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I wonder why those hackers still can play Online


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Just was a nice day to play online when I saw this surprising:




Well, I can say that they can get Warp for the save transfer, but Felicia with Nohr skills, Xander and Ryouma x63 Battle Seal, Staves x31, So Op, would be nice if that guy put enemy weapons and enemy skills too :´v

Just was me or you guys has already battled with people like this?

Edited by TetsuyaSS
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Just was a nice day to play online when I saw this surprising:




Well, I can say that they can get Warp for the save transfer, but Felicia with Nohr skills, Xander and Ryouma x63 Battle Seal, Staves x31, So Op, would be nice if that guy put enemy weapons and enemy skills too :´v

Just was me or you guys has already battled with people like this?

Oh no! Hackers in a game with online capabilites? Oh the humanity! /s.

Sorry if that sounded rude, just needed to the sarcasm out of my system. On a more helpful note, hackers are about as inevitable as death and taxes in online play and in Fates, unless they have enemy-only equipment and skills on their units, they're not gonna get shadowbanned.

Edited by Phillius
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A Battle Seal is obtained by getting 9999 battle points and gives Str+2, Mag+2, Skl+2 and Spd+2 when held.

Hacker teams exist because the check that removes their castles are done server-side, and it doesn't look for the usage count of the items. And it probably doesn't check because you can't take the items from them anyway.

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Better surrender or turn off the 3DS for those hacker, Recently I matched I guy that Kanna is Beast, the Avatar got 70 skills and speeds, and I make him to waste 3 Rescue then I saw in his inventory that he got another 3 Rescue OMG

Sadly I din´t Record the match.

Edited by TetsuyaSS
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I'm in NA and I don't hack because it would ruin the fun for me (and most likely for those who tried to streetpass fight me) in addition to making me look really bad. My summery for why hackers do online matches is: Just to have fun and make other peoples lives really miserable by showing off 'illegitimate' units with classes, skills, weapons and/or stats that are normally impossible to obtain or reach when the methods to obtain them aren't released or the amount of weapons/staves/stones are limited to get due to the amount of said items in the game. Then again that's just how I sometimes view 'hackers'.

*Classes on NA that are illegitimate right now are Witch and Ballistician since they aren't released yet in NA.

*Unless players in NA state that they have obtained the Amiibos for Marth, Ike, Robin and Lucina, the only way non-DLC units have DLC skills (that aren't Dread Fighter which you can get 4 scrolls due to prizes) is for them to obtain units from streetpass teams that have already learned said skills or attempt to 'buy' a DLC skill upon clearing a streetpass battle with no handicap as you can only get one Exalt and Hero Brand in the game by playing the DLC Chapter Before Awakening. Also, you can't buy a Unit Card from another player if it's an amiibo. You also can't buy skills from Amiibos who are on streetpass teams.

Let us be very considerate of the entire playerbase and play fair without trying to hacking to get to the top. While grinding for exp. and items in the game isn't easy all the time, it at least shows that you're putting in the effort to become better. Hacking might make you look good from your own view but when it becomes apparent to other players who play using what the game offers alone, they might just start to look at you like you're an 'idiot'.

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