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Does Corrin's Dragonstone use Magic or Strength


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The dragonstone uses magic, huh? Then the sword must be strength. I guess that makes sense, so one wouldn't be compelled to go for one over the other as an asset.

If you plan to reclass to a magical class or one without access to any magic weapons at all, then sacrificing an offensive stat is a valid choice. I'd still go with -luck myself, though.

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The dragonstone uses magic, huh? Then the sword must be strength. I guess that makes sense, so one wouldn't be compelled to go for one over the other as an asset.

I guess. Though sadly, Dragonstones aren't nearly as good in this game as they were in Awakening... That said, I personally would go with -Skill.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Well, I've already started and just used the same asset and flaw I chose in Awakening, which was +str and -def. I picked that because it's what I felt like I truly would have for an asset and flaw if I were a fighter. I'm fairly strong for my size, but I can't take hits well... :P I wish I could though, I like tanky-ness.

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Well, I've already started and just used the same asset and flaw I chose in Awakening, which was +str and -def. I picked that because it's what I felt like I truly would have for an asset and flaw if I were a fighter. I'm fairly strong for my size, but I can't take hits well... :P I wish I could though, I like tanky-ness.

Thinking about it, my boon and bane are likely going to be my go-to setup in Awakening too (Lucky/Clumsy).

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Well, the first stat booster you get before the Hoshido/Nohr split IS the Goddess Icon...

Maybe, but that doesn't make a luck flaw okay in my book. It just doesn't.

anyway I always protect my avatar from units with high crit so it's not a problem for me, but thanks for the info guys.

Granted, those are hard to completely neuter, but at the same time, I see even a 1% chance to crit for the enemy as 1% too many. And thus, I tend to avoid units who routinely face crit chances (read: can't even null crit chances from mooks that aren't using weapons with enhanced crit or in classes that get boosted crit).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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True, but there's no way in the seven hells I'd condone making my main character vulnerable to critical hits!


This only benefits the final chapter where the Yato offers 10 crit evasion and having to use E ranked weapons beforehand which some offers the same. But...I'd take the -Luck over the skill anyday as wanting a better activation rate upon his/her attacking skills and better skill cap.

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This only benefits the final chapter where the Yato offers 10 crit evasion and having to use E ranked weapons beforehand which some offers the same. But...I'd take the -Luck over the skill anyday as wanting a better activation rate upon his/her attacking skills and better skill cap.

You DO realize that you just stated part of why I'm so vehemently against a Luck flaw in the first place...?

I can see luck being as good stat against crit but lets be real, we rarely see it. Well I rarely see it, I have only been crit like 13 times in my entire FE career

I still consider it prudence - I sure as hell wouldn't want to lose at least a half-hour's worth of playtime to a critical hit from an enemy unit.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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