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Hey hey! The name's Mathilde and I'm new to the forums. Its been a while since I've frequented any sort of forum but hopefully I'll be to get the hang of things soon c:

My first FE game was Awakening but since then I've discovered a great love for the series as a whole. I've completed FE8 and am currently halfway through FE7. I'm hoping to pick up FE6 afterwards then maybe move onto Tellius. (if i can ever get my hands on the games lmao)

I've found myself keeping up with a lot of the threads for Fates since it's release (rip Europe) and I thought, 'hey, why not join?'.

My favourite FE characters (from the games I've finished) are...

! Maribelle, Owain and Brady from Awakening !

! Eirika, Innes and Lute from Sacred Stones !

Other than that, I'm a huge fan of the Ace Attorney games and Pokemon! I also enjoy baking too.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this place </3 I'm studying science in university atm so free time is kind of... not a thing for me haha;;

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Jedi: Thanks for the warm welcome c: I'm in the middle of mid-terms at the moment so uni is suffering

Deviddo: Ahh!! It's great meeting other AA fans! I haven't had the chance to play any of the investigation games yet but I really want to five it a try

SpacelessZarius: I know the feeling :') I don't know too many people who like FE on this side of the world so it's always welcome.

Ycine: Thank you for the welcome ;_; You're all really nice <3

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