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Does anyone else like to color?


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I mean like, grabbing a coloring book and some crayons/pencils/whatever and going at it.

I know doing this is usually a kid thing, but if you've been into any book stores or retailers that sell books, you might have noticed series of adult coloring books. These are actually a thing now, so adults who still love picking up the crayons and coloring they loved to do as a kid definitely have nothing to be ashamed of. If someone makes fun of you for that, just show them your adult book and watch as they start feeling stupid. lol

Heck, I still buy the children's coloring books too, for the reason that they're easier to color and...well, I actually can't stay in the lines too well. I must not have great motor skills or hand-eye coordination or something... ._. Not to mention that there are coloring books for my favorite tv shows and movies (Scooby Doo, Disney, etc.).

Another thing, even if adult coloring books didn't exist, coloring is perfectly fine anyway. It's been proven to be therapeutic and a great stress reliever. If you've ever been to a therapist's or counselor's office or other such place and seen crayons and coloring books on the shelves, this is why!

My mom has a good friend who loves to color too. Anyone here like it too? Or did you love coloring books as a kid? (oh, but just to warn you, adult coloring books seem to be expensive... The one I bought was $13. o.o)

Edited by Anacybele
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I do a little coloring here and there





it doesn't exactly relieve stress in my case haha, but I'm really happy to see so many adults starting to pick it up! I do it as a profession and have quite a few fellow colorist friends. So definitely not something just for kids :D

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I just look up coloring pages online of characters I like and print them off. I also really like Dover coloring books, I used to have a "stained glass" one where you could take the pages out of the book and tape them to the window and it would look just like stained glass.

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I used to have a "stained glass" one where you could take the pages out of the book and tape them to the window and it would look just like stained glass.

Wow, now that I'd love to see. :o

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I like colouring. What is this 'coloring' you speak of?

Joking aside, I like to doodle crappy shit and colour it badly. Or just getting my really old Scooby-Doo colouring book and colour in the stuff I didn't when I was five.

Which is really weird, since when I do art in my art class, I use very little colour.

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