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Potential confirmation of no dual-audio


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Uh, what?

Awakening, Xenoblade, and Xenoblade X have godly voice acting. Why would you even want dual audio for them? Adam Howden could carry an entire game by himself, much less with a rockin' cast with him. In X, Caitlin Glass brought her total A game. Why would you want to wish that away?

Now Fates? It isn't looking amazing, but it's still serviceable. I on principle disagree with dual audio though. English voice work is pretty much always better except for something like Sword Art Online, which had a laughable dub. Bringing something like Xenoblade up only hurts your argument.

EDIT: it's also why PxZ2 has me on the fence: no English voices afaik. No Carina Reeves as Fiora is a pretty big deal breaker, as is no Mercer or Bailey, and it had Igiari instead of Objection.

Why disagree with something that gives fans what they want? Some people may not think that English voice work is as good as Japanese. Give people the option to choose, don't take it away from them.

Edited by TheFantasm
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Why disagree with something that gives fans what they want? Some people may not think that English voice work is as good as Japanese. Give people the option to choose, don't take it away from them.

Agreed. While personally I usually tend to find that the Japanese voice acting tend to overact, which as a result causes the English dub to have to overact in order to fit the Japanese version, but I won't complain if there's dual-audio.

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Uh, what?

Awakening, Xenoblade, and Xenoblade X have godly voice acting. Why would you even want dual audio for them? Adam Howden could carry an entire game by himself, much less with a rockin' cast with him. In X, Caitlin Glass brought her total A game. Why would you want to wish that away?

Now Fates? It isn't looking amazing, but it's still serviceable. I on principle disagree with dual audio though. English voice work is pretty much always better except for something like Sword Art Online, which had a laughable dub. Bringing something like Xenoblade up only hurts your argument.

EDIT: it's also why PxZ2 has me on the fence: no English voices afaik. No Carina Reeves as Fiora is a pretty big deal breaker, as is no Mercer or Bailey, and it had Igiari instead of Objection.

You can't possibly be so english-centric. English might be an easy language but it's not the only language in the world.

I personally am not a fan of most USA English dubs or USA English voice actors (mostly due to it being so cheesy in anime/manga/japanese videogames), therefore if I have the option to use a different language dub I always go for that, THEREFORE I am grateful if developers give me dual audio as an option.

There are times where I don't choose the Japanese dub, and that's when I find it bad or when I think they did a better job with the English one (like the first Xenoblade).

Why would you disagree with dual audio? It's optional, if you dislike not-English dubs then don't choose them. And no, it's not always better... like for example effin' Fire Emblem: Fates. Felicia is so bad, it's early PSOne dub tier. It's almost as if you disagree with dual audio only to defend your favorite games. Nobody in their right mind would disagree with dual audio because it doesn't hurt the game at all, it only gives you more options.


Also that dude had nothing against english dubs so stop acting as if he did. He only said that, for some weird reasons, Dual Audio is removed from games after they become popular. He never ever ever said Xenoblade or Awakening had shitty english dubs. So, did you even read what he wrote?

One last thing: Elma sounds like a robot. So much for godly voiceacting.

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I wasn't going to use the JP audio either way, but i'll wait for the release/an official statement before making a judgement.

Sorry but a random poster from gamefaqs isn't a good source, and given the misinformation and confusion about this freaking game we have already had I reserve the right to be skeptical.

Look, I understand why you are skeptical. But I want to give proof. Please tell me what I can do.

Uh, what?

Awakening, Xenoblade, and Xenoblade X have godly voice acting. Why would you even want dual audio for them? Adam Howden could carry an entire game by himself, much less with a rockin' cast with him. In X, Caitlin Glass brought her total A game. Why would you want to wish that away?

Now Fates? It isn't looking amazing, but it's still serviceable. I on principle disagree with dual audio though. English voice work is pretty much always better except for something like Sword Art Online, which had a laughable dub. Bringing something like Xenoblade up only hurts your argument.

EDIT: it's also why PxZ2 has me on the fence: no English voices afaik. No Carina Reeves as Fiora is a pretty big deal breaker, as is no Mercer or Bailey, and it had Igiari instead of Objection.

Because some people have gotten it into their heads that all subs automatically > dubs. Not that I can blame them, with all the subpar dubs that have been handed to them for about a decade. But times have changed. Dubs have much higher standards now. And not just in video games; in anime too. FUNimation and Viz have been top-notch as of late.

I agree: the dubs of Awakening, Xenoblade and Xenoblade X are of that quality. And as you said, while Fates' dub has indeed taken a noticeable drop in quality, whether because of budget cuts or otherwise, it's still serviceable.

So while I don't think we should judge people if they would like to listen to the original Japanese audio, I also don't think they should make this much of a fuss if it's not present. Perhaps look at the dub with an open mind instead of comparing it to the Japanese audio or the dub days of old?

Edited by technickal
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Holy jeez! Please tell me it isn't true! While I was mostly gonna use english I also wanted to experience the Japan audio as well (and hear the sweet sweet voices of Mamoru Miyano and Miyuki Sawashiro). Surely they wouldn't cut it after we had it in Awakening? Cutting even more is the last we need to hear right now. What's next? The sibling S-Rank supports?! I'm seriously starting to believe that's going to happen now..... D:

Edited by Silver Lightning
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How long did take you to receive the email out of curiosity I have not gotten a response yet.

I haven't gotten one either and I sent mine maybe two hours ago.

Holy jeez! Please tell me it isn't true! While I was mostly gonna use english I also wanted to experience the Japan audio as well (and hear the sweet sweet voices of Mamoru Miyano and Miyuki Sawashiro). Surely they wouldn't cut it after we had it in Awakening? Cutting even more is the last we need to hear right now. What's next? The sibling S-Rank supports?! I'm seriously starting to believe that's going to happen now..... D:

While it's sad for dual audio to be gone, I'm not a big fan of Japanese voice actors since some of them hurt my ears with how they deliver their lines (mostly the female voice actors trying to do high pitched voices)

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I haven't gotten one either and I sent mine maybe two hours ago.

I sent mine at 1;32PM yesterday and still have not heard back so I think I emailed the wrong place sent it again thanks to a link provided to the right place.

Edited by goldenlance7
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For a game that was supposed to promote choices, they sure enjoy limiting the choices in the customer's hands. Lol, ight NoA. They're is going to need to be some serious redirection and rethinking over a lot of the approaches they've taken to this once it releases. Pre-release hype is supposed to be fun and full of anticipation, not anxiety from wondering how watered down the product is going to be. But whatever, just gonna play the game. Make the experience enjoyable for myself even if NoA intends to drop the ball ^^.

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The primary reason that localized games have no dual audio is because of costs that publisher have to pay for Japanese VAs. As far as I know Nintendo does not have this problem since they have different publishing system, so Awakening could be dual audio.

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Trying to have some optimism with all this, but all of this can't be 100% confirmed until Nintendo of America says anything in an OFFICIAL press release or until review copies go out, which I presume would be this week or next (unless they pull a Devil's Third where none are sent out). Then again, I won't believe anything until I see it for myself.

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So, people have said that the English FE is slightly bigger than the japanese, so if it has no dual audio, and no petting, what the heck is the extra data for? Do we even know it's bigger?

Dummied out data, replacement for skinship, incompetent compression or localizing programming are possibilities.

Pretty sure people knew how big the file size was, yeah.

Edited by Tryhard
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How big is the space difference? The difference in file size could easily be just how much space English text takes vs. Japanese text.

The reason the Japanese FE13 is larger than the American one is because the Japanese version had the whole "Silent Robin" mode that was never localized.

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Hmm... That's interesting. If that's the case, my only guess is that the live2D models remain, but they now have newly recorded dialogue to make up for the lack of touching in private quarters.

Anything else is probably programming work-arounds, for example tweaking Odin's personal skill to work with what I hope to be more than 8 English characters.

Edited by Giga Man
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Another thing to consider is that a lot of the voice acting in the Japanese version was from the skinship, which won't be in the localization anyway. So how on earth could the Western version be larger in filesize if both skinshipping and dual audio are not present, unless they just disabled the features without actually fully removing the files.

No dual audio might just be a deal breaker for me, considering that from what I have heard so far, the dub sounds really poor.

If it's true that there's no dual audio and no proper replacement for skinshipping, I may as well cancel my pre-order and just import from Japan... There's only so much removed content and poor localization I can take.

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