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So Much Money @_@


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I was okay with paying $40 for a new FE game. I was fine with paying another $20 for a different version of the story. I'll get over spending yet another $20 for the biggest version of the story. BUT THEN, there is already a $20 DLC map pack with a recruitable character... How much can Nintendo milk this FE game? This is kind of overkill on an already gimmicky release model.

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None of these items have a due date they need to be purchased by, so I don't see the point in being upset about it. But then, I guess it doesn't apply to me since I am buying everything and therefore won't miss anything (though I did not have luck in getting the SE). Companies release DLC. There was a time to take arms and fight against this, but that war is long over and you're beating a dead horse at this point.

The games are distinct and as long as the DLC is good I'll be happy to get it, too. Still haven't decided if I'll buy it pre-release or wait to see feedback. On one hand, if I pre-buy it and it sucks that's my own fault. On the other hand it's $18, which is less then I pay for a pizza. I make enough that $18 is still within impulse buy territory for me.

Now, I am well aware that not everyone can afford all of this. But if we were going to go that route in discussion we would have to criticize every non-essential product ever created, not just Fire Emblem's latest release. I totally don't have time for that.

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It's not necessarily a money issue, it's principle. Sell me a finished game, not 3 parts of a game with DLC. Blazing Sword had two campaigns, but it was all sold together.

But they are complete games. Sure they have their ups and downs but they are complete games not fragments of one; they just tell different stories that is all. And while I can agree that they could have included everything in one game...they didn't.

Edited by Fyras4
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There are enough chapters to be worth almost 3 games and you are paying for the price of two. The pricing model is set up so you can purchase as much as you want. $40 for one game, $60 for two and $80 for 3 games. The DLC is completely optional and you get two "maps" for free.

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But they are complete games. Sure they have their ups and downs but they are complete games not fragments of one; they just tell different stories that is all. And while I can agree that they could have included everything in one game...they didn't.

Yes, I agree with this. Fates isn't .Hack G.U. where three parts of a complete game were sold 5-8 months apart. Nor is it Lord of the Rings where a book stops abruptly and you need to get the next one. (Not sure what the initial sales setup for LOTR was, and if I understand right it was simply too large to bind into a volume when written, but the cut off spots for it are what I imagine when people say "incomplete".

You wanted more and / or free stuff--at least that's how it's coming across to me. That's totally human. But that is not common in the gaming industry, especially in a franchise that has grown in popularity. That said, the first map from that DLC pack was indeed released free so you could check that out if it interests you.

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It's not necessarily a money issue, it's principle. Sell me a finished game, not 3 parts of a game with DLC. Blazing Sword had two campaigns, but it was all sold together.

Eliwood/Hector mode aren't nearly as different as Birthright/Conquest; if memory serves there are only two maps unique to Eliwood, and six unique to Hector (and that's generously including 19xx). By contrast, Birthright/Conquest each have... 21? 22? unique maps, as well as a host of new characters (and thus, supports) which is easily worth $20. Heck, that's already as many maps as Sacred Stones has.

I really can't see Fates as an unfair deal. Don't want to spend much money? Just buy one campaign for now, that's already a complete game with only slightly less content than Awakening (at worst), and far more than Shadow Dragon. Want more? $20 for a second campaign is a great deal.

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Rather than 2 games for the price of 1 this game is like 2 games for the price of 2. All the routes are full sized games with each one being nearly as full of content as awakening. When it was first announced I was a bit skeptical but after playing I can definitely say it's worth the $40 for one route or more you want to play the other ones. Funnily enough Awakening took me 35 hours to beat but I somehow (I don't know how) managed to take 70 hours to beat Birthright :p

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While I try to avoid talking about prices and things like that since I don't feel like I'm nearly knowledgeable enough about how these things work or how it's justified, but I must say it IS a rather bitter pill to swallow. Story-wise, Conquest and Birthright TOGETHER show that the story is all about Revelations, which can't be bought as a stand-alone game; it's clearly designed so that, if you care even slightly about what's going on and why, you're going to want to hand out extra money for the final path.

Then there are also so many common maps and plot points, and even though that is to be expected in a game structured like this, it does remove some of the fun of replaying it all.

Edited by Thane
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I agree. I just try to avoid the whole thing about prices. Cuz looking at how IS implemented and hyped us up, you're supposed to decide on route at Chapter 6, but really, you have to decide when you first purchase the game, whether you want Nohr or Hoshido, and the game taunts you for it. So it is milked, but fair to an extent.

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Come to think of it, how does the DLC work with the individual versions? Like, do you have to buy the cheat code DLC for each individual version?

You can access DLC through the Dragon Gate in any route. It's another option in the overworld/mission hub.

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It's not necessarily a money issue, it's principle. Sell me a finished game, not 3 parts of a game with DLC. Blazing Sword had two campaigns, but it was all sold together.

Like people said, each version are a complete game that tells different stories and has different unique maps and different characters all together (while Revelation has all the characters). A lot of people assume that this is like a pokemon version where there are minor changes to the story (in R/S and their remakes anyways) or just different characters, or .Hack series where its by parts. Simply put it isn't, all 3 games have massive differences from each other from story to gameplay. Playing birthright then playing Conquest will give you a whole different story & maps altogether (and a harder difficulty).

$40 for 1 game + $40 for two extra full-set of game is a bargain bin considering $80 is the price of a ps4 game (here in Canada).

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Fallout 4 is a complete game, and it has so many decision making, options, paths to choose and so many endings. Here, there's no freedom. You're limited to one version forever when you're supposed to be deciding during gameplay which gives you reasons to choose one over the other (Good design), not before you buy the game (Bad design).

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It's not necessarily a money issue, it's principle. Sell me a finished game, not 3 parts of a game with DLC. Blazing Sword had two campaigns, but it was all sold together.

They are complete games. Fire Emblem simply went to the pokemon school of multiple versions. The DLC is nothing that was taken out.

Great Geargia, I chose my path at chapter six by downloading Conquest to my Birthright cartridge for half the price of a physical copy.

Edited by raptor9299
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