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Localization Comparison Thread


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Are we still complaining about Subaki/Nyx? Because that's really the only 1st gen one I can think of, and yeah, I'll agree it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

As said above, I like the concept of S-supports (in as much as we have disagreed it seems only one of us is now directly shaming the others preferences); I'll agree that the execution is pretty lacking at points.

I'm not shaming you. I just think your opinion is bad. Don't make it seem worse than it is.

I heard that there are multiple platonic first gen supports. I don't know who they are and I hope it isn't true. I assume you meant your okay with treehouse changing the script of the original supports. That's what I disagree with.

Would it have been preferential if they just cut those S-supports? Yes.

I like the concept of platonic S-supports; the execution here, as you said, leaves something to be desired.

Are you saying you would prefer treehouse to cut out s-supports for corrin and actually have a significant impact on gameplay, or the ones for the children? They're both horrible.

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What's the problem with him being sexual? She's TECHNICALLY an adult after all, according to Leo.

I should probably make sure everyone knows I'm joking. I've been very vocal in my disdain for the amount of children in the game who not only take part in a war but can get kids, canon or not. It feels so wrong to have obvious children sexualized in that way, so I welcome any change that reduces or removes that.

I don't mind sexualization or even sexualization of the "little kids," as long as its done in moderation and fits within the context of what's going on. If a guy is interested in a girl and it fits his personality and the situation to be like that, than whatever. As long as no harm is done than I don't care. What I do mind is how Japanese games and such must ALWAYS have at least one little kid, no exceptions.

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Would it have been preferential if they just cut those S-supports? Yes.

I like the concept of platonic S-supports; the execution here, as you said, leaves something to be desired.

Are we still complaining about Subaki/Nyx? Because that's really the only 1st gen one I can think of, and yeah, I'll agree it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

As said above, I like the concept of S-supports (in as much as we have disagreed it seems only one of us is now directly shaming the others preferences); I'll agree that the execution is pretty lacking at points.

Zero/Azura is platonic, too. They both basically agree they're way too prickly to ever have a romance, and settle for friends with benefits.

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Zero/Azura is platonic, too. They both basically agree they're way too prickly to ever have a romance, and settle for friends with benefits.

I don't think that counts as platonic. They seem pretty clear in their romantic intentions, "I do have feelings for you... I want to be with you forever." There's nothing in there about friends, just that they need to take it at a pace that they're both comfortable with because they both have some intimacy issues and stuff, and that they'll take it slow because they don't actually know each other that well even if the feelings are there. You got me worried there for a second; it was one of my favourite pairings in the Japanese one!

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I don't think that counts as platonic. They seem pretty clear in their romantic intentions, "I do have feelings for you... I want to be with you forever." There's nothing in there about friends, just that they need to take it at a pace that they're both comfortable with because they both have some intimacy issues and stuff, and that they'll take it slow because they don't actually know each other that well even if the feelings are there. You got me worried there for a second; it was one of my favourite pairings in the Japanese one!

Ah, my apologies; I must have misread that line.

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Ah, my apologies; I must have misread that line.

Nah all good. Knowing the support changes in the localisation so far I don't blame you.

I have a question about Kaze and Saizo...I saw a few pictures showing the two interact during their fight...did that also happen in the Japanese version?

Yep. Ch. 12 Nohr, right?

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I found it by looking up the chapter he joins in revelation. It looks to be "Um, I'm Elise. I'm not just some kid."

It's kind of hilariously bad at how they really want to age up Elise lol.

Ah, I see. xD Will add it to the list of aged Elise lines!

I'm not saying I don't understand. I just find it hilarious how contrived it ends up being. I still don't think that nintendo should have bent over and appealed to the bullshit misunderstandings of a minority who can't read. It just sets a precedent for more bullshit and stupidity embracing.

You like platonic s-supports? ew

They shouldn't be needed, especially for the first gen. Does treehouse think people don't know where babies come from?

Supporting child abuse.


I can't help but laugh at poor male Kana's memeification on getting "friend-zoned" all the time, though it does make me feel bad that it happens, too. Don't think I need to make any posts covering this considering all the coverage it already got! xD

Arthur and Niles support can changed a bit. Mostly with Arthur's theories on Niles' manner of speech. In the Japanese support, Arthur guesses that Niles' talks the way he does because he has something to hide, Niles questions it and Arthur admits he made it up, but it doesn't mean it's wrong. Arthur then adjusts the theory in their A support where he believes Niles does this as defense such as his embarrassment when Arthur suggested telling everyone he's a good person. In the English version, Arthur instead comments that if Niles jokes about crime then he must be trying to convince Arthur he is not be involved, Niles rejects this logic, Arthur admits he made it up. The theory wasn't brought up again, the A support was basically the same, but lacked that insight from Arthur.

Interesting, will note it down, thanks!


Forrest's support with his mother has been changed from being worried about how people treat him to how people treat others. The OP goes into more of the changes made in this support chain.

Microwaveit always makes such wonderful posts : ) Thanks for the link! It is definitely something to note down.

Sorry about the slow reply here! I was getting links to the changes people have spotted thus far, and have been meaning to add them to the OP. With Pokemon Day ahead though, may have to wait till after that. xD

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Seems Forrest's support with his mother was changed a bit.

Link : http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/140068614430/so-someone-asked-me-about-foleo-and-while-the

Charlotte now keeps the fake cutesy act up in her support with Kana, in that nearly loses her temper with her and that it seems it doesn't happen with her other kids.

Link : http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/140066911920/whats-wrong-with-charlottes-kid-supports

Edited by December Knight
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Ah, I see. xD Will add it to the list of aged Elise lines!

I'm not saying I don't understand.

I change my mind. I don't understand, because it doesn't make any sense. It's not like the inclusion of these lines are going to make people uncomfortable with elise, not uncomfortable with elise anymore. You don't need to know the original script to see how contrived these lines are, and how they only exist to tell you "it's okay to fuck her guys, seriously!" It brings even more attention to her body and her age. They could have avoided talking about her age altogether with something like "I'm Elise, and don't look down on me! I might not look it, but I'm a princess!" or something.

It's faithful to her character, it's faithful to the original line, and it doesn't call attention to her body.

I'm better than treehouse.

Edited by Glyth
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Today I took a more in-depth look at the Ryoma slap change with Shiro as well as other differences in Paralogue 7!

Seems Forrest's support with his mother was changed a bit.

Link : http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/140068614430/so-someone-asked-me-about-foleo-and-while-the

Charlotte now keeps the fake cutesy act up in her support with Kana, in that nearly loses her temper with her and that it seems it doesn't happen with her other kids.

Link : http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/140066911920/whats-wrong-with-charlottes-kid-supports

Very interesting, as usual, December Knight, thank you! The backlog continues to grow! (Not a bad thing : ) )

Don't know if it was posted yet, but I saw on Gamefaqs that Harold and Pieri's support got changed from Pieri complaining about how the dress she ordered to be tailored for her was too tight around the chest and is now about how her sword is so dull.

Sounds like the usual expected changes! Thanks for bringing it up : )

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Wrt Slap/punch Shiro change--I discussed this with Ammie the other day too, also coming from an Asian background, and she linked me something interesting on the matter: http://ammie-plays-fe14.tumblr.com/post/139880523277/its-probably-a-cultural-difference-of

I think this change is a reasonable one--all the nuances in the Japanese with the scene would not stay in the localization, and in this case I feel it's what's necessary to get the meaning of the scene across due to the different cultural readings of slapping your kid. It didn't bother me that Ryoma slapped Shiro for the same reason that this kind of thing is pretty normal in China as well--but I've seen Americans already being bothered by it pre-localization since they don't have the same cultural understanding.

I do like how Shiro calls out his dad for being a deadbeat though

They're all a bunch of deadbeats

Also: Marie's various MEATY names for Shiro is hilarious and I love it.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Today I looked at an interesting change regarding Nyx's death quote. I'm not quite sure why it changed, but had a few theories. I haven't read all her supports yet, but from the ones I did read nothing really makes the localized one make sense. xD

Read about it on my blog here!

Wrt Slap/punch Shiro change--I discussed this with Ammie the other day too, also coming from an Asian background, and she linked me something interesting on the matter: http://ammie-plays-fe14.tumblr.com/post/139880523277/its-probably-a-cultural-difference-of

I think this change is a reasonable one--all the nuances in the Japanese with the scene would not stay in the localization, and in this case I feel it's what's necessary to get the meaning of the scene across due to the different cultural readings of slapping your kid. It didn't bother me that Ryoma slapped Shiro for the same reason that this kind of thing is pretty normal in China as well--but I've seen Americans already being bothered by it pre-localization since they don't have the same cultural understanding.

I do like how Shiro calls out his dad for being a deadbeat though

They're all a bunch of deadbeats

Also: Marie's various MEATY names for Shiro is hilarious and I love it.

Indeed, I noticed the culturally aware/those raised in that sort of culture (like us) often took it better than not. In this case, as you (and I, on my post) said, it was probably just to avoid any other issues to potentially come out of it. Thanks for the link!

The awareness thing I guess was also a change to better build up to that scene, calling his dad out and such.

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Apologies for the double post (more to bring it to attention), but I focused on a larger change today (the largest I've seen thus far in the game, actually):

Izana & Izumo's portrayal in this game are vastly different.

Fans have already been talking about it, but I present a side by side. I do feel bad we lose out on some of the world building aspects (Nohr attacking Hoshido straight from there), and how the neutral country is now more of a carefree country that leans to overindulgence. xD


As not to triple post, here's a look at the two beaststone using classes:

Garou/Managarmr being made to Wolfskin/Wolfssegner
Youko/Kyuubi no Kitsune being made to Kitsune/Nine-Tails

Edited by Kirokan
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