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Ho, fellow Emblemeers!


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Name's Otr, and no that's not a typo. Drawing from Norse mythology, which the middle chapter of Fire Emblem is so fond of(i.e. the Jugdral Saga), I have named myself after the Norse nythos' first dwarf (and namesake of the coolest mammal around, the otter).

I have been playing the Fire Emblem series off and on since it came to the states on GBA, but have been aware of the series since childhood, when an article in Nintendo Power previewed games only available in Japan, in the early 90's. From Blazing Sword to Sacred Stones, I've been playing this series all the way up to Awakening and eagerly anticipate Fates.

I found this site's forum, and would like to throw my hat in for civil and animated discussion of the original tactical RPG!

Looking forward to meeting fellow emblemeers!

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I have been playing the Fire Emblem series off and on since it came to the states on GBA, but have been aware of the series since childhood, when an article in Nintendo Power previewed games only available in Japan, in the early 90's. From Blazing Sword to Sacred Stones, I've been playing this series all the way up to Awakening and eagerly anticipate Fates.

wow, so you first learned of the series through zigludo

that's pretty rare!

hey welcome

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I had subscribed to Nintendo Power in its later years, but never knew they did that. I think the first time I heard of Fire Emblem was when one of my cousins mentioned the game to me because one of their friends had it. I ended up getting Blazing Sword shortly after and I've been hooked on the series since.

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Welcome to the community, Otr!

Mythology has always been an incredibly interesting topic to me! I'm quite fond of Japanese mythology in specific, mostly concerning the creation mythology.

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