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"Tell Tale" Emblem?


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What if the story of a new Fire Emblem game is made telltale style.

Protagonist: a Merchant (later Mercenary)


A South East Asian style Archipelago Republic/League (home of the protagonist)

An east Asian style empire (known for martial arts) - sanctions the kingdom

A west European style Kingdom (clergy has power) - sanctions the Empire

A Mediterranean style city state (home of the Legendary Dragon King (born as human - existence is doubtful))

A cebtral/Eastern European style Nationalist state

Tension exist between the Empire and the Kingdom

Final boss is a beautiful egotistical white Dragon (fallen angel) who leads an army of fallen angels

What can you expand about the setting I provided?

I can see a lot of possibilities as the Hero can accept ANY contract (side quest) alongside the main quest.

Edited by Jayvee94
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I honestly grew sick of these interactive movies by TTG after The Wolf Among Us.

Miss the way they used to make adventure games like the Sam & Max series or Monkey Island 5... with ACTUAL gameplay and puzzles instead of quick-time-events.

If they did something oldschool like that it might be interesting, but I'm not sure how they would incorporate the Fire Emblem strategy gameplay in it.

I mean they could just not do that, but then they would just borrow names which is kinda lame.

Give that project to Daedalic Entertainment and they might figure something out. They made both great adventure games and Strategy RPGs in the past.

Edited by Ragnar
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I would rather there wasn't one to be honest. If we want to go the route of a much more story based game, then a Virtual Novel is much more likely for Fire Emblem as its a Japanese game that takes inspiration from anime. Not saying that is what I would want, but its the much more likely result, as Tell Tale is more of a Western thing.

Your ideas sound interesting, but the thing is its much more set for an original Fire Emblem game as Tell-Tale lacks any sort of gameplay outside of a few clicks for dialogue and a quick time event or two. Any kind of big end boss like that wouldn't work for a Tell-Tale game because it would all come down to a few clicks for quick-time and your done, which creates a very lackluster, anti-climatic boss fight. Even Dungeons and Dragons has more gameplay to it than Tell-Tale games, and Dungeons and Dragons was the original Story Telling game.

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Thanks. I just hope I can change the title.

Well the thing is they arent alike in gameplay at all. Virtual Novel is literally an interactive novel. The only "gameplay" is dialogue choices. The story still is multi-branching with different stories and events, but its still very different. All I was saying is that if one of the two happened for Fire Emblem, a VN is much more likely to happen. The problem is most Virtual Novels are romance based because they really don't fit the more "action" genre's either.

Edited by Tolvir
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