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What are the mechanics that I need to know in FE7?


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I've been seeing alot of playthoughs of the game and I noticed that many of them know something that I do not. So, I tried to do some research and I've found the stuff about how you need more constitution then another unit in order to rescue them.

What I'm trying to get at is:

  1. How do I move units efficiently: I feel like I move my units slow and clumsy and I feel that I can really improve on it.
  2. How do supports work?: I was trying to research this, but I couldn't understand what they were trying to tell me. All I got from it was that if you put a unit close to another for alot of turns and battles they gain a support level or something like that.
  3. How much does Mag affect healing?: As in, how much do you heal per Mag that you have?
  4. How do you manage your funds?: I currenly have 100k or something ridiculous like that, and I feel that I need to invest some of the money into weapons but I don't know what I need.

I'm sorry if I couldn't articulate myself very well and that these are "newbie" questions, but I hope that you can help me with my FE experience.

Thanks for your time, have a good day. :Sain:

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1. There's an option to speed up unit movement.

2. This should explain it: http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/characters/supports/

3. 1 point of Mag = 1 point of HP healed (also, it depends on the staff used - Heal staves heal for 10 + Mag, for example).

4. I can't really answer that.

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How do you manage your funds?: I currenly have 100k or something ridiculous like that, and I feel that I need to invest some of the money into weapons but I don't know what I need.

This really depends quite a lot on what you are looking for in your playthrough (ranked, efficiency, optimal development, etc.), which characters you are using, and what chapter you are at. In general, you probably want to make sure you've got plenty of Iron Weapons (and equivalently low level magics) to distribute among all of your units, in additional to a good supply of 1-2 range weapons (Hand Axes and Javelins). If you've still got cash to spare, invest in some Steel/Silver weapons, Killing Weapons from a secret shop, or save up the money for some of the lategame statboosters/promotion items. It's really up to you.

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I've been seeing alot of playthoughs of the game and I noticed that many of them know something that I do not. So, I tried to do some research and I've found the stuff about how you need more constitution then another unit in order to rescue them.

What I'm trying to get at is:

  1. How do I move units efficiently: I feel like I move my units slow and clumsy and I feel that I can really improve on it.
  2. How do supports work?: I was trying to research this, but I couldn't understand what they were trying to tell me. All I got from it was that if you put a unit close to another for alot of turns and battles they gain a support level or something like that.
  3. How much does Mag affect healing?: As in, how much do you heal per Mag that you have?
  4. How do you manage your funds?: I currenly have 100k or something ridiculous like that, and I feel that I need to invest some of the money into weapons but I don't know what I need.

I'm sorry if I couldn't articulate myself very well and that these are "newbie" questions, but I hope that you can help me with my FE experience.

Thanks for your time, have a good day. :Sain:

1. Do you mean making the animation go faster or faster map progress? The first is just opening the "Options" menu and make the movements fast/instant. The second is using mounted units or getting promotions and avoid armor knights at all costs,

2. Keep characters adjacent to eachothers for some turns, boom, support. Support bonuses are slightly more complicated though.

3. Every point of Mag gives one extra healing.

4. How did you end up with that sum? Arena? Either way, stick to Iron weapons for the most part and have some steel/silver weapons in the back for those units that doesn't lose Attack Speed from said items.

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1. Always keep an eye on where you send your guys like make sure sword guys are going against axe users, this game will try and punish you otherwise, but also make sure you know the range they can attack you from by selecting the enemy unity to see their movement range to attack.

2. Yea just keep em adjacent to eachother for several turns, sometimes it will take longer than others.

3. Honestly can't give you exact numbers but sages become pretty legit healers

4. Try not to buy too many expensive weapons you can make it through a lot of the game with mainly iron weapons, but you can make money easy via the arena.

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Also, another thing that bears mentioning: your characters' speed stat may not necessarily be their actual speed.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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