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I, INTEGRITY, have a question about this video game


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sup nerds

so here's my deal right now:

i live with two (2) beautiful women who also post on this site, and we have two (2) 3dses collectively. eventually, we'll buy all of hoshido, nohr, and the third one, because we're losers and i have sick disposable income.

so my question to people who know more about this than i do, which is most of you, is:

should we get all three routes on one 3ds, accepting that only one of the three of us can play at any time, or should we get hoshido for one and nohr for the other, and the Third Route on one of those? to build on that, is there a compelling reason to invest in e-shop versions vs. cart or vice versa?

i guess the crux of the question is do the two basic routes interact in any meaningful way on one 3ds?

thanks for your time duders

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You only get Dark Flier with one cartridge, two digital. I think there'll be a DLC in a few months for it though, so I wouldn't worry.

Get whichever, just know that DF will be locked for a while.

EDIT: I think you could get Dread Fighter immediately as well. You'd have to wait until March otherwise.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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Get Hoshido for one, get Nohr for the other. Also, as far as I know there's no real reason to download over the physical or vice versa, unless you have a strong preference for one over the other, or are running out of space on memory card.

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i'm not sure you read my posti'm going to be acquiring all three routes, the question is in what combination for two 3dses

No, I did. If you get all three on one 3DS, you get Dread Fighter and Dark Flier now. Get Birthright on one and Conquest on the other and you'll have to wait until Revelation to get Dread Fighter at all.

If you care about the classes but are fine waiting to play, then get all three on one. Get one on each and Revelation on one if you don't care about the classes and would like to share playtime more.

Besides those two classes, getting them on separate 3DSes won't affect anything.

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or are running out of space on memory card.

i'm actually plum out of space on my only memory card thanks to project x zone 2 :'(

that's sort of what i figured, and i'll go with it unless somebody posts something really compelling to the contrary. thanks!


No, I did. If you get all three on one 3DS, you get Dread Fighter and Dark Flier now. Get Birthright on one and Conquest on the other and you'll have to wait until Revelation to get Dread Fighter at all.

If you care about the classes but are fine waiting to play, then get all three on one. Get one on each and Revelation on one if you don't care about the classes and would like to share playtime more.

Besides those two classes, getting them on separate 3DSes won't affect anything.

OH gotcha, i parsed "either" as "hoshido or nohr", sorry for the misunderstanding. makes sense now!

EDIT2: oh double edit for another question: do we know the DLC strategy for this game? is it just hoshi/nohr/conq or is there any awankening-style stuff planned/done in japan?

Edited by Integrity
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DLC is Awakening-style. EXP Map, gold map, blah blah

You can get Elincia's Gambit, that ballista map from FE1, and some Gaiden map in Pack 1 with the Grinding stuff.

Before Awakening has Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick and is free now. It gets you a Marth or Lucina class item.

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