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Where will the series go from here?


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I think...

1: Fire Emblem will likely stay on handhelds for the time being. The 3DS is fairly popular, at least more so than the Wii U, but who knows that the Nintendo NX has in store. I would like to see a console FE again because I loved Radiant Dawn's presentation and music, but I suppose it makes more sense from a financial standpoint to continue making it on handheld where it already holds a market.

2: DLC will likely return for future installments. I'm sure that the "EXP DLC, Weapons DLC, and Gold DLC" will become standard, with each game putting its own spin on the formula. I would also hazard a guess that there will be "Special CG" maps as well.

3: My Castle functionality will likely return. I see this feature being the evolution of Base Conversations back from Fire Emblem 9 and 10 and the Barracks functionality from Awakening. Personally, I would like to see more personalized Base Conversations again, so hopefully they can implement this feature alongside the generic dialogues.

4: I see Avatar character sticking around. However, I would like to have game where the Avatar unit, while amazing, is not the main focus of the story. For example, I think of Xenoblade Chronicles X's player avatar, while he/she is "the awesome Rookie", the main story actually revolves around Elma (and Lin, and Tatsu). The player just plays as a bad*** character that just happens to tag along with the important people.

5: I see the "S" Rank support system returning, but I hope that instead of just plain up marriage that "S" Ranks just mean a paired, personalized ending. For example, the Sacred Stones endings. Amelia and Duessel had Duessel reunites Amelia with her mother. L’Arachel and Dozla with Dozla crying like a baby when L'Arachel was finally wed. Garcia and Ross was a a father and son ending, etc. Of course, there is nothing wrong with marriage endings (Sacred Stones also had plenty of marriages), but I hope they become more personalized. Also, add in supports that make sense and don't be binary that "this wouldn't be balanced!" I'm tired of some pairings not being able to getting their supports in unless it is deliberately designed (Scarlet & Ryoma, Flora and Jakob, and so on). There can be supports that do not have an "S" rank and they only go up to A, or the "S" support is not necessarily a "happily ever after" ending.

6: I am unsure if children will return, and I hope they do not unless there is a justifiable reason for them to return. While I enjoyed them for what they were, there can be far more variety in character designs. In addition, as of late, the FE games need a little more world building instead of character building, and having a child character trying to build up the character of the parent gets old rather quickly. New recruitable characters can add in more information about the world instead of kids that are shoved away in another dimension.

6a: Slightly off topic, but when was the last time we had a Pegasus Knight Trio Attack? Was that in 10? I remember it being a thing, but I never really used it...

7: I think the new weapon system (Updated Triangle and addition of Daggers) may stick around and get its own evolution. I have a feeling that Fate's weapon system will become the new norm, unless they end up hybridizing durability with different weapon effects. I really hope they change Silver weapon's functionality, mostly because I'm more of an Enemy Phase player instead of setting up killzones for the Player Phase. Alternatively, upgrade the Forge to also allow for "weapon skins", so if I want my "Iron Lance" to look like a "Silver Lance" and vice versa, let me do so!

8: The fanbase will need to sort itself out between the old players and the influx of the new generation. I started off with the Sacred Stones and played every game released stateside since (including Blazing Sword), but in the words of Honest Game Trailers, I saw Fire Emblem transition from a "balls hard tactical game to a balls hard tactical game wrapped in an anime visual novel." I don't mind fanservice, and I get a kick out of the nonsense every now and then, but I am worried about how far they will go. The "My Room" models were nice and the dialogue added a little more to their character, but I could live without the petting and cooling them off. I'll take the swimsuits over that, there are some armor designs that are somehow more revealing and suggestive than a simple swimsuit.

I guess I suggest simply tread with caution. Swimsuits seems to be the easy way for fanservice, and that I can deal with. Having virtual characters proclaim their love to you and make suggestive remarks is when I start slowly backing away from my 3DS, saying "What did I get myself into?" That said, my daughter Kana is too adorable. I thought female Morgan was adorable, but Kana is another beast entirely. Please send help.

Overall, I think Fire Emblem has a good future ahead of itself. They still have the gameplay mechanics down, as demonstrated in Conquest, and they still have memorable characters (Arthur, Benny, Felicia, F!Kana, the trio, too many list...) I would like to see them improve on story some more and maybe tone down the fanservice a little bit, but otherwise, I'm still fairly happy with the series as a "veteran" player.

I was about to type a huge essay containing my thoughts in more detail than my first post now that I'm actually back at my computer, but this guy pretty much summed up my thoughts, tho I still have some things to add coming from the Awakening noob in me.

I'm almost certain they will tone down on the fanservice next time considering I doubt they want to risk another "censorship" scandal next time around, and the "Making of Fire Emblem" book basically confirms FE is handheld exclusive now.

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FE will stay on handhelds for the time being. Tellius didn't sell well, #FE flat-out bombed, and the 3DS has sold like 4x as many units as the Wii U, so making a Wii U version could effectively be cutting sales by 75%, which is not ideal for a series that just got out of financial troubles. Maybe 5-10 years from now will be a different story, but for now it'd be way too risky a move.

Avatar and dating sim supports are staying, which I don't mind as long as the Avatar is done well (no ass-kissing, I'm looking at you Mark/Kris/Robin), and if they avoid creepy stuff like skinshipping. Not sure if kids are staying, I lean towards no but I wouldn't be surprised if they are.

Pair-up, casual, personal skills, and other elements are likely to stay.

The two versions thing scares the hell out of me. I'd hate to see them make two versions for money like Pokemon. The reason it was great for Fates was because it was a gimmick that fit the story, if you keep having to force stories to work with the gimmick it will get tired. I do prefer story DLC to straight map DLC though.

Any more remakes? I'm not sure. It makes perfect sense to do FE4 since the children system is already there. It also makes sense to do FE5 as a downloadable second campaign like Revelation. FE11/12's sales might dissuade them however.

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A lot of you seem to bring up the 3DS and Wii U specifically, but we're nearing the end of their lifespans. We don't know what'll happen next there either; for all we know, Nintendo's got another surprise like the Wii was coming - I mean, I doubt it, but you never know.

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Well, now that we've worked out the general future of the series, I'm going to take a bet and predict stuff specifically about FE15...

...namely that it'll be an FE6 remake either as a New 3DS / 3DS XL exclusive OR a (semi)launch title for the NX.

Just a disclaimer, I am not privy to what IS's plans are, so take all of this with a grain of salt.

Now, I see a remake being likely for the simple reason that Fates, at least in my eyes was less "three versions" and more "three games with different stories and radically different gameplay styles." Regardless, IS put a lot of work into the game, and I think they might want to rest a bit before coming up with a new story again. As for FE6? Mostly just that Roy returned as a DLC fighter in Sm4sh, and the fact his game was never localized. As for the system... I do think we're unlikely to have much more new (regular) 3DS games, but depending on the launch date for the NX, it could either come out as either a launch title for, or close to, it at least. The New 3DS / 3DS XL is just what I think they'll do barring an NX opportunity.

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I echo everyone else's thoughts about the series staying on handhelds. Console FE sold like hot garbage, so its like to not ever return to that format. And personally, id rather it never go back to console. FE just fits with handhelds.

Now then, to what i really think may happen here. While a lot of the current mechanics and things are hella popular, i think we are going to see the next installment be a return to form, so to speak. Why? Fates was literally swimming in bullshit and controversy for months on end. I do not think Nintendo or IS wants to repeat that. While i think Avatars, casual mode, and grinding might stick around for good. I do think we wont see a return of the children mechanic without it being rather plot relevant. And we arent likely to see the Private Quarters Live 2D thing again. I also feel like PairUp might not exist in the next installment.

FE is a series that keeps trying new shit with each installment. Yeah, reclassing and the new weapon triangle, and diddling with the RNG and the like will keep happening. But we will likely see a new art shift, different worlds, and maybe something that makes sense.

I also do feel like a remake is on the horizon. Either FE Elibe or Genealogy of the Holy War. I pick those two because one has Roy and a possible generation system retool if you can combine both games. And the other because generation system that makes sense. (FE Elibe also has room for an Avatar)

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Hmmm well its anyone's guess but I think alot of it depends on how NX is going to be handled. If its a hybrid system like people keep talking about then I think FE would be released on the "handheld" version if that makes any sense. If the 3DS is still around I can see it going to that. However, I fundamentally don't really see Nintendo making another dedicated handheld device. Even now 3DS sales have slowed down quiet a bit and there's the huge variable of the smartphone industry. Honestly when you think about it its pretty amazing how well the 3DS has managed to do and how long Nintendo has been able to support it. I think it would be insidiously difficult to release an outright new handheld console in today's world.

That being said I think its obvious FE would be better suited towards handhelds I just have no idea how Nintendo plans to do that. I only see 3 options.

1) Release it on the 3DS and just continue to support that platform taking advantage of the install base keeping in mind as the years go by you'll be developing for increasingly older hardware.

2) Release it as a "handheld NX" version again this assumes NX will be a hybrid device if its not then this is irrelevant.

3) Release it on a new gaming handheld. I don't think this would happen as for the reasons stated above but in the off chance they could succeed with a handheld again in today's world more power to em.

As for game mechanics I think they might just release single carts but if they have the whole two options just make each path downloadable. Probably would be simpler anyway and easier on their end from a manufacturing standpoint. DLC will continue, my castle will be expanded upon, pair up functions as well as S support options and my unit will all come back. As far as kids that could go either way.

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But will we see wildly fluctuating elements like the earlier days of the series? I honestly don't think we will.

Things haven't fluctuated that much since FE2 and 3, have they?

I'm sure if you wanted to pick nits you could find plenty of variation between any two FE games, but I think they have more in common than not.

It seems like they're reintroducing concepts that had fallen out of favor previously, actually. For example, FE14 brought back FE2's indestructible weapons and FE5's Capture mechanic, or at least variations on them that hadn't been seen since those respective games.

Come to think of it, if you took every gameplay mechanic from every FE game, you'd probably have more than you could fit into a single game.

Edited by Paper Jam
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I think it depends whether the next game is on 3DS or, more likely, the NX (which I believe will be a hybrid so the handheld vs console debate won't be relevant).

If it comes out for the 3DS then I fully expect it to keep marriage, children, avatars, and grinding for skills. If it's for the NX, I could see them going for something totally new for the next generation of FE. It's happened every time the series shifts consoles, after all.

Now, the avatars will most likely stay around regardless, but after the feedback on children in FE14 ranged mostly from indifferent to negative, I doubt they'll be back. As for the avatar, I think they should be someone like Robin, a sidekick, but without stealing the plot from the main character. I would like them to expand on the idea behind My Castle, but instead of astral realm shenanigans just make it your base camp and have it be like a traversable mini-town that changes scenery as the story progresses. Also bring back base conversations, and cut down on supports. If marriage is back, make it limited for non-avatar units.

I could see them further fine-tuning the class and skills system, maybe cutting back on the amount of skills would be a good thing. I want to believe we can expect a better story. After Awakening IS showed they were listening to feedback, so I can only imagine with so many criticizing Fates' story as well, that they'll try that much harder next time. I'd appreciate a slight change in tone as well. Awakening and Fates are a little too jokey and memey at times.

Basically I think and hope it'll be a mostly new experience. Also, split versions should never happen again.

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I echo everyone else's thoughts about the series staying on handhelds. Console FE sold like hot garbage, so its like to not ever return to that format. And personally, id rather it never go back to console. FE just fits with handhelds.

Now then, to what i really think may happen here. While a lot of the current mechanics and things are hella popular, i think we are going to see the next installment be a return to form, so to speak. Why? Fates was literally swimming in bullshit and controversy for months on end. I do not think Nintendo or IS wants to repeat that. While i think Avatars, casual mode, and grinding might stick around for good. I do think we wont see a return of the children mechanic without it being rather plot relevant. And we arent likely to see the Private Quarters Live 2D thing again. I also feel like PairUp might not exist in the next installment.

FE is a series that keeps trying new shit with each installment. Yeah, reclassing and the new weapon triangle, and diddling with the RNG and the like will keep happening. But we will likely see a new art shift, different worlds, and maybe something that makes sense.

I also do feel like a remake is on the horizon. Either FE Elibe or Genealogy of the Holy War. I pick those two because one has Roy and a possible generation system retool if you can combine both games. And the other because generation system that makes sense. (FE Elibe also has room for an Avatar)

How do you figure PairUp might be cut? They put a lot of effort into balancing it, and making it more interesting. It would be a real shame to throw that away.

As for remakes, I'd be down for a combined Elibe story. I enjoy the setting and some interesting things could be done now with both stories considered together. Plus it will fit into the marriage/children craze.

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I have to disagree with the thought that Elibe could work with the multiple generations system. I'm sorry, but...there's not enough offspring to justify that! And for half of those that are there, they have canon parents that are canonically paired! It just wouldn't work. And if they added a bunch of crap...no, just no.

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I have to disagree with the thought that Elibe could work with the multiple generations system. I'm sorry, but...there's not enough offspring to justify that! And for half of those that are there, they have canon parents that are canonically paired! It just wouldn't work. And if they added a bunch of crap...no, just no.

Who says it would have to be as extensive as Awakening or Fates? It would just be an extra bonus, not the 'point' of the time skip. Of the 11 children who are related to Blazing Sword characters, only 3 belong to two canon parents (and I'd be opposed to breaking them up). That leaves 8 children (+1 for the Avatar child) compared to the 13 in Awakening and Fates (per version). There are other child characters who don't have confirmed parents too.

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That's not the only point, another point is the large size of Binding Blade's cast. It's a big cast, and if only 8 kids would benefit from that sort of parent-child system...it seems pointless, it doesn't need to be there. It'd be tacked-on and honestly just not too great.

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Hmm. Well...

I don't know anything about the inner workings of Nintendo or Intelligent Systems. So I might be wrong. But I wonder if the future of Fire Emblem doesn't depend on how much influence the design team has versus higher-ups who aren't directly involved with development. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic, but...

I'm expecting that the next Fire Emblem will be on a new system, and hoping that Intelligent Systems will use that as a chance to shake things up, keeping what works, dumping what doesn't, and improving on everything else. I'm worried that, after the success of Awakening and Fates, we're going to see the series continuing mimicking past entries no matter how much they have to force it. Multiple versions, shoehorned children, a continued focus on using supports for marriage... I don't even necessarily dislike all those things, but it worries me to think they might keep coming back. That they might focus on making the series sell over making it good, I guess, and that that won't turn out well for anyone involved. I don't know.

I doubt we'll be seeing the My Room feature thingy return. Even ignoring the controversy, it seems like a lot of work (relatively) for something that, I get the impression, was basically a novelty thrown in on a whim.

If nothing else, I imagine that the next Fire Emblem game will be more focused. Fates made me think Fire Emblem is going through a bit of an identity crisis, and by the time we see the next game, that will be resolved and the future of the series will be clear. Or... partly resolved and more clear, anyway.

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Who says it would have to be as extensive as Awakening or Fates? It would just be an extra bonus, not the 'point' of the time skip. Of the 11 children who are related to Blazing Sword characters, only 3 belong to two canon parents (and I'd be opposed to breaking them up). That leaves 8 children (+1 for the Avatar child) compared to the 13 in Awakening and Fates (per version). There are other child characters who don't have confirmed parents too.

You forgot the plus 1 for Lyn's kid as well as the avatar, making 10 kids at least that would be affected. If Elibe was given this treatment tho, I sensing some of the original cast becoming sub characters to be replaced with new children for potential pairings that exist in FE7, but don't have kids attached to them, but you would still get the original units if you leave said characters unpaired in FE 7

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How about something crazy. The recurring appearance of not only Anna but also Jake and the Cipher only characters, Ema, Shade and Yuzu with different classes each game. They are not important to the plot but they're supportable comic relief characters.

Also, the side missions would make better sense to the story if the protagonist has a mercenary group.

Hmm, part 1, tragic ending, time skip, children, part 2

Edited by Jayvee94
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Who says it would have to be as extensive as Awakening or Fates? It would just be an extra bonus, not the 'point' of the time skip. Of the 11 children who are related to Blazing Sword characters, only 3 belong to two canon parents (and I'd be opposed to breaking them up). That leaves 8 children (+1 for the Avatar child) compared to the 13 in Awakening and Fates (per version). There are other child characters who don't have confirmed parents too.

Where are you getting 11 from? There's Roy, Lilina, Sue, Raigh, Lugh and Wolt.

Klein, Clarine, Fir and Igrene have fixed parents. Igrene is also already born during FE7.

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Where are you getting 11 from? There's Roy, Lilina, Sue, Raigh, Lugh and Wolt.

Klein, Clarine, Fir and Igrene have fixed parents. Igrene is also already born during FE7.

I listed Roy, Lilina, Sue, Raigh, Lugh, Wolt, Hugh, Igrene, Klein, Clarine and Fir as being children of Blazing Sword characters.

You and Fire Emblem Fan are correct about some of the characters though. Klein, Clarine, Fir and Hugh belong to fixed parents and Igrene seems to be be born during FE7. It's been a long time since I played FE6.

You forgot the plus 1 for Lyn's kid as well as the avatar, making 10 kids at least that would be affected. If Elibe was given this treatment tho, I sensing some of the original cast becoming sub characters to be replaced with new children for potential pairings that exist in FE7, but don't have kids attached to them, but you would still get the original units if you leave said characters unpaired in FE 7

Honestly, a lot of the cast in FE6 feel bland and underdeveloped. I wouldn't mind some new characters being made as the children of "Gen 1" characters to replace them. Do we really need 54 playable characters?

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Honestly, a lot of the cast in FE6 feel bland and underdeveloped. I wouldn't mind some new characters being made as the children of "Gen 1" characters to replace them. Do we really need 54 playable characters?

No, replacing any of them would be idiotic and one of the worst things they could possibly do. Every character has their fan, and to just take them out and replace them to serve the "Gen 1/2" mechanic would be extremely tacked-on, gimmicky, and more unneeded fanservice. I for one like the big cast of Binding Blade, I like the variety I have among the troops. And among that big cast, there are some real gems in terms of good characters. Noah, for example.

EDIT: Sorry, that came off as a bit hostile. That was not at all the intent.

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No, replacing any of them would be idiotic and one of the worst things they could possibly do. Every character has their fan, and to just take them out and replace them to serve the "Gen 1/2" mechanic would be extremely tacked-on, gimmicky, and more unneeded fanservice. I for one like the big cast of Binding Blade, I like the variety I have among the troops. And among that big cast, there are some real gems in terms of good characters. Noah, for example.

EDIT: Sorry, that came off as a bit hostile. That was not at all the intent.

It's just an idea. I'd prefer a tighter cast that's involved with the story and each other for the best development. You say it would be tacked on and "idiotic and one of the worst things they could do" to include new characters but I'm of the opinion that the timeskip is a good opportunity to include a dual generation system that actually makes sense. Fates is tacked on and I don't want t see another Awakening or Genealogy. This idea could be used for a brand new story but I think it could fit in Elibe with some tweaking.

Change isn't always bad, man. I say this as someone who enjoyed the Elibe games a lot.

Edited by NekoKnight
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It's just an idea. I'd prefer a tighter cast that's involved with the story and each other for the best development. You say it would be tacked on and "idiotic and one of the worst things they could do" to include new characters but I'm of the opinion that the timeskip is a good opportunity to include a dual generation system that actually makes sense. Fates is tacked on and I don't want t see another Awakening or Genealogy. This idea could be used for a brand new story but I think it could fit in Elibe with some tweaking.

Change isn't always bad, man. I say this as someone who enjoyed the Elibe games a lot.

False, I said it'd be idiotic to replace the current characters, which would be dumb and one of the worst things they could do. The child system itself would be tacked on and dumb, yes, because it's a pre-existing story that doesn't need it, there is no benefit for it and it could not work without tacking it on. I'd rather it used for a brand new story, at least then it wouldn't change already-existing things just for the sake of changing them. People didn't like the added addition of an avatar to the pre-existing story of FE3, this is the same kind of case. It just would not work.

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False, I said it'd be idiotic to replace the current characters, which would be dumb and one of the worst things they could do. The child system itself would be tacked on and dumb, yes, because it's a pre-existing story that doesn't need it, there is no benefit for it and it could not work without tacking it on. I'd rather it used for a brand new story, at least then it wouldn't change already-existing things just for the sake of changing them. People didn't like the added addition of an avatar to the pre-existing story of FE3, this is the same kind of case. It just would not work.

Why would it be "tacked on"? It would be new content, but not out of place in the narrative. Tacked on implies they didn't make a real effort to tie it into the setting (like Fates). There are already some children with an unconfirmed parent so adding more would just be an expansion of a preexisting concept. It would be adding a popular feature to a story where it actually makes sense. "It's dumb" and "there are no benefits" is entirely subjective.

If you LIKE the huge cast of FE6, why would you be opposed to new characters being added?

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