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Help! No child after completion of paralouge


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Birthright was my first Fire Elbem game..ever. I was so exicted when Salis and Hanna reached S-rank support. I jumped to the chance to play the paralouge for Salis's daughter. Sophie's horse ran off into a real world village.

However I was woefuly unperpared. The enmies were much stronger than my avater (Dawn). During the fight, both Dawn and Sophie were forced to retreat (I'm playing on casual). When Saizo was able to strick the boss from a space away with a shuriken I won the battle. I was so excited to use Sophie, but she wasn't in my inventory. This was weird. In the only other paralouge I had played Mozu was also forced retreat, but I was still able to recurit her. However my lead had spoken with Mozu, recuirting her. Sophie just ran straight into battle.

So did I lose Sophie? Will she show up after a certain chapter? I'm right before Into The Sea.

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