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Logical Chapter Heroes

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I recently learned that Chapter Heroes are determined by the two characters who built the most support with each other in a level, though it usually falls to the two characters who fought and worked the hardest.

I thought about going through the story and coming up with the pairs that seem like the logical choice for chapter heroes. This is incredibly subjective. Some of these are incredibly difficult and impractical to pull off conventionally, but I still think they make sense.

These are characters who played a huge role in said chapter that seemed like they pulled a lot of weight and either killed a lot of people or supported in an exceedingly helpful manner.

Prologue: Robin and either Lissa or Chrom

Chapter 1: Frederick and either Virion or Chrom

Chapter 2: Vaike and anyone

Chapter 3: Chrom and Sumia or Kellam and anyone

Chapter 4: Chrom and anyone

Chapter 5: Ricken and Maribelle

Chapter 6: Chrom and Gaius

Chapter 7: Cordelia and Sumia

Chapter 8: Nowi and Gregor

Chapter 9: Chrom and Lissa

Chapter 10: Chrom and anyone

Chapter 11: Chrom and Olivia or future wife

Chapter 12: Cherche and Virion

Chapter 13: Chrom and Wife

Chapter 14: Robin and Lucina

Chapter 15: Robin and Say'ri

Chapter 16: Robin and Say'ri

Chapter 17: Either Chrom and Lissa or Robin and Say'ri

Chapter 18: Robin and Say'ri

Chapter 19: Say'ri and Tiki

Chapter 20: Chrom and anyone

Chapter 21: Robin and Lucina

Chapter 22: Robin and Chrom

Chapter 23: Robin and Chrom OR Basilio and Flavia

Chapter 24: Chrom and either Lucina or Lissa, OR Lucina and Tiki

Chapter 25: Anyone.

Chapter 26: Any combination of Chrom, Robin, and Lucina, though probably Chrom and Robin

For the child paralogues, I say the Mothers and either the children when swiftly recruitable or the fathers.

Anna and either Robin or Tiki for her paralogue. Donnel and either Robin or his future wife for his paralogue.

Any combination of Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick for Emmeryn's paralogue.

Edited by Lucina's Husband
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I don't think that's what canon means, but OK.

I just thought it'd be cool to think about. Like in Chapter 8, Chrom and Robin go on and on about Nowi's battle prowess and Gregor's skills as a sellsword. It stands to reason that they'd take out half the Plegians on their way to safety. I also took into account chapters where certain characters have special conversations with the boss....

In chapter 17, Chrom has special dialogue with Pheros about Emmeryn, which is what leads me to believe that he and Lissa would logically be the heroes of that Chapter. And definitely Chapter 9!

Maybe canon was the wrong word. Too loaded. There, I changed it to "Logical."

Edited by Lucina's Husband
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  • 11 months later...
On 2/7/2017 at 1:46 PM, Hellwithit said:

First time playing don't know the character but I got Lucina 5 star and Robin (Male) 5 Star are they any good or should I re enroll?


Wrong forum.  This is the Fire Emblem Awakening forum, not the Fire Emblem Heroes forum.


You want this:   https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/forum/92-fire-emblem-heroes/ 



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