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Huge flaw in Fire Emblem Fates (and even Awakening)


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I feel like we've seen an increase in out-of-the-blue "noble sacrifices" in RPGs and similar media lately, and I can't say I care for this trend. Pro-tip: don't have more than two or three of them in your game at most, and have them make sense, not just having a character randomly show up so they can take a hit for you.

I agree with this. I mean sure, cynicism has been hip since 1999 but not everybody is eager to march to the beat of "here a death, there a death, everywhere a death death..." y'know? Someone has to mean something in life before impact can be made, especially when we are talking fiction.

Mikoto's death was a plot device that didn't really bug me.

I wanted to throat punch Emmeryn. She made me mad.

Likewise, I wanted to piss on Flora for being so stupid. Of all the ways to "atone" for her mistake, that was the weak choice. If she was that eager to die she should've done it in front of Garon and taken him out with her. Or at least made him a little uncomfortable, rather than tormenting Felicia, Corrin and Jakob. (Also: back off, bimbo. He's mine--well, Chisuzu's (F!Corrin). What was up with their dialogue when I had him fight her. XD)

Haven't gotten to Lilith's death yet, but considering she went missing from the story I have my doubts that it's gonna leave any real impact outside of Corrin's grief.

George R.R. Martin / J.K. Rowling this is not.

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Yeah, Emmeryn's death was really stupid IMO. The entire game it felt that she was just suicidal and didn't care about her kingdom at all, just looking for the first opportunity to die. One of the dumbest characters I've ever seen in fiction.

Mikoto died really quickly, but I really liked her and honestly felt bad for her death. I think that the fact her death wasn't nearly as stupid as Emmeryn's definitely helped and she had a purpose in the story unlike Chrom's sister.

Flora at least had a reason to be ashamed in herself and considering how Japan visions on seppuku, it even makes sense. Emmeryn, though? She was always on the right side and had no reason to do what she did.

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Flora actually has pretty strong characterization and background, it's just hidden in her other dialogue, especially in Conquest.

A lot of the things I notice when people complain about the story is that they are approaching it from a purely logical perspective, not taking emotions into account. Maybe today's people just don't have the empathy to imagine things from the POV of the characters themselves?

Edited by Ryas
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Yeah, I agree. It kills the tone. They should have done like Sacred Stones does in a few chapters where it fits and skip the 'hub' for a bit. Though I guess the devs don't want people getting stuck? A tone change in the castle would be pretty nice, but I dunno if they wanna put that kind of effort into it...

This, basically. It would feel a lot more impactful if the characters that the plot events concerned consistently showed up in My Castle after the events of any given chapter in question, and had appropriate responses.

Personally, I feel they actually did this pretty well with ONE character... I won't say who because I can't remember how to do spoiler tags, but... yeah. Anyone who's gotten far enough in either campaign will know who I mean.

It'd be nice if they did that with other characters too. Guess it just didn't occur to them... Although I wouldn't call it a 'huge flaw'. Just... it'd be nice if they DID do that.

Edited by BANRYU
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