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Fire Emblem Merchandise

Cute Chao

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I've only recently really become interested in Fire Emblem (a year or so) but already it's my favourite game series of all time... Something I thought could only ever be final fantasy... But I've become interested in collecting some of the merchandise and I was wondering what kind there is. I know about the manga and the doushinis (can't spell that to save my life) although I don't really know where to get them (except ebay), especially for places that post to the uk. I was also wondering if there are any models, etc, of fire emblem charries out and where to get them and also for the trading card games... Heh, I'm not asking too much I hope ^^

(Also I was wondering if anybody knew where to find any scanlations of the manga...)

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It's "Doujinshi". =)

Besides manga, doujinshi and trading cards, I don't think there's much else (except random things like calenders and whatnot).

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The most interesting thing I can think of is the FE4 figurines. They were released a few years ago and featured 7 characters.

There's also the 3 main art/fanbooks- The Complete (FE1-3), Treasure (FE4) and Characters (FE6-7), although most of the interesting scans can be found online XD

Anyway, this reminds me that I really need to update the Merchandise page on the main site...

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I think I remember figures for Monshou as well--a bridge scene or something :/

There's always the Thracia collectors box with some video, two plushies, and like, a table cover or something, but... I don't think you'd be wanting to go after that one in particular :/

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Wow, I want the figurines :D

So does anyone know any shops or whatever (that post to the uk, that's important... bad dealings online before...) that sell this kinda stuff? Like I say, so far my only place has been ebay but that's not always the best place...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Wow, I want the figurines :D

So does anyone know any shops or whatever (that post to the uk, that's important... bad dealings online before...) that sell this kinda stuff? Like I say, so far my only place has been ebay but that's not always the best place...

Well ebay is pretty much the first place to look for. I checked stuff on FE but sadly they don't have it. :(

You can however try it at: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-19-71-99-49-...ire+Emblem.html

but theres not guarantee that you'll find it. <_<

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