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wtf does rinkah do?


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Actually, I wast thinking of Blacksmith, but you are right about Hayato being a great Oni Chieftain, his growths even seem to be tailor-made for it.

It's his low level that hurts him.

Well, it doesn't on Revelation!

Remember that Hayato damages foes of a higher level much harder and that experience gain is ridiculously fast when you're underlevelled. I'd argue he's more worthy of training than somebody like Setsuna since he has 1-2 range and shortly gets Horse Spirit! Orochi is probably still better on Birthright, but he can be used unless we want the lowest turns possible or something.

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Well, it doesn't on Revelation!

Remember that Hayato damages foes of a higher level much harder and that experience gain is ridiculously fast when you're underlevelled. I'd argue he's more worthy of training than somebody like Setsuna since he has 1-2 range and shortly gets Horse Spirit! Orochi is probably still better on Birthright, but he can be used unless we want the lowest turns possible or something.

I was looking at some growths and the join times of some characters in Revelations, and it seems that Hayato is the best magic user of Revelations.

Granted Sakura and Felicia are also good magic users for Revelations, but Hayato seems promising! Even better than Leo in magic.

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In Hoshido, Izana is the one with the sufficient magic score to halve the final bosses' HP. Just keep an Arms Scroll for him and recruit him late.

Sakura isn't a good magic user anywhere because C lances takes stupidly long to reach. I found the investment not worthwhile both times I tried it. As an Onmyogi, she's usable I suppose, but why not train somebody who can build tome rank from jointime? Priestess just sucks, even on Revelation where you get the Shining Bow and the 1-ranged one.

Felicia is a glass cannon without enough offence to be used as one. I've enjoyed her as a Dark Falcon on my recentest run though.

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Rinkah's personal skill really helps with her low strength and she's got great defense. I really don't know why people think she's bad just because she's not your typical axe fighter.

Well, I can agree with this - I'd say she's better than, say, any of the GBA fighters not named Geitz.

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Rinkah is awesome if you reclass her into Dread Fighter and keep her there until she learns Aggressor, reclassing back to Master Ninja afterwards. Without a Dread Scroll, she's merely a pair up bot.

Dread Fighter HP, Strength and Defense are all lower than Oni Savage so what's so great about it? Higher bases?

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Dread Fighter HP, Strength and Defense are all lower than Oni Savage so what's so great about it? Higher bases?

+1 mov, +2 str, +3 spd, shuriken access for 1-2 range. Keep building up shuriken rank and then reclass to Master Ninja when it's time to learn Kunaifaire.

Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon make almost every shitty unit useful in Fates (besides the really late joiners in Revelation).

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In Hoshido, Izana is the one with the sufficient magic score to halve the final bosses' HP. Just keep an Arms Scroll for him and recruit him late.



Meh. I shouldn't have to recruit him late just to make him useful... :dry:

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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One best mage in Hoshido is fast promoted Sakura, promote her at lvl 10 and there you go!

Hayato have bad lvl/bases, Orochi -2 spd 30% spd growth isn't good. Sakura join fast, you can get her lvl 10 fast as well, promote isn't hard to do as well. Izana is fine, however he's kinda late in-game which sucks.

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This is the FE game of weird growths. Orochi has practically no speed, Hinata is a tanky myrmidon and Asama is physically inclined.

To be fair, Hinata has access to a semi-tanky promotion.

Can you reclass to Dark Falcon at any level? Hayato looks like he would really shine as one

Azama has become my first Dark Falcon; re-classed the map he joined.

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Rinkah STR growthas an Oni is not that bad, like 45% , which is the same as Nolan in RD, is not going to break the game in half like Ryoma but it gets the job done if used right, I began the Hoshido on hard and it actually has been good, not broken, but is nice, of course Fiery Blood is something that you need almost always active, she is a prime candidate for the Seraph Robe you get early on.

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Look man if you truly love and want to use Rinkah you'll go to all lengths for her


both dragon herbs and 3 tonics later before chapter 7


im just saying

(in all seriousness using her to front does take quite a bit of work. I'm just also very good at favoritism when I want to be)

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I'll probably try and use Rinkah because Thor has convinced me to try her out.

If she doesn't work as much as i'd hope, those bonuses help and I'll get to appreciate her great design at the very least.

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Git gud scrub, i'm here on lunatic doing 20x2

both dragon herbs and 3 tonics later before chapter 7


besides, why give favouritism to a character I don't even like when I can give it to Jakob, Saizo, Sakura, Azama, Orochi, and Setsuna, the amazing brigade

Rinkah is completely inferior to any Dread Fighter of any merit. Even Hana would likely end up with more strength.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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She's good at being a person to marry, with good hair color, so that I can have a good looking kid. After that, it's back to the reserves for her until I finally 20/20 everyone. I can't stand her personality either. Very abrasive, and not in a Tsundere kind of way.

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besides, why give favouritism to a character I don't even like when I can give it to Jakob, Saizo, Sakura, Azama, Orochi, and Setsuna, the amazing brigade

Rinkah is completely inferior to any Dread Fighter of any merit. Even Hana would likely end up with more strength.

dragon herb is only +1 to stat (accounts for 2x2 more damage), tonics are 150g and standard Lunatic strat

using pairup intelligently and taking advantage of flame blood is a lot more important

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Rinkah has been a staple member of my team so far. I used her as a front liner once I noticed her bulky nature, but she started having some close calls when mages started showing up on the field. I got her up to level 17 or 18 and then reclassed her into Dread Fighter which sky rocketed her res to match her def. She's basically a giant distraction and lets me aggro enemies on my terms. All she does is run into battle shouting "are you not entertained!?"

Her damage output is fine because she always takes a hit before she deals one, at least the way I'm using her.

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