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I can already feel that this game will get the same amount of hate as Awakening did...


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Personally this game fixes almost all my problems with Awakening (balance issues, flat characters, bad map design) it is slowly becoming my third favorite Fire Emblem. Story is not that great so it will not top 7 & 9 for me, but the Gameplay is easily one the best in the series on par with GBA and Tellius games (perhaps better)... So no, I do not think this game will be that hated on, just the story which lets face it hasn't been good since FE 9 (or never for some people).

Edited by Locke087
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(currently playing conquest)

Gameplay: In my view, I find it far superior to Awakenings. In Awakeining, I just paired units up and that was the end of it. Here, there is a fair amount of strategic planning that go into each move I make. Even on normal, Conquest is more than capable of punishing tactical mistakes. Gods help you though if you anger the RNG deities, they will make sure you never hit those 99% chances to hit and that you will get shit level ups. In the release hype thread I jokingly said that XCOM 2 and it's punishing tactical gameplay would help me prepare for this game, and I was more correct that I care to admit.

Music: I liked Awakening's ost, but the ost here is one of the best I have heard in a long time. I have even supplanted some of the music I listen to while writing with music from Fates (mainly Dark Wastes and Far Dawn), that's how good it is. I was looking forward to this game to not just play it, but listen to its music.

Characters: By the end of the first arc in Awakening, there were definitely characters I did not use simply because I despised them (I shouldn't have to make my views on Ricken and Tharja clear again, right?). Here, at least in Conquest, I have yet to recruit a character that I do not find engaging or interesting (well, besides Kamui). As for everyone else, they are pretty much one of the reasons why I chose Conquest in game terms.

Story: ...well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad right? Kudos to you if you like the story. I only have a vague idea as to how both Birthright and Revelation go, but Conquest (without spoilers) tends to rely on certain tropes and mcguffins far more than I expected it would have and it tends to both distance me from the plot and infuriate me.

To be completely honest though, story has never really been this series's high point for me. Gameplay and characters are, and this game has that in spades.

Edited by warchiefwilliams
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Gameplay ie maps/objectives is improved.

The story, at least in birthright is also better imo.

Music is great.

Characters: too many awakening repeats either visually or personality wise for my taste

Mycastle: fantastic addition

inheritance/passing mechanics - hate this so far, imo they dumbed it all down and ruined any fun you could have with optimizing units.

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I will admit, my post was a little unreasonable. I get annoyed seeing the amount of hate Fates gets, and think it gets some really unneeded hate for some of its content. I believe that while the story has its plot holes and consistency problems, it is by far not the worst in the series, and concept wise, probably has one of the best in the series. I think IS felt as if they needed to rush the story, and that because of that, it caused all of these problems. If they actually sat down, and really worked on the story, fleshed it out, and put a good amount of detail into it, Fates could of had one of the best stories in the Fire Emblem series, and even one of the best in the RPG genre itself. Which is probably where a lot of the frustrations are coming from is more the untapped potential that was Fire Emblem Fates.

Yeah I think a lot of us were expecting them to actually deliver on the story that they hyped up so much. For me, I started realizing that wasn't going to happen when we started seeing elements revealed/leaked that didn't mesh with the impression the trailers had given me. So I guess it may be a question of what your expectations were going in. But since Nintendo and IS themselves were hyping up the story so much, you can't really blame people for being disappointed if it doesn't live up to what was promised.

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Better than Awakening. It has a few flaws but each game seems to make both progress and... Regression I guess? They do some better some worse. The battles are so much better than just open fields all day every day. Characters are better by and large. I do think the Royal Weapons are annoying, and marriage limitations.

Emphasis on this lol. Even on Birthright sure there are some maps that are just straight up giant fields but I dunno there is more to them than Awakening maps.

I really love this game. I also really loved Awakening when I first played it but I kept playing the game and eventually my opinion went from really positive to really negative :/ still have respect for the game but that map design uugghhh lol.

Fates on the other hand my opinion has stayed pretty positive since I got it back in Oct. I hope the game is well received though despite the trash localization.

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I already know I'm going to conflict with the majority when I say that I actually really liked Conquest's story, despite how everyone shits on it at every opportunity.

I dislike Conquest's story and im not even done with it. But the path itself is cool because of dem maps. I also like the characters in Nohr.

Gameplay-wise, Fates is one of the series' best. It definitely feels to be one of the most balanced, unlike Awakening which was all about parking your more powerful pairings and let the game play itself.

Story wise, I'm at Conquest 19 and the story, while flawed, is nowhere near as bad as some people were painting it to be.

Its not AS BAD as people have been saying, but the story for that route is pretty stupid. And, as i thought, it has to more to do with character reaction and interaction than just a bad premise. Theres one really squirrelly plot contrivance, but with some tinkering, it could have worked. That tinkering didnt happen.

It's vastly superior to Awakening gameplay wise, and that's what is most important to me.

Yee. I agree with everyone saying the gameplay is the bee's tits, because it really is. Parts of Conquest are busting my balls and im on Normal mode! Dats some good shit.

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Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon

I say we're reaching the Zelda cycle, but we aren't completely there yet.

Do people complain about that? I'm a fairly new FE fan, and, except for some of the sprites, I think Shadow Dragon has some really great designs. A big improvement over the original art from FE1.

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Do people complain about that? I'm a fairly new FE fan, and, except for some of the sprites, I think Shadow Dragon has some really great designs. A big improvement over the original art from FE1.

I've seen a great deal of bashing towards FE11's animations and art style in general, tho I'm not sure if this is the general consensus.

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I've seen a great deal of bashing towards FE11's animations and art style in general, tho I'm not sure if this is the general consensus.

Personally I can't stand it. They tried to do a 3dish style, but the more 80s-90s anime style from the GBA's was far superior IMO.

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Personally I can't stand it. They tried to do a 3dish style, but the more 80s-90s anime style from the GBA's was far superior IMO.

I don't mind the actual style used for the DS games. I just wish they would have given the characters expressions other than pokerface.

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I've seen a great deal of bashing towards FE11's animations and art style in general, tho I'm not sure if this is the general consensus.

Is art style no longer a valid topic of discussion or criticism?

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I though FE11 was great hang me. I guess I'm easy to please(especially since i ignore story for the most part that might help or i'd hate some FE games lol) only FE games that are low on my radar are loke RD and Awakening but still love them(well RD ehhh)

I feel like every game in the series does some good and does some bad.

Awakening made supports and made me want to get them since it was less tedious.

I like the formula this game took I wonder if the split version gimmick can be used again. Really curious where the future of FE goes and I wonder if the next one will finally be Sci-Fi lol.

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The only thing graphically wrong with Awakening was the (lack) of feet. Once I saw it I couldnt unsee it.

I though FE11 was great hang me. I guess I'm easy to please(especially since i ignore story for the most part that might help or i'd hate some FE games lol) only FE games that are low on my radar are loke RD and Awakening but still love them(well RD ehhh)

I feel like every game in the series does some good and does some bad.

Awakening made supports and made me want to get them since it was less tedious.

I like the formula this game took I wonder if the split version gimmick can be used again. Really curious where the future of FE goes and I wonder if the next one will finally be Sci-Fi lol.

Advanced Wars is pretty similar to Fire Emblem, as is XCOM (at least the first one of the new ones- haven't played number 2 or the originals) if you want SciFi Emblem.

I hope if It DOES go the way of Pokemon, then you can get every character on each side. Because releasing two as hooks so you buy the third "happy" route is nothing short of annoying and a money grab. Meanwhile, all the characters are developed less since there are so many more.

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Personally I can't stand it. They tried to do a 3dish style, but the more 80s-90s anime style from the GBA's was far superior IMO.

Yeah, I always thought the GBA artstyle looked the best. The recent ones are not bad, but they don't give me the same feel as Blazing Sword did.

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My vibe right now is that I'll probably spend no where near the 6-7 hundred hours I spent on awakening because Fates simply gets rid of a ton of the depth in min/maxing. I'll probably play each route once and drop the game. Sad.

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I just hope people's valid criticism and opinions will not be brought down with a simple "It's the last one that came out, therefore you're a sheep if you think it sucks!".

Not saying stuff like the Zelda cycle doesn't exist (it does, I can confirm it; back in 2002 Wind Waker was really hated on the internet, but nowdays you barely see any detractors aside from "the graphix sux"), but if somebody presents you a long post on why they think Fates suck, I wouldn't want to tell them "lol tl;dr Fire Emblem cycle".

Heck, maybe a FE cycle does exist, but at the same time, let's remember the change in tone and art style (and with Awakening, gameplay style) is bound to bring divisive opinions in the fanbase, who has been used to FE's usual style that has lived from 1 to 12, for probably 10 years.

That said--

I'm European, therefore I can't really say anything on the quality of the game... but Azama is very cute, isn't he? Far better than any guy Awakening presented me, fufufufu.

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I just hope people's valid criticism and opinions will not be brought down with a simple "It's the last one that came out, therefore you're a sheep if you think it sucks!".

Not saying stuff like the Zelda cycle doesn't exist (it does, I can confirm it; back in 2002 Wind Waker was really hated on the internet, but nowdays you barely see any detractors aside from "the graphix sux"), but if somebody presents you a long post on why they think Fates suck, I wouldn't want to tell them "lol tl;dr Fire Emblem cycle".

Heck, maybe a FE cycle does exist, but at the same time, let's remember the change in tone and art style (and with Awakening, gameplay style) is bound to bring divisive opinions in the fanbase, who has been used to FE's usual style that has lived from 1 to 12, for probably 10 years.

That said--

I'm European, therefore I can't really say anything on the quality of the game... but Azama is very cute, isn't he? Far better than any guy Awakening presented me, fufufufu.

This. I'll never understand why people ignore long posts detailing why someone has the opinion that they have only to reply with something so pathetic and quite frankly insulting. Someone has seriously told me that my opinions are invalid pretty much because I expected a good story - not a fantastic one mind you, just a good one, and therefore I've got a personal vendetta against the entire franchise, or something like that; I couldn't follow the logic. If that were true I'd be plaguing an Elder Scrolls forum right about now.

Also, Azama? Really? If I drove my cars on that side of the road, I'd go after Frederick in Awakening and Suzukaze in Fates. My taste in husbandos is cleary superior.

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This is what happens when you have a fanbase who are an equivalent to crying spoiled brats who can't accept change. They can shut up and move on, because it's not changing anything. Especially when this game sold 300,000 units at launch.

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