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Windows 10 Automatic Updating is Really Annoying


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I don't know how many of you guys use Windows 10 or if you guys have already complained about this while I wasn't paying attention, but it really irks me how it's now impossible to disable the automated updates. Seriously, I was in the middle of a playthrough, and all of a sudden my screen changes to "Restarting..."!

While this is old news to me (and probably to you as well), I noticed something even more annoying today: the updates restore some of your settings back to their defaults! In particular, the one that came to mind was setting non-Unicode programs to default to Japanese, but after further inspection, I also noticed that it messed up certain other things (mostly optimizations to graphics card stuff and the like)!

Just wondering if anyone else would care to share their experiences with this.

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You can also set your internet connection to "metered" so it won't download then install them automatically. (But the catch is that it only works if you are using wi-fi, it doesn't work with wired ethernet)

Edited by Naughx
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That's...very odd, because I've never actually had Windows 10 do that. Windows 7 (my previous OS) would occasionally spring the "TIME TO UPDATE, NO YOU CAN'T DELAY THIS" message. But I've ignored/not seen the update popup in Windows 10 several times, and it's never restarted my computer without numerous warnings.

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You can also set your internet connection to "metered" so it won't download then install them automatically. (But the catch is that it only works if you are using wi-fi, it doesn't work with wired ethernet)

I realize this, but I think this has some drawbacks regarding other stuff (file syncing, downloading speed, etc.) that would be even more painful.

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You can delay it sometimes... but not always, I think (unless you are metering your data). If Windows thinks the update is absolutely essential, I've had it override whatever I was doing before.

Honestly, this in itself isn't extremely disturbing to me (though it's definitely very annoying); what I'm more uncomfortable with is the fact that it restores a bunch of your setting to default. I mean why? What's the purpose of that, really?

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Honestly, this in itself isn't extremely disturbing to me (though it's definitely very annoying); what I'm more uncomfortable with is the fact that it restores a bunch of your setting to default. I mean why? What's the purpose of that, really?

Are you talking about the November 1511 upgrade? It seems that they will release them every 3 months or so... (The next one could be 1602, but who knows?)

16 for 2016.

02 for February.


I mostly don't use Windows except for games that doesn't come natively in Linux and doesn't work in Wine. (So I keep a minimal installation on another drive)

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I'm actually talking about the one I got a couple of days ago (the 29th, I think)

I agree that Linux is cool and would probably be my preferred OS in "vacuum," but I find it's a pain to get all my various software applications working on Linux (especially games and certain graphical applications). Not that windows doesn't come with it's own share of problems when coding, but I guess you pick and choose your poison, right?

Edited by ruadath
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