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Anyone else highly disappointed in Boo Camp dlc?


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It's only a challenge if you go with awakening's philosophy of charge in head on and kill everything. Instead keep your units together and position them so that they surround the spawn stones. That way when the enemy comes in you essentially ambush them, can prioritize targets, and set yourself up with attack stance barrages. You don't want to kill everything that moves. Wipe out 2 or 3 groups and you'll have plenty of xp for everyone.

No, it's a challenge when you have units who can't even do 1 damage to the enemy abd get one-shotted. The map is slso way too long for the pitiful amount of exp from it.

Scouting is superior in every way.

Challenge maps aren't expensive, I easily make its worth and than some and with the gold map coming there will be no seal issues.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Yeah, I'd rather be spending my gold on seals rather than challenge maps that can be over twice the price. It doesn't work very well for straggling units which really annoys me, but for those of higher levels, it at least gets them skills faster. I'd say it's alright, but compared to Awakeing's grinding map, this is quite the bit of a let down. I also only have it because Map Pack so I'll use it 'cause I have it.

I almost forgot about the gold sink costs for scouting higher level maps lol. You do made a point. But good thing to note that the Gold and Weapon DLC maps should be released next week IIRC. Meaning free EXP and more gold in our pockets.

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It seems to me that Boo Camp is what you use when you can't afford to use scouting. Considering how expensive seals are in this game, plus buying skills, weapons, staves ETC, Boo Camp seems like the more cost effective but less overall useful grinding tool.

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No, it's a challenge when you have units who can't even do 1 damage to the enemy abd get one-shotted. The map is slso way too long for the pitiful amount of exp from it.

Scouting is superior in every way.

Challenge maps aren't expensive, I easily make its worth and than some and with the gold map coming there will be no seal issues.

Debuffs are big in this game. Bring along a couple ninjas/maids/butlers. That should help your weaker units

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Lol, better to spend it on skills. I've already got plenty good stats on my avatar thanks to aptitude and have got lifetaker, Astra, and Pavise. And I haven't even Master sealed yet.

I will buy some skills as well (I actually bought Profiteer for a few of my units when low on money to try a boost it some more so I could profit from challenges), but unfortunately not all the units online have the skills I might want. Seriously getting Replicate on Orochi was so annoying when she was getting only 1 exp per kill with 2 for bosses

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I will buy some skills as well (I actually bought Profiteer for a few of my units when low on money to try a boost it some more so I could profit from challenges), but unfortunately not all the units online have the skills I might want. Seriously getting Replicate on Orochi was so annoying when she was getting only 1 exp per kill with 2 for bosses

Some kind souls will put the skills they are offering in their castle name. That was how I found an avatar with aptitude which I could grab. Try searching the skill name.

Bless those wonderful people, bless them.

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Wait, do Conquest players get XP from the Gold and Weapon maps?

From my knowledge and research, Boo Camp is the only DLC map where you can get a steady source of EXP in Conquest. Any other DLC maps will not give you EXP whatsoever (ironically, people play the non-EXP maps to get items they want and support grinding without making their characters too strong via EXP).

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Yes. I totally came onto this board to post this very same thing.

Boo Camp is pretty disappointing. >.> The experience isn't that great and weaker characters struggle. I have to baby anyone and everyone I want to get experience. For paid DLC this sure seems like its wasn't worth the effort (unless people really need it on Conquest). Otherwise the normal skirmishes on Hoshido and Revelations are better bang for the buck, so to speak.

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I absolutely love this map, but not for the experience. I use it for support grinding. And that's a lot of work. Where's New Mystery's Bond Potion when I need it?

When I'm outside (like when waiting for buses or at work during lunch hour), I can't visit other castles. This map lets me grind support levels in a systematic way.

Golden Faceless guarantee 20 experience when killed, and there are occasionally enemies with single-digit stats, so your overlevelled or underlevelled units can still take some advantage. Golden Faceless are also guaranteed to not fight you, so the risk of accidentally losing your units is minimal.

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Some kind souls will put the skills they are offering in their castle name. That was how I found an avatar with aptitude which I could grab. Try searching the skill name.

Bless those wonderful people, bless them.

No, don't support those cheaters. It's impossible to have aptitude on anyone who isn't Mozu or a child who isn't Shigure.
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It's pretty blah. In my mind it's just not that useful - it's hard to actually patch up any unit that is lagging behind a lot because of the way the map works. In birthright/revelations challenges/scouting is way more effective.

This sucks because it just further encourages people to abuse hacked mycastle bs skill buying because even post-game grinding is a huge chore compared to awakening.

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I find it ok. I kinda like the variety it presents with the enemies and such. Definitely helpful for unlocking supports. For the weaker characters I just pair them up and make them go after the green ones with a bunch of magic users weakening the big yellows to the single digits then I hit em with a the unit I need to train and its a guaranteed level up practically. You can also break the walls to catch some of the bigger Faceless before they leave.

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I honestly feel like going into boo camp expecting EXPonential Growth is a set up for disappointment. EXPonential was just hack away at foes so weak that even a level 1 Donnel could kill them, allowing the player (if they were willing to invest the time and gold(for new weapons)) to create a team capable of ORKOing everything in the game. Boo Camp, conversely, seems more built for Conquest players looking for a few extra points of experience along with the ability to grind supports, giving them access to the (superior) exp grinds that are the paralogues. Also, one of the main points of EXPonential was that it was the place to grind child units you wanted to use, is a bit moot now. In my current Conquest playthrough, All I needed to do to make Kana, Sigbert, Soleil and Ophelia usable was to just use their offspring seals and they instantly became engines of destruction on par with (if not better than) the rest of my team.

But to the main question. Is Boo Camp a disappointment? If you expect EXPonential Growth, yes, it is a big disappointment. If you are playing Conquest and want to grind some levels and supports, then Boo Camp is a nice, if tedious, map to play. If you are playing Revelations or Birthright, I would stick to scouting. Seems a bit more efficient, especially after the gold DLC comes out (and assuming it has more in common with the Golden Gaffe).

IS's main reason for this though is for multiplayer balance. Think about it, if Boo Camp functioned just like EXPonential, then whoever forked over the cash for the map pack or just Boo Camp would have an infinite advantage over other players. It would be paying for a cheat code.

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No offense, but im kinda judging some peeps in this thread. Not because of using Boo Camp (im using it a lot), but because they are salty as fuck that its not pissass easy. Come on!

what you should do is actually take your stronger units

give them bronze weapons

debuff the enemies with iron weapons

use thesmaller guys to kill them off with

this time around you have to work for your reward and the exp bags don't come running your way

Yee. The guys worth BIG EXP also run from you on EP. Take. Advantage. Of. That.

Its pretty effective. Its not as a quick fix as EXPonential Growth, and i was a bit stymied at first, too. But i figured it out and took full advantage of the map and how to really exploit it. Sure, sometimes miscalculations happen thanks, Casual mode, but its mostly my fault, not the map's. For Conquest, that map is a god-send. My guys were actually about 3 levels underleveled and it was creating issues with my progression on the route. BAM, Boo Camp. Now i got the levels i needed and can move forward without being TOO overleveled. And Peri is now a team-carry.

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It's actually quite fun lol the growth may be slower but I like that it's more challenging. I am just using 4-6 characters on the map so I can grind them with the most exp I can get. Using the right supports and letting the character who needs the growth do the final blow. The yellow guys don't even attack you unless they are supporting the green guy so I don't think it's too bad at all.

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Wtf? This dlc is dope! I trained Mozu lvl 1 on conquest and this was after I beated the game on hard. What you do is use her as a side ho for one of your buffest male char. Get her to a rank with them. And afterwards weaken the yellow monster to 1-5 hp and have her finish them off. Once you get her to a high enough lvl just turn off animations. Pop some popcorn and a movie up and auto battle till lvl cap boy. 8-D

I was more disappointed with the beach brawl dlc. Played that once and don't see me playing it ever again!

Edited by Ren
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I like this more than Awakening's if they actually release difficult DLC to want the grinding somewhere down the line. In Awakening exp gains would go down to kind of sickening levels of low after enough re-classes to get skills, but now getting skills is easier in general so less level grinding is needed and if there is a map where capped stats will be desired the leveling itself will be less of pain due to enemies giving static exp--20 and 50 looks like. Even my 20/24 units are gaining 20 and 50, so that bodes well for and is probably the only way to realistically grind eternal seal'd units.

This definitely seems worse for leveling up low-level guys, but challenge maps work just fine for that in revelation/birthright and you shouldn't need it in conquest anyway--go down in difficulty or to casual mode if you're having problems, use child paralogues for more exp, etc. Exp isn't an issue in conquest at all if you aren't doing a no child paralogue run or, more generally, an efficient run that thus wouldn't be using this DLC anyway.

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So after playing this DLC for a while, I came to one conclusion.

This DLC is broken.

The yellow Faceless (to my knowledge) always give at least 20 EXP. That means no matter how far ahead your unit is, all they need to do is kill at most 5 yellow Faceless, and they'll level up. This is why my Corrin is a Level 4 Nohr Noble on Chapter 14.

All you have to do is make sure your units are paired up so they don't have to take two yellow Faceless gauntlets per turn and win.

It's also a great map to grind supports on but that's beside the point.

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I find it great for my post lv20 skill collecting, because Lunatic skirmishes are not a joke at the lv20 level (I got wrecked harder by lv20 skirmishes far more than any actual story chapter--though I guess half my party at E lances didn't help, thanks Basara)

Plus at the end they spawn a bunch of yellow faceless anyway and it's easy to pick off at least a couple, bring takumi

But there's also the lv33s with the shit stats so weak units can always feed on those

So overall it's pretty good for what my purposes for it are--which is postgame eternal seal-tier training. No clue for during the main game since I don't touch grinding there.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Decided to purchase this to see for myself.

It's fine. Workable enough, feels the same as the Awakening one. Although I used the Gold DLC in Awakening for Level Grinding more than the actual grinding one.

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