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Lilith not gain any stats ?


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My lilith is lv 29 now and she stop gain stat for a while .I try many kind of food but it seen doesn't work

So what should I do?

One more thing,I'm Hoshidan,how to get her an attack equipment like Nohr?

Edited by Ngtunganh
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You need those dragon points. You get some after you clear a battle. Any battle, it seems, whether it's a story chapter, paralogue, challenge, or DLC.

Also, next time, you might want to make your English clearer, I had trouble figuring out exactly what you were asking until other posts made it clearer.

Edited by Anacybele
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I've noticed that too but I'm not sure if it's truly tied to your shrine level. It seems like they should just cut off feeding Lilith until you upgrade rather than wasting her level ups (and your food) for no stat ups.

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You need those dragon points. You get some after you clear a battle. Any battle, it seems, whether it's a story chapter, paralogue, challenge, or DLC.

Also, next time, you might want to make your English clearer, I had trouble figuring out exactly what you were asking until other posts made it clearer.

I got ton of DVP so I don't think that my problem

About my english...I haven't learn it for maybe 3 year,my school only teach japanese

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