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  1. Hi guys, yesterday I finished a project and it were published in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnGxObfrbrQ What do you guys think? I hope you like it :P Any suggestion, error or ideas would be nice.
  2. Better surrender or turn off the 3DS for those hacker, Recently I matched I guy that Kanna is Beast, the Avatar got 70 skills and speeds, and I make him to waste 3 Rescue then I saw in his inventory that he got another 3 Rescue OMG Sadly I din´t Record the match.
  3. Just was a nice day to play online when I saw this surprising: Well, I can say that they can get Warp for the save transfer, but Felicia with Nohr skills, Xander and Ryouma x63 Battle Seal, Staves x31, So Op, would be nice if that guy put enemy weapons and enemy skills too :´v Just was me or you guys has already battled with people like this?
  4. I already battled many times with skills bought like apptitude and I din´t get banned, but if you have enemy skills, like Dragon Skins maybe you will be get banned
  5. As Tooru said, the growh rates doesn´t affect it, depens which mother did you choose her, will have different growth rates e_e Boon and Bane, Only affect your stat limit for Avatar and his children.
  6. Sorry I forgot to tell you, if you want a Fast Kanna like a Ninja, you should go +Spd / -Def, or +Spd / - Hp, with that asset and flaws will set a Good Ninja or Archer Kana :P
  7. You will get: Str: +2 Mag: 0 Skill: +2 Speed: 2+ Luck: -1 Def: +2 Res: +2 Here is the link for more info about inheritance: https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/ I like she as Ninja, Basara, Archer, they are pretty good for her.
  8. I´m just here to thanks you guys for this great work and dedication from this Fan Translation, I got the official version and this version, and I can say this translation are much better than the official, Thanks for you efforts :´v I wish this fan tranlastion were to the official, would be better than those new official translators, make the game more enjoyable :P
  9. Ups sorry wrong button for making double post Really? I already made my female avatar -HP and +Speed, GG sigh I guess I need to start the game again X_X - So I guess the better option is +Speed and -Def or -Res
  10. Wow that actually are good, so you can get 10 total str statues, thank for the info :3 Now I need to confirm if I choose flaw HP, will have less HP or just the growth rates are low :P
  11. Oh really? I din´t knew that, what flaw and asset should I choose then to make a Kanna, strong at: Speed, Skill? Same for Midoriko
  12. Hi, thank you for answer my question, my avatar is Strong at speed and weak at magic, So I should have the same speed than them but this is so strange that I look more weak than them D:
  13. Hi everyone I have another question that I can´t understand, that is when I have reached all speeds and skills statues for Kanna and when I compare to another people, the stats it still are 4-8 differences, look at this photo My Kanna: Enemy Kanna: As you can see the enemy has a little more skills, speeds, defenses and resistance, and why do they have more than mine? Am I missing something besides the statues? or they just using hack to get a little more? PD: I already saw their Kanna without item and they still have more stats than mine.
  14. Yeah, Im about ask that question, so in the Third route you can get more stats because you can have both characters in this patch, damn Intelligent System, ruining the game with DLC, Better Items, Better Skills, True or Better Ending, All Characters, this is why maybe I won´t buy the Original game for this. In Awakening at least you don´t need to pay to see True Ending, Im still proud that I bought the Awakening :P
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