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Should Laguz return in Fire Emblem games?


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We do have shapeshifters in the 3DS games; they're just not called Laguz anymore because it's a different world. Sure, they can stay. Beaststone+ has a ridiculous speed bonus in Fates though and I wonder about the balance of that.

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If they don't have the Formshift then no. It was so frustrating dealing with them in PoR/RD -except the ones with Formshift-

This, this, this. I have a penchant for transformation stones anyway.


We do have shapeshifters in the 3DS games; they're just not called Laguz anymore because it's a different world. Sure, they can stay. Beaststone+ has a ridiculous speed bonus in Fates though and I wonder about the balance of that.

Considering Taguel are flatout mistaken for Laguz by Tellius characters, I don't really think they ever left. Instead, they just degenerated like the Manaketes.

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Like people have said before laguz are still around just in the form of manaketes from the older games, and the newish taguel and the new species of shape-shifters that appear in fates, if specifically laguz returned it would be in a game centred on the tellius saga but that has a miniscule chance of happening tbh.

Edited by ChloeC01
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No dice. The execution was just sloppy, especially in Radiant Dawn, to say nothing of how balanced they weren't.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Yeah, I wish for laguz to return. I don't like manaketes. Taguel are okay, but laguz had a lot more variety. You at least got to use several laguz and several different kinds. Beasts, birds, and dragons. I liked the transformation gauge too, I didn't have to worry about their weapons breaking or anything. Fuck stones and their limited uses.

Edited by Anacybele
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I hope not. They were mostly boring units (either bad or broken) and shoving them in the middle of a story just so they could be there wouldn't be something I'd like.

Also, I'm not fan of anthropomorphic characters.

Edited by Perfect Nobody
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Nah. Laguz were largely awful units and had little benefits. Not to mention that the TP Gauge was hideously flawed.

I'd rather stick to Manaketes and one or two other types like Fates. Flannel in particular is pretty amazing.

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I hope not. They were mostly boring units (either bad or broken) and shoving them in the middle of a story just so they could be there wouldn't be something I'd like.

Nah. Laguz were largely awful units and had little benefits. Not to mention that the TP Gauge was hideously flawed.

I'd rather stick to Manaketes and one or two other types like Fates. Flannel in particular is pretty amazing.

You two hit the nail on the head as to why I think laguz shouldn't ever return. Also, I'd consider a unit type that can only fight half the time and is absolutely useless the other half of the time to not be something I'd want to put up with, especially in a series where death is permanent.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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a series where death is permanent.

Casual mode exists these days though, it doesn't have to be permanent anymore.

Also, while I agree laguz got nerfed in RD for some stupid reason, this can obviously be fixed. The transformation gauge and such, they can be balanced better.

Edited by Anacybele
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Casual mode exists these days though, it doesn't have to be permanent anymore.

Also, while I agree laguz got nerfed in RD for some stupid reason, this can obviously be fixed. The transformation gauge and such, they can be balanced better.

Casual mode doesn't solve the core problem that laguz suffer from, which is "why should I use this unit that's only good half the time over a beorc unit that can always contribute?".

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No, I like the stone mechanic. The transform gauge made them too unreliable unless they were a royal. They reverted back at the worst times, and were useless until at least 5 rounds in. The stone mechanic makes them useful for the entire match.

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The main problem with the transformation gauge is indeed that it fills up too slowly, I won't deny that. I'd make it fill up faster, and whenever an untransformed laguz is attacked, the gauge goes up even more. It'll even still go up more if said attack misses. So you could have your laguz transformed again in just a couple turns, maybe three, and completely healthy without even needing to heal them. Oh yeah, and untransformed laguz would keep most of their speed and skill stats, so they can be dodgy even while untransformed. Their other stats would still take a hit though. Does this sound like it would work well enough?

Edited by Anacybele
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The main problem with the transformation gauge is indeed that it fills up too slowly, I won't deny that. I'd make it fill up faster, and whenever an untransformed laguz is attacked, the gauge goes up even more. It'll even still go up more if said attack misses. So you could have your laguz transformed again in just a couple turns, maybe three, and completely healthy without even needing to heal them. Oh yeah, and untransformed laguz would keep most of their speed and skill stats, so they can be dodgy even while untransformed. Their other stats would still take a hit though. Does this sound like it would work well enough?

Laguz still have some serious issues that'd need addressing, primarily the fact that they're too slow to improve relative to beorc. I could always just give a beorc that's struggling to deal damage a stronger weapon, but laguz are SOL.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Slow? lolwut, birds, wolves, and cats always seemed pretty fast to me. If dragons, lions, and tigers were really speedy, they might be too broken.


Way to miss the point, which was that beorc are easier and quicker to improve than laguz are.

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Ehhh, I didn't really expect that, but either way, it's a serious issue with laguz - you need to have them attack 70 times just to power up their Strike level to S. Needless to say, that's a struggle, especially for laguz that have low availability and/or Speed. What is more, they're arbitrarily treated as being double their level when transformed, meaning that they struggle to level up because of how pathetically weak they are untransformed. And even then, most laguz don't have very high growths in areas not named HP or Luck...

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