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Doubt inherit skills


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Hi, I 'm new

I have a cuestion

While playing , I married Charlotte Lazwald and for every level up to the Laz got the skills charlotte.

Anyone know what happened?

Excuse my bad English

Was Lazward or Charlotte a Brave Hero?

When two characters are married and one of them is in a class that their spouse can promote to, they will start learning skills of their spouse's base class.

For example, Lazward is a Mercenary, so he can promote to Brave Hero. Charlotte is a Fighter, so she can also promote into a Brave Hero. So if Lazward is a Hero, he will start to learn Fighter skills like Roundhouse, even if he never used a Marriage Seal.

The same thing would happen if you married Luna and Zero and made Luna a Bow Knight. She would start to learn Outlaw skills.

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Was Lazward or Charlotte a Brave Hero?

When two characters are married and one of them is in a class that their spouse can promote to, they will start learning skills of their spouse's base class.

For example, Lazward is a Mercenary, so he can promote to Brave Hero. Charlotte is a Fighter, so she can also promote into a Brave Hero. So if Lazward is a Hero, he will start to learn Fighter skills like Roundhouse, even if he never used a Marriage Seal.

The same thing would happen if you married Luna and Zero and made Luna a Bow Knight. She would start to learn Outlaw skills.

wow that's new to me, thanks.

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Was Lazward or Charlotte a Brave Hero?

When two characters are married and one of them is in a class that their spouse can promote to, they will start learning skills of their spouse's base class.

For example, Lazward is a Mercenary, so he can promote to Brave Hero. Charlotte is a Fighter, so she can also promote into a Brave Hero. So if Lazward is a Hero, he will start to learn Fighter skills like Roundhouse, even if he never used a Marriage Seal.

The same thing would happen if you married Luna and Zero and made Luna a Bow Knight. She would start to learn Outlaw skills.

I saw this when I married Asama and Orochi but I thought it was a bug. That's actually pretty neat.

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Was Lazward or Charlotte a Brave Hero?

When two characters are married and one of them is in a class that their spouse can promote to, they will start learning skills of their spouse's base class.

For example, Lazward is a Mercenary, so he can promote to Brave Hero. Charlotte is a Fighter, so she can also promote into a Brave Hero. So if Lazward is a Hero, he will start to learn Fighter skills like Roundhouse, even if he never used a Marriage Seal.

The same thing would happen if you married Luna and Zero and made Luna a Bow Knight. She would start to learn Outlaw skills.

It's very cool they added this. It also happens between A+ ranks. I had Brave Hero Sophie with an A+ with Velour learning the fighter skills too.

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