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[FE14 Conquest] Who would be interested in trying an FE14 draft for conquest route?


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I want to try an FE14 draft in the Nohr route but there isn't a defined ruleset for it yet.

1. This draft is for 4 players
2. Avatar, Gunter, the early servant, Kanna and Aqua are free for all to use
3. The Conquest path will be chosen for this route.

4. Camilla is banned from being drafted
5. The difficulty before Ch. 7 will be Hard Classic. Afterwards, it will be switched to Normal Classic

1. Undrafted units may: Pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling)
2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units.
3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.
4. Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns.
5. Fathers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units
6. My castle buildings that can be used and upgraded: Armory, Vendor, Forge and Gem pile. Any building that is required to recruit characters can be built and upgraded but not used.
7. Talking to drafted units in my castle with an exclamation mark over their head is banned. Any items achieved from such conversations are also banned (regardless if characters involved were drafted or not). It is strongly recommend switching Felicia/Jakob out for a generic unit as the one in charge of the My castle menu.
8. Use of the Wireless Communication menu and the Dragon's gate is strictly prohibited.
9. Forging is allowed.

10. Undrafted units who comes with the Locktouch skill by default can open doors and chests

1. Avatar may take on any unmounted class

1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns
2. Undrafted units using Attack Stance or Guard Stance with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead.

3. Using Camilla past Ch. 10 is worth a penalty of 10 turns instead.

1. The servant that joins first, Kaze, Rinka and Sakura are free to use up to and including Ch. 6
2. Everybody is free to use for Ch. 6

3. Camilla is free to use for Ch. 10


Ownagepuffs: Arthur, Leo, Pieri, Felicia, Flannel, Izana
Peppy: Silas, Effie, Elise, Niles, Charlotte, Dia

Gwimpage: Xander, Beruka, Kaze, Mozu, Shigure, Benoit
Shephen: Selena, Odin, Nyx, Lazwald, Asyura, Flora

[spoiler=units remaining]


This ruleset is final but only for this draft specifically.

This ruleset is not officially a standard ruleset and FE13's ruleset was heavily referenced. Suggestions for changes in this current ruleset is not only welcome but also highly encouraged. (e.g. Which characters should be banned, what other exceptions can be added onto this ruleset, what skills are too OP to be used in drafts, etc...)

Edited by Peppy
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I'm not an experienced drafter but it seems that Jakob would be too overpowered for the run. Early promoted Cyrus would arguably not be too far behind though, but Jakob just levels up far too quickly while having incredible stats as a Paladin.

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I've heard people on r/FireEmblem put the Ch2 servant as free for the entire game. I don't have the game though so I don't know how it works out.

From what I've heard, a Camilla ban may be necessary. She's the second coming of Haar and is the best non-Corrin or Azura unit on the Nohr route by a substantial margin.

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I'm in support of a Cam ban post C10 (where she should be free).

Question: is pupeteer Kamui considered "mounted"?

I would say yes since puppeteers have movement greater than 6

Seeing the replies here, i'll add a ban for Camilla and make here free for Ch. 10. Anybody opposed to this?

Espinosa, i'll keep Jakob in mind. I'm just wondering whether the early servant should be banned, free, restricted to non-mounted classes. Maybe there's an alternative that hasn't crossed my mind yet.

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Outlaw class set MU will also have 7 mov as a promoted Adventurer/2nd tier Princess; not sure if that's a problem.

I guess the +1 mov skill can be removed when they get it as an outlaw.

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Camilla should be free or straightup banned. If we're playing on NM then banned, but on HM it's arguable whether she should be or not. She'd practically be Seth in an FE8 draft where everyone's clears become similar so she's probably better off banned.

I think Hard Mode would be better overall because NM is too far on the easy side. There are only a few maps where HM could prove to be difficult, but with proper planning and a decent team they shouldn't be an issue. (Thinking a map like Ch26 or Ch17 could be trouble)

The servant should be free and it's kind of ridiculous how much better Jakob is than Felicia for the earlygame. I'm not sure how one could make it more fair for male Avatars.

Dia/Deere should be draftable because the Female Avatar pick gets further skewed. Maybe change it so Kanna is free and Dia becomes draftable.

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Camilla should be free or straightup banned. If we're playing on NM then banned, but on HM it's arguable whether she should be or not. She'd practically be Seth in an FE8 draft where everyone's clears become similar so she's probably better off banned.

I modified the rules to ban her.

I think Hard Mode would be better overall because NM is too far on the easy side. There are only a few maps where HM could prove to be difficult, but with proper planning and a decent team they shouldn't be an issue. (Thinking a map like Ch26 or Ch17 could be trouble)

I think I'll stick to Normal for the time being (i'll consider it if others want it to be Hard). I feel like people could be roadblocked (rather than have a higher turncount) if there is insufficient preparation.

The servant should be free and it's kind of ridiculous how much better Jakob is than Felicia for the earlygame. I'm not sure how one could make it more fair for male Avatars.

Considering the past replies, i think i'll go with making the early servant being free. I have trouble figuring out how one can balance that situation also. Maybe i can limit reclassing options for one servant but perhaps there's a better method that hasn't come to mind yet.

Dia/Deere should be draftable because the Female Avatar pick gets further skewed. Maybe change it so Kanna is free and Dia becomes draftable.

I'll make these changes now. If anybody is opposed, feel free to say something.

Replies in bold

I would be interested in doing a Conquest draft.

Added to the list

I'll join too.

Going to add you to the list

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I don't know very much about the game (I haven't played it or watched any playthrough or anything) but I don't think you should be forced to remove the movement +1 skill that you get via the outlaw class. Making the avatar an outlaw seems kind of detrimental in the first place.

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