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Best Child Character?


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Ehhh, my "faulty" advice is more on the better-safe-than-sorry side, as I see it... There's a REASON why I continually say that not facing crit chances is infinitely better than facing them... because it's cold hard fact. That 1% chance to crit can potentially translate into a reset, even if it's not outright fatal.

So no one knows exactly how many fights it takes to go up a weapon rank, is that it? I assumed it was the same as Awakening, but no one tried to corroborate or bust it.

My issue with reavers is more-or-less that they're too situational. The accuracy's definitely cause for concern if you don't have WTA backing you...

Didn't I just fucking show that Rinkah is capable of not facing any crit at all despite having just about average luck without even thinking about the -5Cev? honestly I forgot that it's even a thing because it's so inconsequential because most good Berserker candidates have enough of other things to negate the effects anyway. You say Berserker faces crit chances and I present you counterevidence and you ignore it. That's on Lunatic, by the way. No grind. I think you forget that Crit%'s also been nerfed a bit unless you're in one of those flat +crit classes and if you're trying to fight a Swordmaster with a Berserker I don't know what to tell you.

YOU need to see the facts. 5% means nothing in a vaccum. If you have 25 cev and the enemy has 15 crit, 20 cev still negates everything. Do some math. Literally everyone telling you off here play FE better than you do and there's a reason for that. We don't see numbers as things in a vacuum.

It's definitely not the same as Awakening because in Awakening going up to an A is easy as fuck--I reclassed to Bow Knight around chapter 11 or so with E bows, didn't bother arm scrolling (didn't even have one, grabbed Anna after), already got my A far before endgame hits letting me use the good shit like Nidhogg. Going from E to A here is a much longer slog. Scarlet's C axes in chapter 14 and by endgame she's like B and a half.

Reavers are excellent bc it let's me pull shit like "oh did I just kill every berserker ever well look at this group of generals time to switch to dual katana and fuck up their day" feat. ultimate dodgetank Ryoma

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Didn't I just fucking show that Rinkah is capable of not facing any crit at all despite having just about average luck without even thinking about the -5Cev? honestly I forgot that it's even a thing because it's so inconsequential because most good Berserker candidates have enough of other things to negate the effects anyway. You say Berserker faces crit chances and I present you counterevidence and you ignore it. That's on Lunatic, by the way. No grind. I think you forget that Crit%'s also been nerfed a bit unless you're in one of those flat +crit classes and if you're trying to fight a Swordmaster with a Berserker I don't know what to tell you.

YOU need to see the facts. 5% means nothing in a vaccum. If you have 25 cev and the enemy has 15 crit, 20 cev still negates everything. Do some math. Literally everyone telling you off here play FE better than you do and there's a reason for that. We don't see numbers as things in a vacuum.

It's definitely not the same as Awakening because in Awakening going up to an A is easy as fuck--I reclassed to Bow Knight around chapter 11 or so with E bows, didn't bother arm scrolling (didn't even have one, grabbed Anna after), already got my A far before endgame hits letting me use the good shit like Nidhogg. Going from E to A here is a much longer slog. Scarlet's C axes in chapter 14 and by endgame she's like B and a half.

Reavers are excellent bc it let's me pull shit like "oh did I just kill every berserker ever well look at this group of generals time to switch to dual katana and fuck up their day" feat. ultimate dodgetank Ryoma

Well, whatever - a crit evade penalty is just NOT something I'm willing to sugarcoat AT ALL. That said, I understand full well that there are characters that can work as Berserkers, but those are few and far between, and some of those, like Percy, would have to give up something I might be rather hesitant to give up - in this case, flight.

I understand that much (in Awakening it'd be like 90-ish fights to get to A from E, and it also had Discipline). I saw the horror stories even before the game came out in America, but I didn't think it'd be THIS bad, though...

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Well, whatever - a crit evade penalty is just NOT something I'm willing to sugarcoat AT ALL. That said, I understand full well that there are characters that can work as Berserkers, but those are few and far between, and some of those, like Percy, would have to give up something I might be rather hesitant to give up - in this case, flight.

I understand that much (in Awakening it'd be like 90-ish fights to get to A from E, and it also had Discipline). I saw the horror stories even before the game came out in America, but I didn't think it'd be THIS bad, though...

Nobody's telling YOU in particular that you have to go Berserker. We're telling you to stop telling other people to not go Berserker because their priorities are different than yours and you paint Berserkers in a light that is a lot worse than they really are. I don't give a shit what you want to do in your files, but I'm getting very annoyed when you're giving the type of advice that would only needlessly limit others' options based on your own narrow playstyle.

I don't run Dread Rinkah based on my own preferences of what I'd like her to do, but it doesn't make it any less of a valid option.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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So far I only have a few kids in Birthright only. I randomized all my pairings so Kaze and Sakura got put together. I really loved their supports as a couple but didn't think they may have made the greatest pair for Midori. Boy was I wrong! The combo is Astra and Death Blow is deadly and it's rare for her to not kill anyone she attacks. With all those criticals, I'm also super glad that I love all of her critical quotes.

To to mention I have been using Boo Camp as money grinding by avoiding all enemies that are aggressive and pairing up units with my avatar, Mozu, and Midori to increase their odds of getting a gold bar each turn. Thanks to her personal skill she actually gets a whole lot of them.

Not only is Midori useful, but I really like her character... minus the fact that she's so obviously not an adult. You're not convincing me, Treehouse. :\ Elise and Hayato are more believable than her tbh

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Maybe it's because I got them with Offspring Seals, but I just got Rhajat and Caeldori and they came with really good ratings/stats after the seal. Of those I had when I started this thread, Selkie (She is now stronger than her dad even at a lower level), Shirgure and Shiro are almost always in my main rotation and Kana at times as well.

Edited by SaMaster14
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