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Azura as a great lord? My avatar as a Lodestar?


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I made Azura a Great Lord in Conquest, and wound up benching her cause she didn't fare well at all.

I assume Corrin would be good as a Lodestar, but that's only because I'm nearly certain Corrin is unfuckupable.

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I say saved Great Lord for Kana unless you're getting the dlc that hands more seals out.

I made Azama a Lodestar just do he was in a much easier class to level. Lodestar didn't really have good abilities either unless you wanna use thst Speed up thing.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Oh my god these class options are amazing for these two. Even better if you have a Marth amiibo (which i do), so you can get his tiara for that authentic aritian man look.

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It's a waste on her as she's gonna be a Singer and you'll at least want her buff skill, movement +1 and Amaterasu which syngersizes wwll with her passive.

I see now I'll just keep her as a songstress I found some great skills to pair with her as well.

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