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Trying to Optimize Birthright Pairings

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Trying to optimize Birthright pairings, but don't know if these are any good. I REALLY like the idea of Ryoma X Kagero and Oboro X Takumi, but I'm worried those will mess up my other pairings. Who is generally considered the worse child/the one worth skipping out on?

If it would be better for me to marry one of the children to get all of them, I suppose I would prefer to do either Male Corrin X Caeldori or Female Corrin X Shigure.

Azura X Male Corrin (+Strength, - Defense)

Kaze X Rinka

Hayato X Sakura

Ryoma X Kagero

Takumi X Oboro

Subaki X Hinoka

Hinata X Hana

Azama X Orochi

Saizo X Setsuna

Kaden X Mozu

Felicia X Jakob

Silas goes unpaired.

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If you are going for optimal, Takumi and Oboro aren't that great, because Takumi won't get a new second class from her (he already has lance fighter as a second). Oboro is an awesome mother for almost any kid, but I can definitly recommend Oboro!Shiro, Oboro!Caeldori and Oboro!Sophie.

Good pairings for Takumi are with Mozu, Hana and Kagero.

AzamaxOrochi is a bad choice, because Azama is really more of a physical attacker (priest class is misplaced), so Mitama wants a phys mum. I'd go with Setsuna.

SaizoxOrochi is also a pretty good choice, as both he and his son can make for great magic units.

Jacob would also prefer someone physical.

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Oboro is better from an optimal standpoint mainly because she's got better skill options in supports and +1 in skl and def mods. She isn't his most optimal wife from a final level standpoint and more from an efficiency one, but still one of his bests.

Orochi is stuck with Hayato or Selkie forever, unless you want to do KazexOrochi, one of the only guys who can survive her speed on mods and he has a -1 str midori by default. But Kaze might want Azura for +7 speed instead. Really, someone is gonna have to marry her regardless for all the kids. Saizo and her are doomed with a 32 speed cap Asugi as a ninja.

Takumi just wants speed for their son. Mozu, Hana, etc. are all good.

Felicia is better off with Hayato or Saizo, same with Sakura. Hinata likes Hana and Setsuna most.

Azama likes Kagero or anyone who doesn't hurt his mods too much and provides a decent reclass. Shiro likes Kagero as a mom for STR and seals, and Ryoma likes the pair up bonuses including the added movement.

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I'm a huge fan of marrying the retainers to each other or the Royals to their respective retainers

Is there a middle ground between optimal pairings and good support conversations?

I just played through Conquest where a lot of the good pairings just seemed to make sense storywise.

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Well it depends on your personal taste, but I think Takumi's supports with both Mozu and Hana are very good. He and Hana have known each other for a long time, and I feel their supports definitly show this (it's both funny and heartwarming). With Mozu it's more about him getting a new perspective on the life of commoners. Mozu also never lets his initial grumpiness get to her, and I think their relationship flows very well.

Generally speaking, the royals do have past experiences with many of the retainers of their siblings as well. Most of them have good chemistry.

So yeah, you might want to read the supports first (I believe they are all/mostly on the wiki), then just choose the ones you really like but still give good stats.

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Something like Hayato X Sakura makes a ton of sense to me because of their appearance and magic. Does Ryoma have any optimal wives besides Kagero?

Rinkah is good for him--especially from an optimize Ryoma standpoint. Death Strike boosts Ryoma's crit rates even higher on PP, and Lancebreaker eliminates one of the most major things that's even a threat to his EP Avotanking capabilities. +Str +Def is also very strong on Ryoma. Think Generals are a threat to Ryoma's dominance? Not any more. Also I like their support a lot, and from a meta sense it's super funny, because Shiro took up lances to beat his dad, right? Little lobster gets completely outplayed that way and it's hilarious.

I ran Oboro!Shiro on first run of Birthright Lunatic (I borrowed Rinkah from Ryoma to give her Berserker, else I don't like separating them) and man, what a champ. His defense hit 41 at some point given appropriate boosts. You know who else can hit 41 defense? Xander. That's a fucking wall right there. One thing I like about Shiro is that he and Ryoma occupies completely different niches, so he's not just some inferior version of his holy-weapon-toting dad like poor Kisaragi is, since he does a very different job than Ryoma.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'll leave Jakob unpaired then because Azama X Setsuna seems like a fun pairing :)

I've never been one to deny a fun pairing, but Dwyer"s Paralogue has some pretty cool items (Dwyer comes with a Mend, Sun Festal and Physic!). Plus, you could always marry best girl Scarlet and pair Azura with Jakob ;)

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I'll second Azura x Jakob - it's really sweet, and one of my favorite supports.

If I had to go based off of numbers/skills/classes alone. . .

Orochi x Kaze - Kaze's mods scream magical unit, and Orochi isn't going to complain about Speed.

Felicia x Hayato - Not only do you get Tomebreaker, you get a Rhajat that's decently fast.

Hinata x Azura - They counter each other's bad mods, and the resulting Hisame will be. . .somewhat passable. Except that hair color, yeesh.

Kaden x Setsuna - The resulting Selkie's saving grace will be Certain Blow, because Kaden's Skill modifier blows.

Azama x Kagero - Awful support chain aside (yes, it's bad, even by my standards), you'll end up with a +6 STR Mitama.

Hana x Saizo - Like most other couples here, they kinda cancel out each others terrible mods.

Rinkah x Takumi - The only thing more terrifying than a Ryoma with that much crit is Takumi with it, because Takumi naturally ignores terrain penalties. Pile Lethality on top of it all and enjoy the fireworks.

Oboro x Ryouma - Decent mods, and hilarious skill sets on both Ryouma and Shiro.

Sakura x Jakob - Gives Dwyr another staff-wielding class option, which he'll need, since he's gonna suck on the front lines.

Silas x Mozu - It's a cute support! Plus, Aptitude on arguably the first kid you'll get is amazing (which you'll want to blow a couple of Heart Seals on - pass down something like Quick Draw instead).

That leaves Reina, Scarlet, Yukimura, or a kid. For absolute hilarity, do a +STR/-MAG Corrin and pair him with Mitama. For something more sensible, pair off with one of the three I mentioned earlier (three reclass options means way more cool skills to pass on).

EDIT: Ultimately, it depends on what you want out of your pairings - if you really want a numbers/class game, someone else can refine this.

Edited by eclipse
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