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How to recruit my custom characters


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Ok. I have a decent understanding of how to use Nightmare. I've also used FEditor Adv, FE Recolor, and BSPaletteAssembler to create new characters in FE Sacred Stones. They work the way I want and whatnot. The problem is I want to have them join after certain floors in the Tower of Valni, but I can't find anything in nightmare about it. I also used the Event Assembler to look at the events of each Valni floor, but I couldn't find anything about recruitment.

Edit: I forgot to mention that this is the Sacred Stones. Tower of Valni probably gives that away though.

Edited by King_Troller
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You're not really going to find any existing events in the Tower of Valni for recruiting characters. You'll have to write the events yourself.

Since you're adding to existing events (as in making them larger than the original), remember to insert them into free space, and repoint as necessary.

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Ismaire and a few other bosses are added after clearing certain floors. Is there a way to just tag it onto that? I used the Event Assembler to get the events from the tower of valni maps but idk what part of them actually recruits the bosses.

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Maybe im not giving you an answer, but im looking for what you are looking too..I recomend you to use eventiel, you need to build your chapter, Valni Floors in this case, Eventiel can give you the assembler code for that, you need to deploy you unit, label it on a Unit group, trigger that event and give some condition for that event to be triggered, and not forget to add a talk event, so you can recruit your unit, and for that talk event, you need to write the text of the conversation on Feditor Adv, you can check other conversations to have a guide...II cannot be more specific, since, i do not now how to do that either, But...that is a glimpse on how the things work...and, if there is some tutorial on Unit recruitment that needs: 1.-Deploy 2.-Unit group and Trigger and last but not least, the talk event...I do not now how to mash these things together, sorry totally forgot the chance allegliance...?Change the side, you now, turn NPC or Enemy into your player units...So, that is all i know, hope i did not complicated you more.

Easy Way:

You have your Units list in the event assembler, you reppoint that orgXD7000 for example, your valni floor should have another pointer, place it where you have plenty space, so you can add more units in the future. In your Units list, ad another Unit, your custom char Id, with you now, inventory, position, ai, side, if you dont now how to do recruitment, just deploy that unit as yours from the beggining "Player" not "NPC" or "Enemy" If you have little experience in Event assembler im sure you will understand, i done that, but what is is a truly complex recruitment like, deploying the unit at certain turn, say turn 9, then give it the talk event so you can talk to it, so you can then change the side of that unit...Im afraid i dont now, and have not found a tutorial for that yet, cause they use many events just to get a red Unit in your side... Hope i helped you a bit.

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Thanks for that. I'll look into using eventiel when i get time. I believe I could manage what you are saying, but what I meant was more how the bosses from the story can be obtained after clearing the tower. They never show up on the map. They just get added to your army after clearing the map. This would make more sense because the unit I'm wanting to do this with actually dies as a boss during the story.

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Thanks for that. I'll look into using eventiel when i get time. I believe I could manage what you are saying, but what I meant was more how the bosses from the story can be obtained after clearing the tower. They never show up on the map. They just get added to your army after clearing the map. This would make more sense because the unit I'm wanting to do this with actually dies as a boss during the story.

What you can do is deploy the unit at the begginig of the next floor, if you get selena when you finish, lets say: 5th floor, you just add one more unit in the 6th floor, and that unit will be selena, it does not matter if that unit was killed as an enemy, it will have same stats.

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