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Anyone have a Corrin with non-base class skills?


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Im trying to find someone who's switch corrins class and gained other skills for him, so I can visit their castle. My friend code is 1075-0914-0957.

Also, nohr characters from chapter 12 and below with skills from non base classes would work too.

Any help?

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Heya! My Corrin has Astra, Aptitude and Duelist's Blow, I have him right at the entrance of the castle weaponless and as a level 12 Diviner for now. :)

Friend code is: 1435-4909-4021.

The castle address is 08107-33777


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Heya! My Corrin has Astra, Aptitude and Duelist's Blow, I have him right at the entrance of the castle weaponless and as a level 12 Diviner for now. :)

Friend code is: 1435-4909-4021.

The castle address is 08107-33777


That is awesome. :3

(Although, I battled you and then didn't have the money for Aptitude... sigh...)

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Heya! My Corrin has Astra, Aptitude and Duelist's Blow, I have him right at the entrance of the castle weaponless and as a level 12 Diviner for now. :)

Friend code is: 1435-4909-4021.

The castle address is 08107-33777


Ill add you when I get up thanks

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I have a samurai and managed to stumble upon Swordfaire from another castle. Also found an Odin with Tomefaire. I've just bought everything the game offers for buildings so far though so I'm not sure how easy my castle is to seize unless you further in the game than me (Chapter 13).

Castle Address:



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If you want to attack, best bet is flanking to the left or right. Front of my "throne room" is heavily defended. Like, my units heal, yours take damage, 3 golems, 3 puppets.

In other news: Does every castle get different food/gems? I have Milk, beans, rubies, and quartz.

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Dangit, paid 2k for that. Hope it doesn't harm the game (don't think it will)...

Doesn't, it's just a skill, I saw it at several high end Mycastles when the game was released released and decided to just get it. Some MyCastles have all the units with it giving it away. :P

Figured some people would find it useful.

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Interestingly, it is not just NOA MyCastle, Japanese mycastles have plenty of characters with aptitude. As far as I know, Nintendo does not care whether your characters have illegitimate skills or not. In other words, people do not get punished for it.

Of course, this does not mean I am encouraging it, jut putting that there won't be punishment.

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Doesn't, it's just a skill, I saw it at several high end Mycastles when the game was released released and decided to just get it. Some MyCastles have all the units with it giving it away. :P

Figured some people would find it useful.

In that case I have no problem, I didn't hack the game, and won it fair and square. I honestly wish you could see the enemies invade so I could see how effective my defenses were... I don't want to give skills unless and enemy earns t by beating me fair and square. Or if they are people on here, in which case all my firepower is right infront of the throne room, just flank to the right. Evades Golems, Statues, Spikes, Dusk and Dawn Statue, etc.

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In that case I have no problem, I didn't hack the game, and won it fair and square. I honestly wish you could see the enemies invade so I could see how effective my defenses were... I don't want to give skills unless and enemy earns t by beating me fair and square. Or if they are people on here, in which case all my firepower is right infront of the throne room, just flank to the right. Evades Golems, Statues, Spikes, Dusk and Dawn Statue, etc.

It's possible to check your defenses! Check your Crystal Ball, go to Street Pass team, and Check defenses, you can fight your own team to see how it is. :)

Interestingly, it is not just NOA MyCastle, Japanese mycastles have plenty of characters with aptitude. As far as I know, Nintendo does not care whether your characters have illegitimate skills or not. In other words, people do not get punished for it.

Of course, this does not mean I am encouraging it, jut putting that there won't be punishment.

It's not an instant win button either ,just helps with the level ups. Unlike Warp and copycat in PvP from what I have seen. >.>

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It's possible to check your defenses! Check your Crystal Ball, go to Street Pass team, and Check defenses, you can fight your own team to see how it is. :)

It's not an instant win button either ,just helps with the level ups. Unlike Warp and copycat in PvP from what I have seen. >.>

I see thanks man!

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