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Negativity in Gaming


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At this point I started ignoring people getting butthurt over something small or what they wanted,im not saying we shouldnt complain when something is wrong, I just feel like alot of fanbases, like the Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Fallout fanbases, are either nostalgia blind or just being butthurt for the sake of being butthurt, although im speaking more of a small/big part of the fanbase, there are alot of good people in those fanbases, but still, I feel like people are just getting butthurt for the sake of being butthurt, not for just giving an opinion or something like that... I dont know, maybe im just tired of people whinning about Awakening and Fates(aka my favorite FE games) because you know, wihout them, this series would be dead and we would finish with something like Shadow Dragon....

And really, people tend to be buyest towards their opinions, sometimes I check small youtube channels for their opinions in games, like Gggmanlives, even if I dont agree with them, at least they are less bad then a large part of gaming... fanbase?

Also the SJW/Gamergate thing.... I dont care, for me it has little to do with video games and when I encounter that kind of stuff I simply want to say "Remenber when we played video games to have fun?"

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I think most of it has to do with the fact that many people who call themselves "gamers" are incredibly entitled and VERY vocal about it.

They want their games to cater to them directly, and if there's any compromise of that, they get incredibly triggered and start shit like #TorrentialDownpour.

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You know, sometimes I wonder what's so interesting about hate. It seems that these days purposely seek things to hate in games.

I see people taking pride in hating a game or a character.

What's so cool about hating? Why do people brag about being the biggest haters?

Like, "I'm guy who hates that character the most! Look how cool I am!".

Why do people waste their time hating something when they use that time enjoying something?

Edited by Water Mage
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Not sure if this is another thinly veiled attempt to shut down the Awakening critics...

Nah, its a trend you see with just about any franchise now in days. Sides Awakening has been beaten to death in these parts.

Edited by LordTaco42
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As has already been stated, the internet - and as a result everyone's opinion - is everywhere all at once. While I do believe a lot of people under the veil of anonymity try very hard to bring something they don't like down, and get way too excited when someone either shares or disagrees with their point of view, many people criticize things they love simply because they care and enjoy a good discussion. That's what I do with the story of Fates - I love the gameplay and hate the story and find it mind-boggling that it could reach the point where I'm disappointed in almost every aspect which gives me motivation to talk to people who are as into the series as I am. Humans are social creatures.

And let's not forget that the gaming industry has a lot of shady business practices which has contrbuted to the cynicism and put people on edge, as hype after hype get deflated.

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Not sure if this is another thinly veiled attempt to shut down the Awakening critics...

If you think it's personal then you're part of the problem.

I have my own criticism of games, but I don't think this was referring to me. Probably because I don't dwell on how a video game didn't live up to my expectations, and hence ruined me for life.

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If you think it's personal then you're part of the problem.

I have my own criticism of games, but I don't think this was referring to me. Probably because I don't dwell on how a video game didn't live up to my expectations, and hence ruined me for life.

Awakening could have been a better game indeed, but I don't spend much time criticising it (not sure if you've seen me around the forums enough but what you're accusing me of isn't part of my repertoire); it's not a personal matter. I'm really enjoying it on 0% growths where MU cannot faceroll the game by definition, and I'm sure I'll get even more out of it with a few more challenges. I still think it's a very goofy demonstration of fanboyism when people (often newcomers to the series) continue to produce entirely incoherent posts and huge threads why the game is flawless and everyone who finds any fault with it is a bitter, trendy and somehow simultaneously reactionary monster. I don't think any game in the series has such treatment nowadays and it all has an uncanny resemblance to nu-metal fans defending their favourite music 15 or so years ago.

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Awakening could have been a better game indeed, but I don't spend much time criticising it (not sure if you've seen me around the forums enough but what you're accusing me of isn't part of my repertoire); it's not a personal matter. I'm really enjoying it on 0% growths where MU cannot faceroll the game by definition, and I'm sure I'll get even more out of it with a few more challenges. I still think it's a very goofy demonstration of fanboyism when people (often newcomers to the series) continue to produce entirely incoherent posts and huge threads why the game is flawless and everyone who finds any fault with it is a bitter, trendy and somehow simultaneously reactionary monster. I don't think any game in the series has such treatment nowadays and it all has an uncanny resemblance to nu-metal fans defending their favourite music 15 or so years ago.

Welcome to every fandom. Being extreme is cool.

I think posting long walls about why Awakening is the worst thing ever is just as inane. People can love/hate what they want, but I don't think concentrating on the hatred side is very productive. I'm content with letting the new fans be passionate about what the love, as long as they realize that not everyone will agree with them. Trying to bring them down a notch by being negative is the wrong way to go about it, IMO.

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Awakening's map design actually isn't that bad when you don't have grown MU/Sumia/Panne/whoever to put into the range of the whole map at once and notice there actually is some logic to how the enemies are positioned on the map. The game would play so much differently if Veteran wasn't there or if Fates' experience mechanics had been used.

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Awakening's class system was way the hell less confusing, too.

Circumventing Veteran isn't that hard - don't pair up until you can de-equip it. I think it'll make Awakening a lot more interesting. Hell, imagine an Awakening run with no skills save the ones that boost stats only. . .

There's a lot of complaints in the Fates subforum, one with 28 pages. Those are the kinds of things that I don't think are very productive. It's one thing to be dissatisfied, but to return again and again to defend that dissatisfaction. . .

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There are many ways to nerf Veteran, but Avatar isn't even mandatory for a very painless clear of, say, Hard Mode.

Well, I keep repeating how much I love Fates all the time so I can see why somebody would likewise continuously express their dislike towards it. Extremities are a problem though, we can agree on that, on whatever end they may be.

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There are many ways to nerf Veteran, but Avatar isn't even mandatory for a very painless clear of, say, Hard Mode.

Well, I keep repeating how much I love Fates all the time so I can see why somebody would likewise continuously express their dislike towards it. Extremities are a problem though, we can agree on that, on whatever end they may be.

My thoughts exactly. Most of the reasons have been mentioned by pretty much everyone else in the thread, but in my opinion, it is both extremes and the lack of consideration for others in either case that causes most of the issue.

I don't think I am eloquent enough to go more in detail, but that sums up nicely my thoughts on the matter.

Edited by Avk
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Awakening's map design actually isn't that bad when you don't have grown MU/Sumia/Panne/whoever to put into the range of the whole map at once and notice there actually is some logic to how the enemies are positioned on the map. The game would play so much differently if Veteran wasn't there or if Fates' experience mechanics had been used.

Funny enough, Veteran is the reason why MU is my less used unit every time.

You see, I need to have everyone at the same level, so it automatically reduces their use by a fair amount.

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Here are some reasons I think people tend to be more Spiteful at video games and just about anything else on the internet.

1. We live in a society where we can get our way a lot of the time, so conflicting opinions about something can become a never ending stalemate because everyone HAS to have the last word.

2. People mostly choose to be anonymous so it gives them the chance to say what ever the heck they want without any consequences unless someone knows who they are and has the power to let them know they are taking things too far.

​3. There are people in this world who just feel miserable and want to try to pass that misery on to others thinking that it will make them less miserable.

4. People can feel loyal too a particular game or idea and feel that anything that threatens it must be shot down faster than it came out.

5. Some folks are just trolls trying to get a kick out of others by making very radical and provoking statements looking for a reaction.

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I've been gaming for most of my life and lurking online communities forever, and I do think there's been an increase in negativity and cynicism. I think anonymity definitely plays a huge role in that. Before it was quite as prevalent as it is now and standard forums like this were the norm, people had reputations and names and generally acted a bit more like they would in real life. Total anonymity allows people to be complete assholes with no repurcussions, and I think that led to a lot of people mouthing off about things and exaggerating them to an extent they otherwise wouldn't have for fear of gaining a reputation as a cynical asshole. As those types of communities have grown, so has that type of behavior, and I think it's leaked across most of the internet at this point.

My general approach to it is to just ignore most discussions about a game until I've played it myself and developed my own opinion.

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