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LTC 141 turns

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1:Japanese version Maniac Mode

2:No transfer,No RNG abuse

3:All units recruit and alive


[spoiler="Part 1]












Total:44 已完结

[spoiler="Part 2]






Total:23 已完结

[spoiler="Part 3]
















Total:56 已完结

[spoiler="Part 4]












Total:18 更新到4-3


Edited by 56282508
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Congrats! A turn can be improved in Part 4; Chiki recently cleared 4-E-1 in 1 turn 128 turn run, but the odds were absolutely ridiculous (he calculated the odds as about 1 in 400 quadrillion or something like that). You need to edit RNs in Dolphin for that.

Edited by Camilla
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what is that 1 in 400 quadrillion number calculated based upon

furthermore, what does that have to do with his post? he said no rng abuse lol

Edited by Lord Raven
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  • 2 weeks later...

4-P is possible without Rescue.

Good to know, thanks! Do you mind sharing the other places where you used Rescue? I know you used it once in 4-3, and no times in 4-2. I imagine that you probably used it only once in 4-4 or 4-5? Maybe no times in one of them?

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"Congrats! A turn can be improved in Part 4; Chiki recently cleared 4-E-1 in 1 turn 128 turn run, but the odds were absolutely ridiculous (he calculated the odds as about 1 in 400 quadrillion or something like that). You need to edit RNs in Dolphin for that."

I've done the 4-E-1 1 turn before and it certainly wasn't that bad probability-wise. It's been a while but I remember needing to break a lot of seige tomes, levelling up Kurth in the base and using 1 or 2 longbows. The odds of getting a successful recording were like 1 in 10 at worst. To be fair, it was on normal mode and wasn't based around an LTC with continuity (meaning easier to raise units in previous chapters), but still.

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Good to know, thanks! Do you mind sharing the other places where you used Rescue? I know you used it once in 4-3, and no times in 4-2. I imagine that you probably used it only once in 4-4 or 4-5? Maybe no times in one of them?

in my LTC

4-P 1(no necessary)

4-3 1

4-4 1(no necessary)

4-5 1

4-E-5 1

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Awesome, that's great to know!

I'm nearly certain 4-E-5 can be done without Rescue, and I think I have an idea of how to do 4-5 without Rescue (shove your heron a bunch of times, maybe give your flier pass?) depending on what Skills you allocated to other teams (I notice that you removed Celerity from Haar in 4-3, which bodes very well for this).

Does your 4-4 clear without Rescue require Celerity on someone? I would appreciate if you could upload a video or post a strat, since it's not immediately obvious to me how to do it. Thanks in advance!

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On a related note, if Rescue isn't necessary for a 3 turn clear of 4-4, is it necessary to train Soren at all? It certainly doesn't seem like he'll be warping at all (even in a potential 1-turn clear of 4-1, I imagine you would let Mist do the warping), but is his combat actually necessary at any point? You still need Ilyana/Calill for 4-3 (I think?), and they can take the role of your second mage for Endgame, so it seems to me that I can avoid training him at all, and save a Master Crown for someone more useful, maybe?

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got around to watching all the videos. Here are the highlights for me:


BEXP management throughout the run

Making Nephenee seem awesome in an LTC (so much Impale activation :P)

Making all your mage units seem awesome (Ilyana and Sanaki especially)

Making use of all 4 pegasi

2-1: Strat of Brom rescuing Nephenee and going the South route

3-6: Having a bunch of scrubs attack a laguz just to make him revert, and rescue dropping the bishop so he’s forced to physic the right unit

3-7: Stealing half of Micaiah’s items, Janaff dodging the black knight, training Ulki untransformed

3-11: Promoting 3 units in the base with a master crown, hammerne on meteor, halfshift Ulki smiting Marcia after taking a statue frag

3-12: Shine barrier use!

3-13: Laura 1 turn strat (Trade chain for the purge tome, Leo support + adept FTW)

4-P: Placing Haar and Jill on the same army (talk about overkill!)

4-3: Micaiah using physic and recruiting Stefan in the same move

I'm kind of wondering what happened to the videos for 4-4 onwards, would really like to see them :(

One thing I have to point out, claiming this run has no RNG abuse is disingenuous at best. Crits, level-ups, unlikely dodges and improbable hidden treasure acquisitions happen constantly throughout the run, to the point where I'm convinced you're using a pre-determined series of RNs to achieve the results you get without using battle saves / suspends. The level of manipulation is something between what you see from most quality LTC runs (ex/ dondon's 0% growth runs) and the insane, over-the-top manipulations in Ruadath's run.

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One thing I have to point out, claiming this run has no RNG abuse is disingenuous at best. Crits, level-ups, unlikely dodges and improbable hidden treasure acquisitions happen constantly throughout the run, to the point where I'm convinced you're using a pre-determined series of RNs to achieve the results you get without using battle saves / suspends. The level of manipulation is something between what you see from most quality LTC runs (ex/ dondon's 0% growth runs) and the insane, over-the-top manipulations in Ruadath's run.

I don't think he is being disingenuous, I think he just means no suspend state abuse.

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