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Fates Special Edition 3DS


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So I preordered the special edition FE Fates N3DS. Anyone else think the overall design of the new console is lacking? Doesn't seem like they really did much with it other than the Black/White theme of Nohr and Hoshido.

Honestly, It's not terrible and I do like it enough to warrant me buying it, but it doesn't seem as impressive as it should have been. Thoughts?

edit: here's the photo of it in case you have not laid eyes upon it already. http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/FireEmblem3DS-e1453248359168.jpg

Edited by TwinBlade
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The Japanese Release version looks a ton better in my opinion. Plus it came with a 16GB microSD.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, I'm not that impressed by it. Too busy and just overlaying the box art onto the system.

I wish that the artwork on the US version was a bit more pronounced, and I think it would have been nice if they had a reversed version of it for people who prefer Conquest.

I also think the inside is too plain. Would have been nice to either keep the duality motif, or have the inside reflect Invisible Kingdom.

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I really like the Fates New Nintedno 3DS!!! That is why I am pre-ordering, and I'm going to put my other micro sd card (32gb) from my XL into it.

Edited by Jin
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As for me I think it's pretty neat o: The design doesn't scream 'Fire Emblem' but has a nice aesthetic pattern to it where if you were to look closely you would see the Nohr/Hoshido symbols on their respected sides of the 3ds surface. There are also 3 different dragon vein marks, which I think is also pretty cool.

The JP FE:if 3ds with the face plates had a generally overused? Picture on it which didn't exactly make me feel compelled to buy it as much since you see that design everywhere now, but that's mostly my opinion, since the face plates are indeed interchangeable with other face plates.

(also here's a few images on best buy with a close up for the 3ds, not sure if this helps though)

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I love it's simplistic and minimalistic design.

PPL fangasm'd over the FE:A 3DS and the MOnster Hunter 3DS and they're like barebones too

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My only issue with the special New 3DS XL is that the dragon's vein designs are really hard to see in the pictures, so I'll have to see how it looks in person.

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So I preordered the special edition FE Fates N3DS. Anyone else think the overall design of the new console is lacking? Doesn't seem like they really did much with it other than the Black/White theme of Nohr and Hoshido.

Honestly, It's not terrible and I do like it enough to warrant me buying it, but it doesn't seem as impressive as it should have been. Thoughts?

edit: here's the photo of it in case you have not laid eyes upon it already. http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/FireEmblem3DS-e1453248359168.jpg

I had the same impression when I saw it, but I've been holding out for a FE N3DS. I feel like the design could be better, but I also feel like the simplicity has a charm to. I think it will grow on me, if only i could have gotten my hands on the special edition of the game :(

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I love it's simplistic and minimalistic design.

PPL fangasm'd over the FE:A 3DS and the MOnster Hunter 3DS and they're like barebones too

The difference there, at least for me, is that while both of those were minimalistic/barebones, the artwork itself popped. You could see from a distance what it was, even if you didn't really know what you were looking at. In this case, the art blends into the rest of the system too much. I think it's too hard to see.

Then again, if the artwork was more pronounced, I would probably say it looked too busy. I think the "simplicity' comes from it being harder to see more than from the actual design being minimalistic. It's absolutely covered in designs that aren't exactly all lined up in a way that would seem balanced if they contrasted with the background better.

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The difference there, at least for me, is that while both of those were minimalistic/barebones, the artwork itself popped. You could see from a distance what it was, even if you didn't really know what you were looking at. In this case, the art blends into the rest of the system too much. I think it's too hard to see.

Then again, if the artwork was more pronounced, I would probably say it looked too busy. I think the "simplicity' comes from it being harder to see more than from the actual design being minimalistic. It's absolutely covered in designs that aren't exactly all lined up in a way that would seem balanced if they contrasted with the background better.

Like I said before, I feel like the designs might look better in person than on a computer screen since screens can easily wash out just about anything. Plus, anything is better than the boring black and red choices we have for the New 3DS XL (excluding a lot of other special ed. New 3DS XLs.)

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I personally really like the design of the system. The subtle symbols on it appeal to me more than, say, the JP system, which had the main artwork faceplates.
Minimalist designs are my favourite, though, so to each their own. C:

Like I said before, I feel like the designs might look better in person than on a computer screen since screens can easily wash out just about anything. Plus, anything is better than the boring black and red choices we have for the New 3DS XL (excluding a lot of other special ed. New 3DS XLs.)

I can't help but agree with this too, haha. Hopefully it's more appealing when you see it in-person.

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I personally really like the design of the system. The subtle symbols on it appeal to me more than, say, the JP system, which had the main artwork faceplates.

Minimalist designs are my favourite, though, so to each their own. C:

I can't help but agree with this too, haha. Hopefully it's more appealing when you see it in-person.

That being said, I did like the design for the SSB4 3DS XL that we got in 2014. Would kind of been interesting if they had released two versions (Nohr version, Hoshido version) that had vector images of the main artwork on them (not as detailed as the SSB4 3DS XL, but you could still tell what it was)

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Like I said before, I feel like the designs might look better in person than on a computer screen since screens can easily wash out just about anything. Plus, anything is better than the boring black and red choices we have for the New 3DS XL (excluding a lot of other special ed. New 3DS XLs.)

True on both counts. I certainly hope that it looks better in person. Though that may make me regret my decision not to get this version.

That said, I tend to be a fan of a single, prominent focal point as the design, though a tasteful border is always nice. I much prefer the one on the right as opposed to the one on the left in this case, though so far I think all the Zelda 3DSs have had wonderful designs.

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True on both counts. I certainly hope that it looks better in person. Though that may make me regret my decision not to get this version.

That said, I tend to be a fan of a single, prominent focal point as the design, though a tasteful border is always nice. I much prefer the one on the right as opposed to the one on the left in this case, though so far I think all the Zelda 3DSs have had wonderful designs.

Yeah. I currently have my current New 3DS XL with decals of Hoshido and Nohr on them since I wanted something to decorate the disappointing color options. XD

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If the dragons on the white (Hoshido) side had an actual color to them instead of a plain white that blends in with the rest of the design... I would have liked the whole design scheme much better. I actually missed that the dragons were even there the first time I looked at it. I don't really have any complaints about the Nohr side, but I would've preferred the Golden Saints crest rather than the Dragon Vein artwork.

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