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Chapter 8 Nohr Lunatic

Lucina's Husband

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Any ideas for getting to the villages while being able to turtle the enemies? Corrin + Felicia can ohko any one single enemy on the map, but they keep getting two shotted. Additionally, I have no idea what the point of the Dragon's Vein is in unfreezing the lake for a single turn.....

Would I be better off attempting the Paralogue first to get some levels on Effie, Silas, and Arthur?

Edited by Lucina's Husband
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Getting 3 villages is sufficient for the biggest possible monetary reward on the map. Have Odin/Niles visit the southernmost village and also aim for the northwestern one, as besides the one right next to your starting position it's the easiest one to get.

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Getting 3 villages is sufficient for the biggest possible monetary reward on the map. Have Odin/Niles visit the southernmost village and also aim for the northwestern one, as besides the one right next to your starting position it's the easiest one to get.

Should I even try to eliminate all the enemies or should I just shoot for Flora and her dad after I nab the villages?

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You don't have to battle Flora at all. The objective is "kill boss" so nobody is forcing you to rout the map. In Conquest, you will generally make your life much harder if you pose additional unnecessary objectives for yourself.

I just thought it'd be easier if I didn't get frozen every turn. I can get to the second village pretty easily now, but either Corrin gets slaughtered by the mage units or Niles gets killed by the physical units. There are just too many enemies spawning from the left village right after I get the second one.

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The best way to avoid being frozen is to separate your characters. They can then pair up next turn, with the one who's not frozen pressing on in whichever direction is needed.

If you can visit the last village just before killing the boss, you won't have to fight any of the reinforcements at all.

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You can also unfreeze the lake with the DV the turn you fight Flora so that whoever is over there doesn't die. I usually use Corrin/Silas while Jakob rolls through the east side. Niles handles the bottom mages.

edit: Well that's if you want to rout everything, but considering it's kill boss and you only need 3 villages, just push the left side faster. You can get there before the reinforcements if you fight Flora like I mentioned above.

Edited by XeKr
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You can also unfreeze the lake with the DV the turn you fight Flora so that whoever is over there doesn't die. I usually use Corrin/Silas while Jakob rolls through the east side. Niles handles the bottom mages.

edit: Well that's if you want to rout everything, but considering it's kill boss and you only need 3 villages, just push the left side faster. You can get there before the reinforcements if you fight Flora like I mentioned above.

Thanks, I've figured out a general strategy to get everybody to the other side fast enough. The only problem is that the Vantage + Nosferatu Boss is healing himself to one health short of what it would take for either Zero or Corrin to get the KO on him... Pray for a miss?

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I usually have a reclassed Jakob with Lances to handle it, but if you haven’t reclassed him or have Felicia, try debuff and then Niles with Arthur Guard Stance + Elise standing nearby with her Personal?

Edited by XeKr
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I can just barely make it if I use a single Freeze stave from Elise, but I still can never kill the boss. Corrin almost always gets one-shotted and Niles isn't doing enough damage even with Felicia. Should I do Mozu's paralogue, restart for a higher stat Silas, or just go to Hard mode.

Arthur gives Strength +4 and speed +2 if I remember correctly upon pair up; consider pairing him up to Felicia and getting Felicia in 2 range from Kilma; if this works correctly Felicia!Arthur will debuff Kilma and slowly chip away his HP even if he uses Nosferatu, until Kilma's HP becomes low enough for another unit (or Felicia if you wanted) to snatch the kill. If that doesn't work instead let Felicia, in 2 range from Kilma, be in attack stance with Effie paired up with Arthur (Effie should be outside of Kilma's range). Also let Elise (also out of Kilma's range, of course) stand right next to Felicia since it helps to have her heal, and her Lily's Poise skill reduces enemy damage by 3 to adjacent allies. Of course in all of these situations one should not attack Kilma in the Ally Phase unless it's a final blow; leaving most of the action to the Enemy Phase is fairly reliable in this particular case since Nosferatu can't crit, activate skills or double.

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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I usually have a reclassed Jakob with Lances to handle it, but if you haven’t reclassed him or have Felicia, try debuff and then Niles with Arthur Guard Stance + Elise standing nearby with her Personal?

Ninja Kamui, or Silas/Effie w/ lances also handles the boss well.

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Then use Silas? Also yes immediate reclassing for weapon rank is best. (edit: as ninja, cav can wait)

Also remember the thing about keeping characters adjacent in freeze range.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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wait wat no. I meant use Cav Silas to fight the boss.

Ugh, I always can barely pick off the enemies that chase me left with Effie + Arthur + Silas, sometimes Niles or Odin have to jump in and it means I lose a turn where I might have gotten to visit a village. Is it possible to be stat screwed here?

Also, Silas is close to death even with a beneficial pair up. Am I supposed to get Silas/Corrin paired up with Felicia and a healer all the way to the boss before the enemies on other the bottom or top right aggro me?

Edited by Lucina's Husband
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I bet Niles won't even connect an attack against the boss. He's at WTD and he tends to whiff even WTA attacks for me.

Corrin's reclass should always wait until L10. Ninja, with its sometimes underwhelming attack before kunai rank is accumulated, really appreciates when a proc kicks in, be it Lethality, Dragon Fang or a crit.

I don't like Ninja in Conquest though. The daggers don't give +2 speed and some of the good ones like Killer Shuriken (forget the English name) and Barb Shuriken (? the armourslaying one) are missing.

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Corn's fast enough without the +2 Spd anyway and I legit had a +1 Iron forge for the whole game and was fine. It really shines on 12, 13, 17, 19, and obviously 25 for spoiler reasons. Nohr's beast kunai is also pretty good.

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Yeah, the anti-beast one makes Kaze pretty desirable and he has like no competition because who uses Ninja Laslow? I know Jakob's a thing though, but I've found it hard to come up with a reason why I don't want him reclassed (if he's the 1st; if he's the 2nd I don't use him at all).

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