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Alpha Sapphire team recommendation


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Good morning everyone. I've OFFICIALLY started my playthrough of AS (even though the trainer card says 1/1/15). Normally, I like to pick my own teams, but, in case it's not obvious, it's been a while since I've played. So I'm gonna leave it up to the forum.

Before you guys get started, I have a couple of constraints.

#1: I prefer not to use legendaries in my in-game team.

#2: I prefer to use pokes that I haven't used before for each new game. Here's the list of all the ones in the Hoenn dex I've used before:

















My current team:

Treecko lv 12

Beldum lv 11

Ralts lv 10

Poochyena lv 10

I'm only set on using Treecko, so all of the others are replaceable. (should probably mention that Ralts will become Gallade if I keep him).

Edited by Griffonite
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I would keep Ralts and make him a Gardevoir, while Gallade is good, the Dawn Stone comes way too late in the game, seriously, you only get your first Dawn Stone just before the Pokemon League.

Besides, Fairy-Type is very useful in this game.

Another good choice is the Marill line, they hit very hard if they have Huge Power.

Altaria is mostly defensive but it's still very useful, and it's Mega Stone is very easy to get.

Electrike and Manectric are also very good and they can learn Fire moves.

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you only get your first Dawn Stone just before the Pokemon League.

Geez, who thought THAT was a good idea?

Anyway, thank you both for the suggestions. I'll add Electrike once I get further in and keep Beldum. Looks like I'll have to put a little more thought into Ralts and the remaining slots.

Edited by Griffonite
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How easy do you want to make the game?

If you just want a curbstomp, grab a Skarmory, a Fairy-type, something that breathes fire, and something that can use Surf competently, and call it a day.

If you want my personal suggestions, take the time to raise a Swablu, because Altaria is hilarious.

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Geez, who thought THAT was a good idea?

Anyway, thank you both for the suggestions. I'll add Electrike once I get further in and keep Beldum. Looks like I'll have to put a little more thought into Ralts and the remaining slots.

Well, if you want you can get an earlier Dawn Stone by trading with a friend, since you can have a Pokemon holding it.

It's also possible to trade with yourself, you really only need one 3ds and wi-fi.

Edited by Water Mage
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How easy do you want to make the game?

I want a decent challenge, though I'm only going to do minimal grinding so that already ups the difficulty.

Well, if you want you can get an earlier Dawn Stone by trading with a friend, since you can have a Pokemon holding it.

It's also possible to trade with yourself, you really only need one 3ds and wi-fi.

Yeah, I know, just wasn't considering that at the time.

So that's two votes for Altaria. Sure, why not. I think I'll take Water Mage's advice and go for Gardevoir too (not like it'll kill me to use another one). So the final team will look something like this: Sceptile, Metagross, Manectric, Gardevoir, and Altaria. Anybody want to chime in on #6 before I make a decision?

Edited by Griffonite
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Crawdaunt or Sharpedo would fit and would keep you from being overloaded (well, 4-2) on Special-using 'Mons... And, you'll need something to traverse the seas, anyway.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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