main character, an iconic and relatable cast, a good story, goals and reasons, good villains, amazing mythos, and most importantly the main group are not royalties.

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If they did an Awakening anime, I'd love it if they went with non-conventional couples, or took the Female Robin x Chrom route.

EW, I would really hope not, but sadly, this is probably what would happen if female Robin is used. Which is why I don't want an Awakening anime.

The only kind of Awakening/Fates anime I'd like to see is if there are episodes that use all kinds of pairings. Like, one episode could have Frederick x female Robin, then another could have her with Chrom instead. The same episode with Frederick/female Robin could have Stahl x Cordelia as well while the one with Chrom/Robin could have Stahl x Olivia. And so on. This way, it doesn't have to follow Awakening's terrible story, it doesn't have to worry about consistency, and everyone can see their preferred pairings. It doesn't have to be just about romance either, of course. It can also deal with some of the events from Awakening or just some everyday business.

Edited by Anacybele
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Awakening anime should have no pairings, have the kids show up and you'll have to guess who the father is.

It'll be Fire Emblem: Jerry Springer

Awakening spoilers


(Yes I know it's not Jerry Springer, but close enough)

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If it's FE, then it would probably be FE13/14, and that would suck

It'd probably TLoZ, tbh. Probably adapting the games chronologically, from SS to OoT, then splitting and doing each Timeline as it's own season or something.

My personal hope of course, is them working together with Hidenori Kusaka to adapt Pocket Monsters Special. Then we can have a cool Pokémon anime.

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If it's Zelda, they better make Link talk, voice actor and everything. I'm tired of the "Link is mute" BS from some fans. He IS NOT MUTE. We see his mouth moving when people talk to him plenty of times and even his grunts and groans alone prove that he has a voice. A truly mute person does not have a voice. An anime with Link talking full sentences would finally shut up those people saying he's mute.

Honestly, saying Link is mute would be like saying Mario is mute. Mario is often treated as a "silent" protagonist as well.

Just have to hope that this Link isn't like the one from the Zelda cartoon. He was really funny at first, but it got old fast.

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Everyone knows Link is not mute. He is silent. There's a difference.

Then why have I still seen a bunch of people say he's mute? He's also technically not silent. There's a reason I put the word in quotation marks.

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Then why have I still seen a bunch of people say he's mute? He's also technically not silent. There's a reason I put the word in quotation marks.

People who call Link mute likely have a misconception of what the word "mute" actually means. Everyone knows Link can talk, since he does respond to other characters in the game and he does make audible sounds in given situations.

Link is silent because he's the textbook definition of a silent protagonist.

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Yeah, but I feel like when you don't put the word silent in quotation marks, you mean literally silent, which isn't true for Link either. But I get what you mean.

Bear in mind that silent, by definition, does not necessarily mean someone who doesn't speak at all (which would be an equivalent of mute), but it could be applied to someone who speaks very little, or tends to not speak in most situations, which is a more apt definition for a Silent Protagonist.

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Bear in mind that silent, by definition, does not necessarily mean someone who doesn't speak at all (which would be an equivalent of mute), but it could be applied to someone who speaks very little, or tends to not speak in most situations, which is a more apt definition for a Silent Protagonist.

Yeah, I'm aware now. But it's actually not an equivalent of mute. Mute means you're unable to speak, that you have no voice. I know because I met a mute boy in a hospital once when I was a kid. His mom said that he was simply unable to talk at all and called that being mute.

You can be silent while still having the ability to talk. But that's another topic, so...

Yeah, Glac, you're right about that too. Of course, I'd also love a Tellius anime that uses Ike x Elincia, but that would never happen for obvious reasons... :( It's why I want a Tellius anime, but at the same time, I don't... (I realize that an Elibe book uses Hector x Florina even though Hector x Lyn is clearly the more pushed pairing in the game, but both of those pairings are at least possible in their respective game, Ike x Elincia is not, sadly)

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If a Zelda anime/cartoon/movie happens, Link will most definitely speak. Silent protagonists only really work on video games.

What about Wall e?

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Dumbo too. But I don't think a Zelda cartoon or movie with a "silent" Link could work as well as that one does, what with how much stuff Link explains to people and how many times he introduces himself.

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I'd be pretty excited if they announced a Fire Emblem anime, but at the same time I'd be nervous. I feel like it'd be really hard to give each character proper development. I also feel like they'd have to decide which pairings to use for all the games that have kids (or sequel/prequels that are 20 years apart, in 6/7's case), and that would anger so many people when their ships aren't used.

I feel like Kid Icarus and Star Fox would both make excellent anime as well, and I'd honestly be a tad more excited for them just because of the nervousness I'd hold for FE. Zelda'd be cool too, but Link's speech should be kept to a minimum, to keep with the spirit of the whole "silent protagonist" thing.

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What about Wall e?

Dumbo too. But I don't think a Zelda cartoon or movie with a "silent" Link could work as well as that one does, what with how much stuff Link explains to people and how many times he introduces himself.

I'm talking mostly about how Silent Protagonists are handled in video games, which are characters that do speak yet they are kept silent for purposes of the player. Wall-E and Dumbo are characters that are created with the intention of being silent, since that's what's expected in the context of their films (Wall-E is a robot that doesn't speak human language in a desolated world, Dumbo is baby elephant that doesn't understand most of what goes on around him)

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