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Getting both games physically


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Hi, I don't post much here but I really can't find an answer to this problem, I tried doing some researches and I couldn't really find much, in short I was wondering if there are any real drawbacks with buying both versions of the game physically.

From my understanding one thing you miss on are the bonus items for owning all the paths, but how do revelations and the dlc maps work?

Is it necessary to buy the downloadable content two times to access it in both versions or does buying it one time allow you to access it from both games?

If the latter is true how are the savefiles handled once you have revelations?

It really seems like none of this has ever been clarified, I'd be really interested in knowing if buying both games physically becomes so much of a problem that it's not worth it.

I'd really appreciate if anyone could give insight on it, maybe someone who did this with the Japanese version of the game.

As a side note, is there anyone who was planning to do this?

Edited by KeyDrop
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if you buy both path physically separatly you won't get bonuses, saveslots will be separatly anyway
It's recomended to buy 1 physical 2 digital (bonuses + saveslots on one game)

3 digital (no cardrige)

or special edition which have all 3 games in cardridge with bonuses as well.
Also if you want bonuses you need to buy other paths as DLC, you can buy them at dragon gate after choosing the path (before chapter 7)

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Downside to pure digital is the fact that it's HUGE. Assuming you put the biggest memory card in (16 GB, unless someone's figured out how to make stock firmware recognize 32 GB-onward), you're looking at roughly half your storage being dedicated to Fates.

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You'll be paying more if you get both physical.

As for the DLC, I'm not exactly sure how it works as Nintendo hasn't brought this point up at all afaik. But if I had to guess, I would say the DLC won't be shared between two physical copies since they're considered two separate games. Maybe you should email NoA or ask them on one of their social media pages. :/

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Downside to pure digital is the fact that it's HUGE. Assuming you put the biggest memory card in (16 GB, unless someone's figured out how to make stock firmware recognize 32 GB-onward), you're looking at roughly half your storage being dedicated to Fates.

It's possible and quite easy (I have a 64 GB sd card in mine). I used this method. And yes, it works with the New 3DS as well.

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Downside to pure digital is the fact that it's HUGE. Assuming you put the biggest memory card in (16 GB, unless someone's figured out how to make stock firmware recognize 32 GB-onward), you're looking at roughly half your storage being dedicated to Fates.

yeah but in my case this won't be problem XD

I also forgot to say if you buy path as DLC you pay half of price to you buy 1 game and then 2 digitally and you pay price of 2 paths for 3 paths~

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Downside to pure digital is the fact that it's HUGE. Assuming you put the biggest memory card in (16 GB, unless someone's figured out how to make stock firmware recognize 32 GB-onward), you're looking at roughly half your storage being dedicated to Fates.

If you have a N3DS the stock firmware recognizes up to 32GB, can't speak for the old 3DS. Also, like Hunter Saltblood said, you can using even larger cards with just a little bit of extra work.

In regards to OP's question, I'll reinforce what others have said. Unless you're some sort of collector, you're much better off buying one version physically or digitally($40) then the two additional paths as DLC for $20 each. Then you get the added bonus items to top it off.

As for them sharing DLC, I would have to guess that you would be able to. I believe the game just does a check to see if it's on the SD card, and if it's there, it's there. I don't have the game yet to test this though.

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OP, I actually had the same question, and I found an answer by mimasho under an old topic simply titled "Save Files". Her response: "I have both physical copies and bought the DLC. The DLC only gives you three save files, the exact same save files will appear in both cartridges, no matter which version you buy it on"

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No, bless GParted for all you disk-formating needs.

I didn't have to use an external program on my computer--actually I even tried the one nintendo provided before I went for Disk Utility, but that didn't work so well. It depends on what operating system OP has--if they have a mac as I do, Disk Utility more than suffices and is built into the system.

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I tried with the various methods listed here, and my 3DS refused to read it. I think it's time to hack out Disk Utility. . .later.

For reference, I'm using the Awakening 3DS.

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I didn't have to use an external program on my computer--actually I even tried the one nintendo provided before I went for Disk Utility, but that didn't work so well. It depends on what operating system OP has--if they have a mac as I do, Disk Utility more than suffices and is built into the system.

My post was more of a joke than anything. I run Arch Linux, so GParted is my disk partitioning tool of choice.

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If you have a N3DS the stock firmware recognizes up to 32GB, can't speak for the old 3DS. Also, like Hunter Saltblood said, you can using even larger cards with just a little bit of extra work.

I have an old 3DS from 2012 and it accepted a normal sized 32GB SD card without any issues.

I didn't even know there could be issues, so I'm glad I didn't get anything larger.

Before this I had a 2GB card where I had to switch out what I had on it, so just adding Fates on the 32GB card feels like nothing.

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I have an old 3DS from 2012 and it accepted a normal sized 32GB SD card without any issues.

I didn't even know there could be issues, so I'm glad I didn't get anything larger.

Before this I had a 2GB card where I had to switch out what I had on it, so just adding Fates on the 32GB card feels like nothing.

Same, I have a 3ds XL, it took a 32 GB card no problem. I am getting the fates New 3ds though, I guess it's good to know I can't just stick a 32 gb card in it. Edited by RoyOurBoy
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Same, I have a 3ds XL, it took a 32 GB card no problem. I am getting the fates New 3ds though, I guess it's good to know I can't just stick a 32 gb card in it.

I think you misunderstood, you CAN just stick a 32 GB card in your Fates New 3DS. If you want anything bigger like 64 GB, it requires a tiny bit of extra work.

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Thanks to everyone for the replies, it's really appreciated.

OP, I actually had the same question, and I found an answer by mimasho under an old topic simply titled "Save Files". Her response: "I have both physical copies and bought the DLC. The DLC only gives you three save files, the exact same save files will appear in both cartridges, no matter which version you buy it on"

Double thanks to you for redirecting me to that topic, I got the answers I needed. :)

It seems like getting both physical versions is not much of a problem other than paying more, since the dlc should be usable with both cartridges by buying them only once, and the extra items aren't really a big deal.

Edited by KeyDrop
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This is helpful, thank you. My bf and I live 8 hours apart and he ordered me both physical versions via Amazon since I'm from Canada and he's from the US. Long as I get the right number of save files and can access my DLC properly I'll be happy. Bonuses would be nice, but they are that--bonuses. If anything does go awry, I suppose I'll sell one of my copies to my younger brother, have him pay the $20 for my extra digital part, and be fine anyway.

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