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Obama Clearly won the debate


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I thought it was kind of funny. "Can I respond to that?" "Uh, no, you only get 1 minute; you agreed on that." Then he waits until it's his turn, quickly answers the question, and then responds to the previous statement.

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I personally think that it won't matter who "clearly," won or not, because there is no "clearly," as it's all based on opinion, and it wouldn't be a clear, clean victory unless one side got say 85-100% support.

I personally think neither of them won.

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-It actually means a lot. Especially with, oh I dunno, Gas prices being ridic?

-A lot of people were talking about it before. And no one can completely control their kids. Plus, the girl is a teenager, so she's bound to rebel. And, it's the daughter's fault. Not Palins. The daughter is her own person.

-Lol. More opinion. This is the way I see it:

McCain: Stubborn old war hungry man

Obama: Whinny little bitch.

Personally I'd rather deal with the first one, cause they can actually DO something.

I live in FLorida and my aunt lives in Alaska and shes a republican and most always votes Republican

Gas prices are getting better btw since the surge, idk why but it has

A bad parent can't control their children, two years ago I was surrounded by people who I thought were my frind they were thugs, gang people and drug abusers, yet because of the way my mom raised me, I never touched a drug, got away from those people and started a new life

What Opinions?

And Obama is not a whinny bitch, McCain is a grumpy hateful person though, Now politicians are calling him McNacy lol

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I personally think that it won't matter who "clearly," won or not, because there is no "clearly," as it's all based on opinion, and it wouldn't be a clear, clean victory unless one side got say 85-100% support.

I personally think neither of them won.

Yea I know that, I just made the topic as a joke because the last debagte topic was called that, but out of everyone here I respect your political opinion the most, well other than Jyshuoa

and lyle, btw no hard feelings, I'm just debating, I'm not tying to hurt you lol

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Obama is TOTALLY a whinny little bitch.

And he's a socialist.

Which is pretty much communism.

Which we've been fighting against since like the 1950s

And he's friends with that terrorist guy who said: "God damn America." and who bombed the pentagon and years later said: "I'm only sorry that we didn't do more!"

And then there's that whole biblical thing: "When the world has gone to shit(not the exact phrasing, but pretty much.), the anti-christ will reveal itself in the form of an extremely charismatic politician."

Mind you those may not be good enough reasons to hate the guy, but it might sway some people. It has a slight effect on my opinion. But those aren't my only reasons.

And of course I know that Doom. We can hate on eachother as much as we want here in this topic, but we still madd cool.

We can disagree all we want on politics, so long as we agree that america kicks ass!

*Sings patriotic song.*

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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As a long-time fan of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, I've seen McCain on the show multiple, multiple times when he wasn't running for any particular office, when he was more allowed to be himself. Calling him a hateful person is just ignorant and shows you're buying into the media bias towards the more liberal candidate.

As much as I disagree with his politics, I bet Obama is probably a pretty nice guy. I'm worried he's going to get elected, because he's got a democratic congress, just like Bush had a republican one, meaning a lot of his proposed plans will probably go into effect, meaning my family's net worth is going to plummet. I don't want to be poor especially because my family's been upper middle class for all my life.

At least TRY and keep the bias out of what you say. I realize every one is (I'm biased towards moderate conservatism, which McCain fits the bill) but man, saying someone is just a hateful old man is simply ignorant.

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You won't like me too much then...

Lol. Well it's your freedom to think that. The first ammendment.

And I like McCain because he's similar to me. He's sorta in the middle, but he leans to the right.

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You won't like me too much then...

There's nothing about the United States to dislike from a conceptual level. We've got the best form of government on earth. Local governments (not that anyone seems to care about them, which is a shame) are designed to be responsive to the needs of the people, while national government has the power to keep us safe and make big decisions that affect the whole nation.

What's broken is the the partisan bullshit. The idea of 2 parties that dominate everything hurts us all. It means that the sides can't ever agree on anything because agreeing with the only opposition means you're giving them the political advantage which means you're hurting your own chances of obtaining more power.

I believe in the United States of America. It's a great nation and I've enjoyed my life here. The vast majority of people I've met from foreign countries that have ever spent a significant amount of time here also love America. It's one of the only places on earth where your opinion as a citizen matters.

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Well there are plenty of other countries that have very similar rights as America, personally if I had my choice, I'd live in England.

Not necessarily, similar, but the same as the greatest country in the world

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Lol. Well it's your freedom to think that. The first ammendment.

And I like McCain because he's similar to me. He's sorta in the middle, but he leans to the right.

Statistical fact: the vast majority of Americans consider themselves moderate and lean slightly more to the right.

One of the things about Conservativeism on a conceptual level is being slow to change, which is just human nature. It makes sense that the majority of people out there have a slight right tendency.

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Statistical fact: the vast majority of Americans consider themselves moderate and lean slightly more to the right.

One of the things about Conservativeism on a conceptual level is being slow to change, which is just human nature. It makes sense that the majority of people out there have a slight right tendency.

.....Yeah. (Lol.)

Like being against gay marriage is technically a 'right wing' idea, but more than half of the people on the right believe that they should be able to get married.

Though, I don't really like the idea of a split down the middle idea of politics. I don't like how the people on the left and people on the right are steriotyped. I'd think that an ideal president is someone who sees things down the middle road.

Lol. South Park is my code for politicol and moral guidlines.

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Not necessarily, similar, but the same as the greatest country in the world

That is a misconception, as America is NOT the greatest country in the world, it's that American-centralized view that causes issues with other countries.

Besides, I never said it was the government I hated. Sure the government gets corrupted, and laws hinder my ability to enjoy it here, but it's mostly the PEOPLE I don't like. Laws can't fix people.

I'm tired of all the hate, and prejudices, I would rather live in a country which has a higher rate of acceptance for people like me than this one. The United Kingdom just happens to be that place.

I could care less about the laws, as they don't protect my right against prejudices from every day citizens. The law won't stop people from being ignorant and hateful. Not even in England will it stop, but the acceptance rate it's higher for my category.

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-It actually means a lot. Especially with, oh I dunno, Gas prices being ridic?

-A lot of people were talking about it before. And no one can completely control their kids. Plus, the girl is a teenager, so she's bound to rebel. And, it's the daughter's fault. Not Palins. The daughter is her own person.

-Lol. More opinion. This is the way I see it:

McCain: Stubborn old war hungry man

Obama: Whinny little bitch.

Personally I'd rather deal with the first one, cause they can actually DO something.

As a long-time fan of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, I've seen McCain on the show multiple, multiple times when he wasn't running for any particular office, when he was more allowed to be himself. Calling him a hateful person is just ignorant and shows you're buying into the media bias towards the more liberal candidate.

As much as I disagree with his politics, I bet Obama is probably a pretty nice guy. I'm worried he's going to get elected, because he's got a democratic congress, just like Bush had a republican one, meaning a lot of his proposed plans will probably go into effect, meaning my family's net worth is going to plummet. I don't want to be poor especially because my family's been upper middle class for all my life.

At least TRY and keep the bias out of what you say. I realize every one is (I'm biased towards moderate conservatism, which McCain fits the bill) but man, saying someone is just a hateful old man is simply ignorant.

There's nothing about the United States to dislike from a conceptual level. We've got the best form of government on earth. Local governments (not that anyone seems to care about them, which is a shame) are designed to be responsive to the needs of the people, while national government has the power to keep us safe and make big decisions that affect the whole nation.

What's broken is the the partisan bullshit. The idea of 2 parties that dominate everything hurts us all. It means that the sides can't ever agree on anything because agreeing with the only opposition means you're giving them the political advantage which means you're hurting your own chances of obtaining more power.

I believe in the United States of America. It's a great nation and I've enjoyed my life here. The vast majority of people I've met from foreign countries that have ever spent a significant amount of time here also love America. It's one of the only places on earth where your opinion as a citizen matters.

YAY more conservative peoples


i agree with almost all of this, 1 or 2 parts are kinda iffy

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That is a misconception, as America is NOT the greatest country in the world, it's that American-centralized view that causes issues with other countries.

Besides, I never said it was the government I hated. Sure the government gets corrupted, and laws hinder my ability to enjoy it here, but it's mostly the PEOPLE I don't like. Laws can't fix people.

I'm tired of all the hate, and prejudices, I would rather live in a country which has a higher rate of acceptance for people like me than this one. The United Kingdom just happens to be that place.

I could care less about the laws, as they don't protect my right against prejudices from every day citizens. The law won't stop people from being ignorant and hateful. Not even in England will it stop, but the acceptance rate it's higher for my category.

People are evil by nature, there's no were to escape that, and the numbers don't change, England will probably be my second choice to live, but not to escape the evil of man, there will be hatred everywhere, even you have hatred every one does.

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People are evil by nature, there's no were to escape that, and the numbers don't change, England will probably be my second choice to live, but not to escape the evil of man, there will be hatred everywhere, even you have hatred every one does.

I believe that people are born good, but people have too many flaws to always do what is right, but people don't nessacarily try to hate

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I believe that people are born good, but people have too many flaws to always do what is right, but people don't nessacarily try to hate

How so? Isn't it easier to hate than to love?

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People are evil by nature, there's no were to escape that, and the numbers don't change, England will probably be my second choice to live, but not to escape the evil of man, there will be hatred everywhere, even you have hatred every one does.

That is an opinion, and actually you're wrong, as there is a higher acceptance rate for homosexuals in England than here, and that would be the group I fall under, since I am undecided about my preference, but I'm leaning more towards a homosexual side.

Sure America SAYS they accept them, but how many people do? They can't even get married here.

There is a MUCH higher acceptance rate in England, than in America. I'm sorry, but America is one of the most self centered countries in the world, and that is a fact.

America uses over seventy percent of the oil used per YEAR. America use more than any country combined.

America has a United Nations policy where they are allowed to seize any country they believe is a threat to them, however other countries do not hold this right.

Those are just a few examples. You don't have to agree, but it's pretty obvious to me, that America IS self-centered.

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How so? Isn't it easier to hate than to love?

yes but that does not mean that we are evil, intolerance is not nessacarily evil, nor is discrimination in it's true form (not prejiduce[sp?] but being able to discern things)

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yes but that does not mean that we are evil, intolerance is not nessacarily evil, nor is discrimination in it's true form (not prejiduce[sp?] but being able to discern things)

Also, I like to add that love and hate do not define evil. As you can HATE evil. You can also LOVE to be evil.

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That is an opinion, and actually you're wrong, as there is a higher acceptance rate for homosexuals in England than here, and that would be the group I fall under, since I am undecided about my preference, but I'm leaning more towards a homosexual side.

Sure America SAYS they accept them, but how many people do? They can't even get married here.

There is a MUCH higher acceptance rate in England, than in America. I'm sorry, but America is one of the most self centered countries in the world, and that is a fact.

America uses over seventy percent of the oil used per YEAR. America use more than any country combined.

America has a United Nations policy where they are allowed to seize any country they believe is a threat to them, however other countries do not hold this right.

Those are just a few examples. You don't have to agree, but it's pretty obvious to me, that America IS self-centered.

it is because most americans believe that homosexuality is wrong, and they are trying to hate the sin but love the sinner, so to speak, but it's kind of hard to do that without someone geting hurt or offended.

and to america

1. yea but we also have the world's highest GDP and that means we contrubute as much as we take in

2. it's because other countries are jealous, they say they hate us because we are doing better financialy

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it is because most americans believe that homosexuality is wrong, and they are trying to hate the sin but love the sinner, so to speak, but it's kind of hard to do that without someone geting hurt or offended.

and to america

1. yea but we also have the world's highest GDP and that means we contrubute as much as we take in

2. it's because other countries are jealous, they say they hate us because we are doing better financialy

That doesn't mean we're not self-centered, it just means we are making a REASON to be self-centered.

And yes, I agree, the hate towards homosexuals in America is ridiculous, and no law that I fight to have passed will end it, therefore I don't wish to live in this country.

I would completely and fully fight for such laws if they were possible and could work, but since they can not work or exist for that matter, I have no choice but to live elsewhere, and as soon as time permits, I shall do so.

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That doesn't mean we're not self-centered, it just means we are making a REASON to be self-centered.

And yes, I agree, the hate towards homosexuals in America is ridiculous, and no law that I fight to have passed will end it, therefore I don't wish to live in this country.

I would completely and fully fight for such laws if they were possible and could work, but since they can not work or exist for that matter, I have no choice but to live elsewhere, and as soon as time permits, I shall do so.

well if we are so self centered, then how come the UN still exists, how come we are the largest country by charitable givings, the list could go on, but there is something to philantrophy.

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