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wtf does rinkah do?


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Rinkah is what happens when a character's personal growths do not match their class growths and to top it off she has mediocre bases and goddamn E rank in axes to add insult to the injury. Furthermore in Birthright Clubs deal less damage than axes, as much as swords until the Steel club actually. She really has everything against her.

If she ditched speed and luck growths and focus on HP and Strength she'd be a cool unit. But they decided to make the only tanky class in Hoshido to be garbage and instead gave Lance Fighters a broken ass Guard Naginata.

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My Rinkahs have always been pretty good in the Speed department, actually... Speed and Defense. S'not TOO bad. Yeah her attack is a bit lacking, but her personal skill helps with that a LITTLE bit. My main gripe is her low HP, but if you DO wanna use her, a little favoritism with stat-ups and Angelic Robes and whatnot isn't a TERRIBLE investment on her.

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