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Lunatic+ HALP


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So yeah, the title kinda tells everything.

I've got three scenarios.

I tried to follow this guide (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=52170) with chapter 1, but I always seem to struggle when you kill the boss after, as I can kill one archer and one warror, but then get KO'ed. I've raged a few times so i need halp pls.

My second thought.

I have decided on doing a MaMu run for Lunatic+, this will NOT change as i want to make it more of a challenge, considering that FeMUxChrom was kinda overpowered on Lunatic.

Third and Last.

Waifus. Yes, I'm thinking about which waifu to get, as I want to test some out. My options are going to be listed below, but feel free to comment any others.












Or Donnel as any father for any female child.

I played MaMu/Cordelia, but i would like to try something new.



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1. If you can't make that strat work, then just tank on a fort with Fred on a low-Hawkeye map and hope for dodges. That strat requires a good deal of improvisation at the end to work.

2. Fair enough.

3. I'm not seeing anyone who would be super great on that list. One of the children you can certainly do, but unless you're grinding Morgan is going to come very late as a result. Olivia is probably the best, thanks to giving good starting classes and having the option to dance to get her bases up, but she won't ever be a great combat unit.

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1. If you can't make that strat work, then just tank on a fort with Fred on a low-Hawkeye map and hope for dodges. That strat requires a good deal of improvisation at the end to work.

2. Fair enough.

3. I'm not seeing anyone who would be super great on that list. One of the children you can certainly do, but unless you're grinding Morgan is going to come very late as a result. Olivia is probably the best, thanks to giving good starting classes and having the option to dance to get her bases up, but she won't ever be a great combat unit.

Cheers for the first two answers, it could help me a lot as soon I'm getting on my 3DS, though I'm gonna have to pray to the RNG goddess.

Regarding this run, its a complete run. That means I'm doing everything I can do, and I will try to get maxed units.

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Oops, Robin with a Fred pairup- I should have been more specific. That should get you through eventually.

I assume that means grinding? In that case, anyone will do.

I was gonna say, because my main goal is to try and get a high leveled Robin, i should say that I've got a Spd+/either-Lck or -Skl.

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