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Help dealing with Mages in Conquest


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I'm on Chapter 16 currently, tactically I can beat this level and I technically did until I yolo'd the boss without checking its skills which wasn't a great idea considering it had counter, but that aside, I've noticed I have a huge problem dealing with enemy mages (this level swarms you with them pretty hard).

My Kaze and Niles are both strength screwed pretty hard, Kaze cannot kill any full HP enemy with a double on his turn and Niles is basically only able to do this to unpromoted mages not-using-nosferatu but the counter leaves him completely devastated. My strategy for dealing with mages so far, and how I 99% cleared this level, has been to run in with melee and smash them before they reach me and then tank all the physical hits. I'm a little iffy on the concept of this working in the long run.

My Felicia is pretty much a no-go in combat even with the flame shuriken, so my options seem to be either use Jakob (who joined me this chapter at a lower level but with higher stats than Niles, Kaze, or Felicia), Leo, or one of the child characters? Is the mage situation only going to get rougher from here on out? Should I continue feeding niles/kaze or should I just settle into a long-term strategy of manhandling mages with melee?

Thanks :S

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Str tonics

Forge bow/dagger

Rally str

park camilia next to them

Also don't forget debuffs; I usually initiate boss fights with either Corrin, Kanna or someone with a hidden weapon; lowering bosses' Speed and defenses makes it much easier for others to land hits and deal more damage (duh, but seriously).

As for mages in general, I'd definitely recommend using either Zero and/or Suzukaze. Leo also has pretty good Resistance, and he gets Magic Seal at level 5.

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Suzukaze and Zero generally take next to no damage from magic attacks (from my experience). Bait mages with them when you can and do the rush in tactic if you can't I suppose.

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What is the numbers of Kaze's Str&Spd and Felicia's Mag&Spd?

Kaze is at 13 str / 20 spd and Felicia is 12 mag / 18+2 spd and Niles is at 12 str. I understand it's not like the worst ever, but pretty much all of my equivalent leveled melees and mozu archer are sitting at like 2x str. No consumables used on anyone so far.

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What I've found helpful is Niles, Kaze, but also Laslow because after I had him as a Hero (for sol) I made him a Master Ninja (His alt class set is ninja), although you're a bit further back than I, so I don't think I can make that recommendation.

(Plus I've given him some bias)

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Do you have access to Dread Fighter? That could definitely help.

Going to second this highly, its a great class to just jump to for resistance, even just for the skills (Plus it has other good aspects of course).

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Going to second this highly, its a great class to just jump to for resistance, even just for the skills (Plus it has other good aspects of course).

For some numbers, at base 9 resistance, Dread Fighters have higher base res than any Nohrian class and 20% resistance growths. With their first two skills, you will take 0-4 less magic damage on the player phase and 4-8 less magic damage on the enemy phase. Plus, you'll have access to Hidden weapons which gives you a weapon triangle bonus over tomes.

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For some numbers, at base 9 resistance, Dread Fighters have higher base res than any Nohrian class and 20% resistance growths. With their first two skills, you will take 0-4 less magic damage on the player phase and 4-8 less magic damage on the enemy phase. Plus, you'll have access to Hidden weapons which gives you a weapon triangle bonus over tomes.

Yep, just an overall nice boon to anti-magic, good for both routes (Probably good on Rev too but I haven't played it yet!) because Birthright loves throwing magic at you late game in some strong quantities too.

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Yeah, I do have access to it, but I was concerned about "using it up" since I plan on playing all three routes, if I do decide to use it though, who are the most viable candidates to receive it?

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Kaze is at 13 str / 20 spd and Felicia is 12 mag / 18+2 spd and Niles is at 12 str. I understand it's not like the worst ever, but pretty much all of my equivalent leveled melees and mozu archer are sitting at like 2x str. No consumables used on anyone so far.

So Kaze can double unpromoted mages even with Steel Shuriken. 13 Str + 7 Mt + C-rank bonus = 21 Atk.

With Beruka in Guard Stance, he will have +3 Str so that is 24 Atk.

Unpromoted mages has 28 HP and 10 Def in Lunatic so Kaze will ORKO them.

You don't even need a tonic.

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Yeah, I do have access to it, but I was concerned about "using it up" since I plan on playing all three routes, if I do decide to use it though, who are the most viable candidates to receive it?

You can use them for all the routes. If you use your seals up on one route, you can use them again on another save file.

I reclassed Laslo to Dread Fighter because of class redundancy with Selena but anyone with decent res growths and not already in a class with high res growth (Kaze, Niles) would work. If you change Harold, Selena, Laslo, Peri or Camilla, they'll be able to continue to use their current weapon rank and have decent or good resistance growth (the latter two more than the former).

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Still gonna go with get arthur/harlot to level 10/5 zerker as a long term fix and just do a light forge on kaze and niles short term/+str pairup

Its nice to e able to stack on an arbitrary 11 str whenever the hell you need it.

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