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Best way to level up a weaker character, in your opinion?


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Topic. Despite the warnings on Rinkah, I love her design and want to make her a main part of my Birthright run. Though as warned, she's not exactly getting great levels. Levels seem set upon entering a level, which kills the best use of the in battle save feature. We don't have infinite levels like awakening, and I can't even fall back on cheat codes. Outrageous, right? (/sarcasm).

Anywho, I just mean that the old 'tricks' don't seem to apply here. And while I can reset for hours, I was wondering if anyone had found tricks that do work for this gen.

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I don't have any save-scumming or other methods to beat the system to share, but I can say that Rinkah holds up pretty well if you give her a couple of energy drops and a secret book. Ooh, and the hammer. Definitely give her the hammer once you get it, it makes her so much more useful.

EDIT: another old trick from the GBA days - get the character you want to about 90 exp in the previous chapter, and then level them up as you first action in the next chapter. Not foolproof and still involves a lot of resetting, but you don't waste as much time.

Edited by Chaotix
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In Birthright you can grind better with the scout option and with all the DLC. I know that the EXP dlc is coming soon too. Aside from that what I'm doing on my Nohr path where you can't really grind is that I'm getting S supports to unlock paralogue chapters for the sole purpose of leveling up one or two weaker characters.

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I have a really dirty trick that I use sometimes where I get a character close to a level up at the end of a chapter save then begin the next chapter. On the first move, I quickly leveled up that character to see what stats they get. If it's bad then I'll reset and try again. I was able to use Rinka for my entire playththrough this way.

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This is Lunatic/Nogrind where stats are not resetable. If you have the SE and super dedicated like me, give her both dragon herbs. you can skip the dragon herbs if you don't have them and just go for tonics. Definitely try to keep flame blood active. With this investment she completely trivialized chapter 7 and was able to snowball from there.


This is the current results from post-chapter 20 Shiro paralogue. Note that I also married her and passed her berserker (HP+5) and gave her the C7 Seraph Robe so this is completely overkill but I don't go halfway when it comes to favoritism

I also set her up kills on Leo and Xander (with Takumi and Ryoma Attack stance after weakened) so that's like 1-2 levels right there. In chapter 4 and 5 I let her do some cleanup after the coast is clear.

But really, tonics. they're cheap and birthright throws cash at you.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I've used the '90+' method before, but it only works for one level for one character, and typically, you get more than that a chapter. It helps to baby one unit, but for example, in my current stage Rinkah gained a decent level of 4 stats up, and then Kaze goes and gets one stat up on his level. not wanting to start the stage over for Rinkah again, I reload to an in battle save and keep Kaze from leveling the entire mission. And then Azura gets a whole two stats up, so I go back to the last in battle save and I'm benching her. I haven't checked the growth/caps for everyone, but levels seem less forgiving this game. Or maybe my last few FE runs have spoiled me lol.

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Tonics and smart usage of pairup/weapon effects help to a certain extent. Currently my Saizou has only 19 actual speed at chapter 20, but between Orochi's Onmyoji pairup (+4), Horse God (+3), and Dark Flier's speed+2 he's running around with 28 effective speed and he doubles just about anything in HoshiLuna at this point, for an example. You don't necessarily need the best raw stats, just know there's ways to externally patch them up.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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