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What's your opinion on Azura?


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Been a while since I seen it, but I recall her trying to tell her friends in previous loops only for them to die anyway. I think one actually ended with Mami going insane at the revelation and trying to mercy-kill them.

Ah, I think I remember now. Mami and Sayaka were too emotionally unstable, Madoka had a penchant for sacrificing herself and Kyoko was... too cynical? I suppose being cold and aloof was part of the plan for keeping Madoka away from the battle.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Fates places to much emphasis on Corrin over every other aspect of the story, to the point where it feels like the entire world revolves around him as the characterisation of many other characters suffers in their presence. Make the Avatar a supporting character to Azura, downplay the family theme (since IS have proven they can't handle that aspect of the story for shit) and play up Azura trying to expose Valla might make the plot a little better, but this is a very subjective opinion so...

I like the premise so I think Kamui is right where he needs to be in the story. If the 3rd route weren't a thing and Garon weren't so cartoonishly evil, Azura could act as a foil to Kamui, following her own convictions and agenda that may come to clash with Kamui at a later point.

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I like the premise so I think Kamui is right where he needs to be in the story. If the 3rd route weren't a thing and Garon weren't so cartoonishly evil, Azura could act as a foil to Kamui, following her own convictions and agenda that may come to clash with Kamui at a later point.

Maybe, but I find that a lot of the more interesting stuff to do with the world of Fates gets pushed out of the way in favour of the family motif that is broken by the ability to S-Rank both sets of siblings.

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Maybe, but I find that a lot of the more interesting stuff to do with the world of Fates gets pushed out of the way in favour of the family motif that is broken by the ability to S-Rank both sets of siblings.

Well, more accurately, marry them, since we did get the concept of platonic S-ranks with Kanna, which could have worked for the siblings.

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Maybe, but I find that a lot of the more interesting stuff to do with the world of Fates gets pushed out of the way in favour of the family motif that is broken by the ability to S-Rank both sets of siblings.

I was just speaking of the premise. Obviously the execution needs A LOT of retooling (especially that sibling S support BS). IK + Anankos are the sources of all contrivances, and Garon + Iago are responsible for railroading the Conquest story. Take out these elements and Azura can be allowed to flourish (and I want her to). Her supports show she has a nuanced and interesting character, it's the story that forced her (and everyone) to be retarded.

Most of the Kanna S-Supports don't end up with proper marriages...funny or sad enough.

He's 10 you sick fuck.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I was just speaking of the premise. Obviously the execution needs A LOT of retooling (especially that sibling S support BS). IK + Anankos are the sources of all contrivances, and Garon + Iago are responsible for railroading the Conquest story. Take out these elements and Azura can be allowed to flourish (and I want her to). Her supports show she has a nuanced and interesting character, it's the story that forced her (and everyone) to be retarded.

He's 10 you sick fuck.

I can see and agree with you there. Azura has a lot of potential that got squandered by the story.

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I was just speaking of the premise. Obviously the execution needs A LOT of retooling (especially that sibling S support BS). IK + Anankos are the sources of all contrivances, and Garon + Iago are responsible for railroading the Conquest story. Take out these elements and Azura can be allowed to flourish (and I want her to). Her supports show she has a nuanced and interesting character, it's the story that forced her (and everyone) to be retarded.

He's 10 you sick fuck.

Meh, that's fine. I will say that I have a general apprehension towards player avatars being the main characters of a story (I've been burned too many times...).

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Meh, that's fine. I will say that I have a general apprehension towards player avatars being the main characters of a story (I've been burned too many times...).

(If you go back to writing your rewrite, you can make the story yours)

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I could, but I've soured on a lot of ideas for it and now I have no idea where I want to go with it.

Roll with that 'Azura as the lead protagonist" idea. I don't think anyone else is going in that direction.

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[spoiler=musings about Azura that include minor Conquest/Revelations spoilers]Welp, after reflecting on my thoughts for a bit, I like her in Conquest so long as I don't take Revelations into account, because the game makes it rather clear that she's fighting to see peace brought to Hoshido, but can't do that IN Hoshido because it's people barring the siblings are flatout racist towards her. I'm okay towards her in Birthright, tho I find her as well as Birthright Corrin quite bland. I hate her in Revelations, tho only because the shit she reveals prevents the other two stories from being fulfilling on their own merits, but if I treat the third route as non canon like I do Awakening's spotpass paralouges, I like her tbh.

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I don't mind her one way or the other to be perfectly honest. I like the idea that she was essentially the reverse of Corrin being born in Nohr and kidnapped and raised in Hoshido and all.

What i dislike immensely about this is:

Azura was apparently treated like GARBAGE in Nohr, and while well treated in Hoshido, doesnt seem to be as loved as Corrin was in Nohr. Its like the game made it a point that Azura was loved a bit less and it was totally ok that this was the case. Not. Cool.

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What i dislike immensely about this is:

Azura was apparently treated like GARBAGE in Nohr, and while well treated in Hoshido, doesnt seem to be as loved as Corrin was in Nohr. Its like the game made it a point that Azura was loved a bit less and it was totally ok that this was the case. Not. Cool.

This becomes ESPECIALLY cruel when she starts being treated like garbage in Hoshido if Corrin chooses Nohr. Like wtf Hoshido, I thought you were supposed to be the good country

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Having finished Birthright and close to the end of Conquest...

I like Azura just fine, but definitely see why people complain about her mysteriousness. She's a casualty of the story being split into three parts. They can't reveal everything, but have to tease it, so people will buy all of the paths, so unfortunately it falls on Azura to make dumb excuses about not being able to or just not wanting to talk about certain things.

The ending of Birthright shows that at least three of the four Nohr siblings could have been convinced to stand against Garon--so why she suggests invading Hoshido is the best option in Conquest is baffling. But this is a problem with the story, not just Azura.

In her supports and minor plot scenes she's very likeable. I agree it sucks that she's often ignored by the siblings while Kamui is the center of attention. I'm curious to see what she does in Revelations since it seems people have more issues with her in that path.

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Outside of really liking her design and my usual refresher unit bias, I find her merely okay. Which is a shame, because as others have already said, she really has a lot going for her if you look in the right places. Unfortunately the over all story (and of course Conquest in particular) really lets a lot of the plot relevant characters down, and in my opinion, none more so than Azura. I really want to like her more than I do, but the plot just won't let me care about her because literally no one else in the story does either. She so often gets relegated to a plot device rather than an actual person that who she is in her supports might as well be a completely separate entity than what she is for the plot.

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I really liked her character, one of my favorite characters in Fire Emblem. Her design was interesting, I liked how we had a functioning dancer class that could actually hold its own, even though her hp growth is terrible, and I liked a lot of her supports. Her presence in the story was a bit lacking with how much she was shown, really thought she was going to be a main presence with how the trailers kept showing her, but besides a few points she really took a backseat. Hoping Revelation gives her a bit more of a role since its practically just her and Corrin at first.

I know she gets a lot of flak for Conquest Chapter 15, but I like how she was always there for Corrin throughout the route, well except for the end. Really hope she gets in as a new character in the next Smash Bros as she is a recent addition in Fire Emblem so people know about her, would make for a really interesting fighter because of the dancing, water, and lance all mixed together, and would be the very first lance user of any game to make it into Smash.

Edited by Tolvir
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I really liked her character, one of my favorite characters in Fire Emblem. Her design was interesting, I liked how we had a functioning dancer class that could actually hold its own, even though her hp growth is terrible, and I liked a lot of her supports. Her presence in the story was a bit lacking with how much she was shown, really thought she was going to be a main presence with how the trailers kept showing her, but besides a few points she really took a backseat. Hoping Revelation gives her a bit more of a role since its practically just her and Corrin at first.

I know she gets a lot of flak for Conquest Chapter 15, but I like how she was always there for Corrin throughout the route, well except for the end. Really hope she gets in as a new character in the next Smash Bros as she is a recent addition in Fire Emblem so people know about her, would make for a really interesting fighter because of the dancing, water, and lance all mixed together, and would be the very first lance user of any game to make it into Smash.

All of this! Admittedly though, a lot of that is waifu bias from me. Objectively speaking, I'd rather see Hector or Ephraim.

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All of this! Admittedly though, a lot of that is waifu bias from me. Objectively speaking, I'd rather see Hector or Ephraim.

While Ephraim or Hector definitely deserve a spot, unfortunately the thing holding them back is they aren't that well known. I can see them showing up as new characters if the games they are from got remade as they would be made relevant again, but outside the FE fanbase, they aren't that well known. Its why Cloud was chosen over someone like Edgar, Cecil, or Tera for Final Fantasy, he is more well known outside the fanbase.

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