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Kazeeee D: (Birthright spoilers!)


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Damn it Kaze, why'd you have to make me wanna tear up right after I just got Corrinetta hitched to Silas? Now I'm feeling like going after YOU in another playthrough!

Right after chapter 15 this happened. That was just sad and I liked this guy as a character (his bro Saizo is cool too). :( He admitted to a big secret mistake he was holding onto and then sacrificed himself to save you! Now I'm certain he comes back somehow given that the Kaze statue just became a thing for me in the castle (had to add it after that... He was so noble to do what he did), but even so. Don't tell me anything about that, plz. :P

But anyone else find this just touching and hitting you right in the feels like it did for me?

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Hey, I said not to say anything about that! Christ, can't you read?! That means I CAN'T get him back because I DIDN'T A rank him. I only had a C rank with him. Now I'm even more upset thanks to you.

I wish I'd have known this sooner, though... I saw someone in another thread say that you should A rank Kaze by this point, but I didn't think it meant that you'd LOSE him otherwise. I wanted to keep using Kaze. And I have to start the fucking game over if I want to. I wish games wouldn't do this to you...

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I still think it's really stupid that you're forced to A support Kaze with Corrin if you want to keep him the whole game. People generally won't know this right away unless they just feel like getting that support. How was I supposed to know since I went in the game pretty much totally blind?


I don't think you can save Gunter, no. I heard you get him back in Conquest and Revelations, but he's gone forever in Birthright. I don't really care about that though. I wasn't planning to use Gunter much anyway.

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Well you know what they say, you either A support Corrin or you don't spot any life-saving exploding crystals. It's a saying that has helped me throughout my entire life.


I wanted to keep using Kaze. And I have to start the fucking game over if I want to. I wish games wouldn't do this to you...

Will you though? /shudder

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He basically becomes irrelevant to the story after chapter 15 anyways so you're not really losing any content.

I'm losing a character I found cool and a unit I liked using, though! I hadn't yet A supported him with his bro either. I also wanted to S support Kaze with someone because I thought it'd be funny after I read his C support with female Corrin (the ladies love him and he's totally feeling awkward about it lol).

EDIT: I don't know if I'll start over yet. I don't want to because I want to finish the story and all, but I do want to so I can get Kaze again...

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Well, not trying to sound rude, but you did deliberately go into the game blind. You can be surprised when something like this happens, but you can't blame the game. Sorry that you got spoiled, but at least now you know there is a way to save him! You can always do a second play through if you want to keep him the whole game.

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Yeah, well, I learned that too little too late and that's what makes me mad.

And yes, I can blame the game/developers if I want to. Wouldn't you be upset if you suddenly lost a unit you were really investing in like that (and it wasn't a matter of just resetting to get said unit back)? This was a poor development choice to make and the game is not as good to me anymore. I'm not calling it bad or terrible, it's just not as good as it was before.

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Just think of it this way... you pulled a Sakurai , because the director of Smash himself did what I did on my JP copy on the first playthrough. We simply didn't know Suzukaze, the second coming of Daisuke Frederick Ono's voice, die because we simply didn't know that would happen without an A support.

He was one of my best units. Blaming the developers for plot is a little selfish, don't you think?

I applaud them for having the guts to kill off a character for plot. They haven't done that since FE4.

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Just think of it this way... you pulled a Sakurai , because the director of Smash himself did what I did on my JP copy on the first playthrough. We simply didn't know Suzukaze, the second coming of Daisuke Frederick Ono's voice, die because we simply didn't know that would happen without an A support.

He was one of my best units. Blaming the developers for plot is a little selfish, don't you think?

I applaud them for having the guts to kill off a character for plot. They haven't done that since FE4.

Except I'm not blaming them for plot, I'm blaming them for poor handling of a character? And killing off a character for plot is fine, I just don't like it when it happens to a playable unit after you've potentially grown to like said unit and you put a lot of work into that unit.

EDIT: You people post too fast... >_<

Water Mage: Wow, that would've been even worse to me.

Chaotix: I don't remember that at all. The only plot characters I knew that die in different routes are the elder royal bros. Meaning Xander and Ryoma. The former dies in Birthright, the latter in Conquest.

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Except I'm not blaming them for plot, I'm blaming them for poor handling of a character? And killing off a character for plot is fine, I just don't like it when it happens to a playable unit after you've potentially grown to like said unit and you put a lot of work into that unit.

Good thing you havent played Final Fantasy 7 then. I think it depends, if it benifits a story, then I am fine with it. I can understand what they did because with all the work you put into him, it made you more attached to Kaze, and when he died you actually felt a loss. If Aeris' wasn't as useful of a character, or wasn't a playable character, then her death wouldn't of impacted people as much as it did.

edit: do you have a previous save you can load up to grind the support with him?

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Good thing you havent played Final Fantasy 7 then. I think it depends, if it benifits a story, then I am fine with it. I can understand what they did because with all the work you put into him, it made you more attached to Kaze, and when he died you actually felt a loss. If Aeris' wasn't as useful of a character, or wasn't a playable character, then her death wouldn't of impacted people as much as it did.

Yeah, I have to admit you have a point there. I did feel a loss exactly for what you said... It's still hard for me to go on with the game without him, but I suppose I must. At least I have that Kaze statue in my castle to look at every now and then.

Rest in peace, my ninja...

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For all I have said on the matter I do think this death is a little bit silly in the grand scheme of things; however I think so for different reasons as Anacybele.

It could be considered a spoiler though so given Anacybele is trying to avoid those I will not elaborate further unless she's ok with it.

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You do get to keep him in conquest though...

Is there a death similar to this in Conquest? I am on 14, but haven't seen anything. I am kind of hoping the story picks up a bit because at this point its kind of dragging along.

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Damn it Kaze, why'd you have to make me wanna tear up right after I just got Corrinetta hitched to Silas? Now I'm feeling like going after YOU in another playthrough!

Right after chapter 15 this happened. That was just sad and I liked this guy as a character (his bro Saizo is cool too). :( He admitted to a big secret mistake he was holding onto and then sacrificed himself to save you! Now I'm certain he comes back somehow given that the Kaze statue just became a thing for me in the castle (had to add it after that... He was so noble to do what he did), but even so. Don't tell me anything about that, plz. :P

But anyone else find this just touching and hitting you right in the feels like it did for me?

Shouldn't be a spoiler

Statues are given based on the number of kills a unit gets

Corrin is already feminine name (like Robin though whilst Robin is considered feminine curiously more males are named Robin than females) so why call female Corrin Corrinetta? The modified name should really be given to male Corrin considering the feminine default connotation. Also Anac don't read the above 2 posts if you're avoiding spoilers for all versions of the game, probably should avoid the above 3 posts since you can make inferences from Chaotix's post.

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