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Best mom for gen 3 Kanna? (Revelation)


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Do you want a magic Kana?

Because personally for that, I'd go Felicia/Nyx!Nina or Felicia/Nyx!Rhajat. Up to you for which ones!

They're considerably similar in terms of mods:


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res
(-4) | (6) | (0) | (7) | (-2) | (0) | (5)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res
(-2) | (7) | (-2) | (8) | (-3) | (-1) | (5)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res

(-2) | (7) | (0) | (6) | (-1) | (-1) | (3)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res
(0) | (8) | (-2) | (7) | (-2) | (-2) | (3)
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Feel like Velouria with Effie or Camilla(In this case I go with Camilla) Is objectively the best Physical mother for Kana.(Edit: My B I only read the title lol but if you were ever interested in Physical this is the way to go!!!)

As for Magical I think Elif got you covered.

I personally go with Elise!Ophelia!Kana, I think Nyx!Rhajat or Sakura!Rhajat might be better though but I like Ophelia as a character so I lean towards her :P

Edited by MitoRequiem
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I was think about dragon Kanna

Is that build ok?

pretty much what Elif says

Do you want a magic Kana?

Because personally for that, I'd go Felicia/Nyx!Nina or Felicia/Nyx!Rhajat. Up to you for which ones!

They're considerably similar in terms of mods:


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res

(-4) | (6) | (0) | (7) | (-2) | (0) | (5)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res

(-2) | (7) | (-2) | (8) | (-3) | (-1) | (5)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res

(-2) | (7) | (0) | (6) | (-1) | (-1) | (3)


Str | Mag | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res

(0) | (8) | (-2) | (7) | (-2) | (-2) | (3)

Magic parents are good for offensive Dragon Kana as dragonstones are magic based now.
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Orochi!Ophelia since you're going magic and Dstone doesn't need spd on kana

Elise is LITERALLY only if you mind the hair color. Otherwise Orochi is much better for mods for her, imo.

Spd is negligible on ophi, and will be on kana, too, plus it will make kana a tankier/higher skill activator dragon rather than some glassy half assed thing.

Edited by Rei-
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Orochi!Ophelia since you're going magic and Dstone doesn't need spd on kana

Elise is LITERALLY only if you mind the hair color. Otherwise Orochi is much better for mods for her, imo.

Spd is negligible on ophi, and will be on kana, too, plus it will make kana a tankier/higher skill activator dragon rather than some glassy half assed thing.

Is the dragon form even any good for Kana? From what I've read, it's not worth bothering with because 1 tile range + no doubling.

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Is the dragon form even any good for Kana? From what I've read, it's not worth bothering with because 1 tile range + no doubling.

So far for Lunatic it's really good. Kana is a monster, literally & figuratively. Mine can just go wherever and wreck lol, but he isn't a 3rd gen. I can't imagine the insanity he'd be as a 3rd gen :l

There are effective situations where you absolutely do not want to double -> Walling/funneling/leech leveling. It has it's advantages, and ranged basically does 0 damage to you because of the defensive buffs.

As for castle? Probably not...

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Dragonstone is really good defensively. +Magic Corrin and Kana make pretty good tanks, especially with their debuff skill.

Offensively it's not so great, you'd rather just use Tomes or Levin Sword if you are attempting to one-round enemies.

EDIT: so if you want the capability to do both, that is a case for Elise over Orochi.

Edited by Chaotix
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Dragonstone is really good defensively. +Magic Corrin and Kana make pretty good tanks, especially with their debuff skill.

Offensively it's not so great, you'd rather just use Tomes or Levin Sword if you are attempting to one-round enemies.

EDIT: so if you want the capability to do both, that is a case for Elise over Orochi.

So I should marriage direct Elise or Elise/Ophelia to build like you said?

Think again,maybe I should build on magic not full dragon tank

Edited by Ngtunganh
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  • 5 months later...

So I should marriage direct Elise or Elise/Ophelia to build like you said?

Think again,maybe I should build on magic not full dragon tank

IF you have M!Avatar I would recommend against marrying any first gen units that aren't Corrinsexuals since you will then have to choose which child will not exist. That's the completionist in me talking. :P

Edited by DKlein89
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what about effie/Ignatius ignatius× F!Avatar how much def would that be?

Effie!Ignatius! with a (+Def,-Spd) Mother gives Kana a +7 defense mod.

Rinkah/Beruka !Ignatius! with the same Corrin gives a +10 defense mod.

So if you want a very defensive Kana, I'd have Rinkah or Beruka marry Benny.

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3rd gen kana. I see.

I would say

1.Ophelia. Since you have a magic boon, I would recommend Ophelia since she has a very high magic growth and cap.

2. Felicia's Daughter (if possible). I married Felicia and my kana got a very high magic. (Mechanist with 36 magic) she is a very good choice for magic.

3. Nina. She naturally has a good magic Growth rate. When I married niles he married oboro and Nina did great as a basara and really any other class that uses magic.

This is my opinion but it's your choice.

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So I still can go physic kanna even I choose +mag?

Yes, it's possible. My Physical Kana does great On the battlefield at 36 mag and 40 Str.

Edited by Hithere
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