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Critical Hits - Who were your first units to use them?


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Just felt like asking. Cause funny thing happened to me. :P

I went the first 7 chapters with not a single critical hit from anyone, then come chapter 8, THREE of my guys do it on consecutive turns. :o Subaki was the first, then on my next turn, Kaze and Saizo both did it in the same battle (I had them standing next to each other).

I honestly expected one of the ninja bros to do it first since they're, ya know, ninjas. I kinda assumed they have the highest crit rates. Then Subaki came out of nowhere. lol That was also the first attack I had Subaki do in the whole battle so far. Guess he wanted a good entrance. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Selena critted two random axe mooks consecutively on chapter 10. It was also when I heard her laughter after finishing off an enemy. I never want to hear that again.

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Just felt like asking. Cause funny thing happened to me. :P

I went the first 7 chapters with not a single critical hit from anyone, then come chapter 8, THREE of my guys do it on consecutive turns. :o Subaki was the first, then on my next turn, Kaze and Saizo both did it in the same battle (I had them standing next to each other).

I honestly expected one of the ninja bros to do it first since they're, ya know, ninjas. I kinda assumed they have the highest crit rates. Then Subaki came out of nowhere. lol That was also the first attack I had Subaki do in the whole battle so far. Guess he wanted a good entrance. XD

I heard Subaki is perfectionist so yeah :P

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My first crit was with Corrin at a low percent like 3%, then sometime within the first five chapters Corrin got another crit at 1%. I also have a funny story about a crit. In birthright when Camila attacks Corrin, i sent hinoka after her to weaken Camila so Corrin gets the exp but she crits her wih those tree trunks thing(I think thheyre called pine branches). Yeah and as of yet no enemies have crit me, thank you RNG goddess Anna!

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