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Kaze's Resistance


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roll with it. mang... Srsly, hes your mage killer and its great.

Seriously he is a must for Chapter 27 (Conquest) Kaze Midori Combo destroyed the boss, everyone else risked dying by his crit (Elise was my only other option, Leo could die by crit as could Corrin and Carmilla... Elise and Kaze are the best mage killers for Conquest) BTW my Kaze (level 20/17 I think) has 37 resistance, higher that my Elise who has 33.

Edited by Locke087
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My god why does my Kaze have 30 res. Ninjas shouldnt have this much res!

Ninjas and Master Ninjas naturally have good Resistance, but cruddy Defense. Don't forget that Kaze (and Kagero to an extent) have positive Resistance modifiers and good growths in that stat.

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He's RES growth is higher than his STR growth

Also, the Ninja class has a very high RES growth rate of 15, so yeah, they were supposed to have a lot of RES, though your Kaze is probably RES blessed.

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I dont understand, though, how his defense is at 9 after 1 dracoshield and leveling up to a level 20/15 master ninja.

He has a low defense growth and you got unlucky, mine has about 16 defense (remember this is fire emblem the RNG is not always on your side).

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