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Do you have any movesets you'd like to change?


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Inb4 Sakurai declones Ganon but gives his old moveset to Hades

​But yeah, I'd agree with everything about Ganon and Ike, and It's always nice to declone characters. Give Lucina a javelin or even a bow (like in Codename STEAM) and give DP like any weapon from uprising, there are like 8 different types IIRC.

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Actually almost all the Zelda cast

I mean, Zelda is supposed to have powerful magic butis low and frail. But her magic doesn't make up for drawbaks Actually,I'd hope she had the Wind Waker and that her magic was a bit more offensive : I only use Phantoms to shield myself, and Din's Fire takes a lot of time to charge, and doesn't launch much.

Toon Link moveset is disappointing. It's just Mini fast Link. I hope he got new moves with some items from A Link Between Worlds or the Minish Cap.(especially the Cape and the Hammer)

I still wait for (real) Link to have a move inspired from Skyward Sword like the Laser beam, or the Gauntlets and that spiky ball we spins above his head (forgot the english name for this weapon, sorry) as his Side Smash and instead of the Boomerang/Bombs for example, respectively.

And Ganondorf is self-explanatory.

Also I can get why Lucina and Dark Pit were bonus characters made at the last second, but they still have potential of being a character on their own.

I'm still surprised they didn't exploited the Reclassing/Class changes for Lucina so she can wield Lances and Bows andgain skills. Galeforce would be a nice touch.And her fighting pose and the cutscenes or not exploited.Parallel Falchion/Sol/Relief can heal too but I suppose not that much.

(I guess Miracle could work too : she could randomly not get launch before reaching 300%.... But that would be a bit farfetched...)

From the plethora of weapons Kid Icarus Uprising provides, I still don't get why Dark Pit has Pit's Moveset. I expected his Final Smash to be more like ZSS, (RIP Snake) rather than Sheik/Zelda's.

I agree Samus must have some new moves as well. But I think Falco as well should have his moveset revised. I know he doesn't play completely like Fox, but even though I haven't played any Star Fox games, I hope he becomes more unique, beginning by changing one of their Final Smash. But not being much of a Falco player, I will stop here.

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re: Wii Fit Trainer

I have the feeling she was designed around the Deep Breathing buff. Sakurai made sure to emphasize it in the first Smash direct years ago that being able to power up and attack is "a combination no other character has" and in a no customs environment, that holds true (depending how you count Monado Arts, as Deep Breathing has no debuffs while Monado Arts do).

What I think would be cool with her is implementing a reps system, which is what you do in working out when you do the same exercise over and over. Essentially, stale move negation works the opposite and using a move more frequently powers it up.

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Not so much a move set change, but I would also like to give Ike his Vanguard armor rather than the Hero armor he uses. The Vanguard stuff has a much better look.

For those who don't know I am talking about this:


Looks way better than the Hero armor.

Edited by Tolvir
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Ganondorf is probably the most popular answer. I like the fact he feels so powerfull, but he barely has anything from his own games.

I also hope Little Mac gets a bit of a change next game. Not so much in his moveset, but by making his strong points and his flaws less extreme. The whole terrible in the air, but godly on the ground thing works good in theory, but i'm just not having any fun when i'm playing against little Mac. I either fight him normally and get utterly destroyed or I have to do nothing aside from sitting on the edge of the stage and waiting for a chance to throw him off.

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Not so much a move set change, but I would also like to give Ike his Vanguard armor rather than the Hero armor he uses. The Vanguard stuff has a much better look.

For those who don't know I am talking about this:


Looks way better than the Hero armor.

Man, I wanted that to be one of Ike's alts from the beginning. And then to see Cloud and Bayonetta get their other costumes from their games while Ike remained Vanguard-less was even more a slap in the face. I wanted Luigi to get a Mr. L alt as well, which would've probably been easier to implement than any of these!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would reduce PK Flash duration and damage to become usable(Like it was in PM),give Jiggs sing a bigger sleep duration and a bit bigger hitbox!Also I would change Lucas Psi Magnet to Offense UP(Like in PM except that it was Side Special) so he would have more differences from Ness!

Every change would be applied on Brawl and Smash 4!

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Hmmm lets see.

Ganondorf needs a new moveset instead of just being a slow Captain Falcon. Throwing in stuff like in Ocarina of Time would be cool like his Magic ball attack as his b (could even charge it).

Lucina has room for unique moves I mean just look at how she moves in her first "fight" with Chrom in Awakening. There's plenty of source material there for something.

I'm also gonna jump on the bandwagon and say that Ike needs his neutral b to be the Ragnell Shockwave. Everything else can stay the same. Maybe even give his counter a blue flame animation if you wanna keep that aesthetic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish that they change up all movesets for the next Smash Bros. for two reasons.

First of all it'll make the game feel fresh and interesting (sorry, Sakurai, THIS is how you do it, not by adding more and more fighters),

and secondly, it'll keep Smash 4 a relevant game.

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