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Video: The 31 Reset Accessory List Method to Grind Battle/Visit Points


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Those badges for getting 9,999 Battle and Visit Points really appeal to me, plus the idea of unlocking all those bonus items for each playthrough sounds awesome as well. My grind started out, as I'm sure many have, by going up and down the Battle Ranking list (because they are all 1 turn or Easy Skill Clears).

I stumbled onto an interesting detail, every 30 castles you visit, it resets the list of castles you visited. ie on the 31st Castle you visit, the 1st castle you visited is now available to visit again.

So what I've been doing is using the accessory list and coordinating with Reddit and a few different Facebook groups for Fire Emblem, and if you send me an accessory, then I visit your castle, I add your calling card, and I send you an accessory multiple times per day. Many people are doing the same thing, so the more often you send them accessories, the more often they visit you back, and your Battle and Visit points start to multiply.

You can see in my signature here that I had only 666 Visit points when I took that screenshot four days ago - now I am up to 2,559 Visit Points and 2,180 Battle Points, obviously a long way to go, but when I got home from work today I was about two hundred behind those numbers, so I'm averaging maybe 4-6% of the way to the Badges each day.

Hope this is helpful! It's working great for me!

P.S. - I have created 15 Bond Units with people by doing this, so far.

Edited by Tolryn
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Oh! So that's why I could visit castles again! I had no idea there was a hard 30-visits reset thing. I was just grinding points/supports when I noticed I could go back to previously visited castles. >.>

I will go to your castle right now and join in on this chain! I've been looking for ways to up my visits/battles. Thanks for the information!

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Oh! So that's why I could visit castles again! I had no idea there was a hard 30-visits reset thing. I was just grinding points/supports when I noticed I could go back to previously visited castles. >.>

I will go to your castle right now and join in on this chain! I've been looking for ways to up my visits/battles. Thanks for the information!

I was going down the list randomly and I looked up and I was like... no... no way! Then I counted it after making sure I went down in order and it was only 30, I thought it would be much higher, but yea. It's still a hell of a grind, but this helps a ton.

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I hate to be a bugger, but would you mind sharing this in the Castle Code sharing thread? This'd be a fantastic motivator for people to add friends and help, and also turbo their Rewards list.

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Interesting. I'll send you a Bath Towel.

I'm up to like 35 Bath Towels so far lol.

28 Bond Units created by this process.

253 total accessories have been sent to me.

2,600 Battle Points, 3,102 Visit Points and counting.

Still a long way to go but the momentum of this process is helping a ton.

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